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  1. L

    Fallout 2 mod: Vault Rats

    Thanx for scripts source. I got idea about encounter "kids who play RPG" and floating conversation is best method to do that.
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    Fallout 2 mod: Vault Rats

    I got problems to run that mod, first i placed patch000.dat to Fallout2 directory, but its not work. Secon i unpack that patch and put files into "data" folder which put to F2 dir.. but it crash. Finally i changed proto files into "read only" and run it. Things i like: -floating conversation...
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    NCR Armored Car

    plasma.frm Ofcourse its dont look like classic energy weapon, as small gun could be nice Whole idea of armored car and army stuff its good, but many parts look like some trash thrown to game
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    NCR Armored Car

    This one to the right is much better, because more classic and right angle/size PS. i like plasma guns from Weaponz mod
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    I provided you with a wide span of ideas, I guess. Now I want something in return - the immersion! Thanx for help but this will never work and forget about it, because its bug in game engine. Explode command just dont work when combat is initialised. For example open sierra army map and walk...
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    Unless i dont have any examples, did you seen any script which use such procedure? Only thing i found in Commands.doc Combat: Combat is occurring, and one of the combat sub-actions has occurred. These actions allow the script to react to combat (even though combat attack/etc. choices...
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    Explode command seem to not work during combat. But you must open battle when try to shoot barrel it probably will never work. So i made few alternate experiments on the same idea and i invented BARREL TRAP Here is concept: such barrel explode automaticly when you walk near. You need to...
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    Short tutorial: "How add new scenery" 1. First learn how make protos from Cool Jack tutorials 2. Using Datexplorer extract: data/art/scenery/scenery.lst 3. Put to this folder new graphic and add in end of list this graph name 4. Using mapper scroll right to end scenery and "edit" empty...
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    Ok, updated. Download if someone wish to use such scenery in own mod. Maybe later i will made them more (it olways good to see some more junk in game)
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    I designed it as barricade, wall from junk which townfolks build to protect from mutants. But it could also work as junkyard. Download: Barricade_V1
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    Fallout 2: Shattered Destiny

    I like this idea, mostly by place story back, near F1 and have few questions: -how many locations? -worldmap from F1? -what is prior quest?
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    Testing item

    Instead of start game with different character, its better test game in mapper using such item which modify character stats and skills. Add code to misc item with use option. code: procedure start; procedure use_p_proc; procedure talk_p_proc; procedure book; procedure Node999...
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    New skills based on science

    Probably most players use small guns and lockpicks, which are very usefull. With new updates you can chose different ways to play game. Its possible to find more items using skill. Critter dont have such items whole time: they are generated when you look into his inventory. Script will check...
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    NPC Generator

    In begining i even dont known how made floating messages, and everything was so hard, but during experiences its become much easy. Mostly start from modify existing scripts from game. Ofcourse usual script from game is build from many parts, but most of them you can throw away and concentrate...
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    New skills based on science

    Before i tryed to make new skills from combination of diffetend skills, for example to use geology and "heavy drill" test skills of heavy guns and outdoorsman. Or "robbery" skill could require melee weapons and steal (to use crowbar) But later i found that new skills are just much more detailed...
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    town reputation vs. general reputation (karma)

    For town reputation Its been check in procedure critter_p_proc, see for example Acwarior (warrior from Arroyo) if (REP_ENEMY_ARROYO) then begin attack(dude_obj); Enemy_Arroyo is name for global variable (see files in headers folder) Its ben increased when you do some wrong...
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    New skills based on science

    Rules: Every new skills are based on science because knowledge give new possibilities. Skill test could check amount of two skills science + other skill. This test could be used for chances to learn such skill or use in practice. New karma will inform that you have such skill and how it...
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    Lexx Gives Fall 2007 Release Date

    As i seen on teaser movie this mod look really interesting. But.. As i known life bug fixing will take much longer.
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    Not everyone can wear metal armor

    It must be some limitations by size of items i mean how its possible to carry few armors in backpack? Probably only way to solve such problem is increase they weight. So Power Armor must weight 51% of maximal possible carry weight to hold only one in backpack. The same for minigun with ammo. And...
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    Head Pack V1

    Do every NPC you meet must look like tired soldiers on desert? I could edit backgrounds but faces better dont touch, especially fame actors. -they weight too much MB space -creating them require too much time and skills -they usualy look "plastic" not realistic as pictures