Black Steel 2 testing area


Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Its my another attempt to build total conversion. In present days with better experience maybe i will be able. I start from rebuild project site and make some first progress in mod.

Main character in normal person who start in his house/shelter and which survived disaster, he is not supposed to be hero from begining, but may become during adventures.
Hi Lich. Maybe got some news? I know it's far from being Ok as regards the mod, but I'm always glad to get some infos; hey, a good mod is a mod which is alive.
Before do anything i need good idea so i spend some time on thinking.

Strange virus come out from military lab. and quickly spread around globe. Afrer first month 30% life forms died, 60% mutated. You spend that time in small shelter, but now food runs out and you must leave.

I have idea to make universal NPC script which will test chances such person to be alive, to be mutated and hostile or to be survivor as you. Build on randoms so each time game could be different and you dont known what expect.

This could be done also by map script which generate mutants around and scenery of dead bodies. Some mutants could look as normal person. For example you try to talk with someone and in last moment you see his blank white eyes and blood in mouth, he will only say something agressive and attack you.

If game will contain only 10% friendly NPC i will save time on scripting (worst nightmare in big mods) But it also give some dark atmosphere to game, so its good concept.

About maps: already during previously mods i made enough of them, i could also destroy existing game towns to make some ruins (peoples fall into madness so it was something like world war, everyones agains every others, total chaos)

Prior quest is to survive and maybe search laboratory where start disaster, probably to found cure. Many different skills and ways could lead to game ending.