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  1. L

    Scripting Question Adding upgradable weapons...

    Something from my old experiments about upgrade weapons (maybe someone will find this usefull) I describled it in these tutorials (Polish version, but you can skip descriptions, see code) part1 and part2 How this work: I found unused part of script from obj_dude script which work that you...
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    Polish Click! review

    Anybody have scans from this article?
  3. L

    Lost opportunities for Fallout 3

    Strange, when you kill in most of games, seem like there its nothing wrong with that. Probably because without killing most of games become impossible, so nobody is unable to censore it. Imagine Fallout 4 where everything is censored, and you only walk and talk.
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    Mutants Rising update

    I have also attampt to make railway station, see THIS (these files contain trains, tracks, amd maps where was used) I think in postnuclear scenario trains could be prior transport source (beside animals)
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    Fallout 3 screenshots galore

    I'm here to buy. I have to go now.
  6. L

    International Youth Day Parody Art Roundup

    Toxic gas attack brain?
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    International Youth Day Parody Art Roundup

    Look what you will see inside box warning: its not parody, its real ! :o Do you begin now understand why F3 have primitive gameplay, why you have gun which shoot teddy bears and nuclear catapult? Why its seem to be far from old classic F1 and F2 style, build on Oblivion engine? Yes...
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    Modding ideas/suggestions

    This is crazy, dont play game and say you must fix it. But am sure i will try to modify F3 just for experiments.
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    Alternate ways to get jumpsuit

    sfall look interesting, but maybe i will do it without dig into engine. So i will leave my concept code: you will be tribal trough whole game and vault suit will work as any other armor (just optional add-on) To avoid game crash i will copy tribal critter standing with name of critter holding...
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    Alternate ways to get jumpsuit

    Am stuck in this idea, maybe you will find out Concept: You found body of vault citizen (as villager) and he got armor v13 suit. When you wear this item, then is play vsuit_movie which change your appearance and activate pipboy. So from this time you should turn from villager to vault...
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    Vault 13 Water Flask

    I saw in web shops many replica stuff for fans, from games & movies, why someone dont produce hi quality V13 flasks? personally i would like to have one
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    Neo-Ruins: Lithographs of post-apocalyptic Tokyo

    found here Hisaharu Motoda’s “Neo-Ruins” series of lithographs depict the cityscape of a post-apocalyptic Tokyo, where familiar streets lie deserted, the buildings are crumbling and weeds grow from the broken pavement. (and some more from other sources)
  13. L

    Tribute to Fallout - scene 1

    No i think rus accent was ok, something else hurt my ears, it was melody from space oddysey. First minutes of movie give feeling that author tryed to say "atom bomb was greatest human invention" (its sick)
  14. L

    Eurogamer previews Fallout 3

    Turn based combat have value when you have team, to avoid shoot on back by your friend in fog of war. This could happend often in narrow corridors, anyway such team could stuck when just walk trough ruins labitynth (or for example when you go to street dead end, and want return but team block...
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    Fallout Online mod project update

    Npc Test 27-06-07 4 LOL!
  16. L

    Mutants Rising site is back

    Links updated, BTW interesting stuff !
  17. L

    Black Steel 2 testing area

    Before do anything i need good idea so i spend some time on thinking. Storyline: Strange virus come out from military lab. and quickly spread around globe. Afrer first month 30% life forms died, 60% mutated. You spend that time in small shelter, but now food runs out and you must leave...
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    Atomic Museum

    Interesting site i found Fallout game in "Atomic Toys" (and many stuff which i never seen before)
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    Fallout 3 poster

    Its little confusing, i sugest make just better reflection of ruined city inside gasmask goggles and thats all. BTW probably bad idea to put there such logo..
  20. L

    Fallout fan film

    Some time ago i used freeware prog "VirtualDub" which is able to make effects like black & white or replace colours and connect many small parts into one movie also put soundtrack in background.