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  1. fred2

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Idiosyncrasies... and (lets be honest) jealousy, so have childish knee-jerk reaction to everything Beth does.. Overall, Jet packs definitely were part of how people saw the the future in the 50\60s. Now, whether it fits well in FO4 its another question. I tend to agree, despite usually...
  2. fred2

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Finally watched the presentation, I have to hand it down to Bethasda they did an amazing work, improving upon FO3 in every aspect. And while it is possible that work kept me out of touch with gaming industry, it certainly seems that some of the features\details shown were way beyond what I know...
  3. fred2


    Some amazing FO4 concept arts from E3
  4. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Its mainly the Airship and the armor of the soldier in the Vertibirds. I can't shake the feeling that its reminiscent of FO:tactics (vid) As for the radio, IMO its a great mechanic. 1. Picking up survivors broadcast, adds to the atmosphere and rewards exploration. 2. It can be used to show your...
  5. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    lol? I think the trailer pretty much confirmed that BOS are in. As for 'Three Dog', I know that some FO3 fanboys LOVE him and obviously their counterparts hate him (school again..) Personally, I think that the radio announcer is a great mechanic and if you don't like it should be easy to...
  6. fred2

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    @WorstUsernameEver. I am not going to wait for the stream, i'll watch it afterwards like "normal" person in my leisure, but thanks for posting, I never keep track of those shows. Indeed, its annoying to comment in news, because it usually tends to go off the rails every few posts with endless...
  7. fred2

    Thread idea: explain something Fallout 3 didn't (fanon)

    I agree. Early on the East coast, we helped with Super Mutant threat, there were multiple surviving relics of the past (Vault 15, Vault 8, New Reno, San Francisco) which at the ery least provided good tech base and stability to the region (demand for trade\miners etc) and eventually directly led...
  8. fred2

    Thread idea: explain something Fallout 3 didn't (fanon)

    So who can provide a plausible explanation for the state of the DC area in FO3, which is set 200 years after the war? I understand the reason for it - Beth wanted an fresh start for the reboott, setting the events on the west coast after the ending of FO2, offers little chance of lore conflict...
  9. fred2

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    At the time of Bethasda purchase of the fallout IP, many studios went down, the rest tried to be conservative and no one touched cRPG with a stick. Interplay sold the IP to Bethasda, who was best known for role-playing open world fantasy in FPP. Do you really need an intelligence check here: 1...
  10. fred2

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    Chris Avellone just tweeted. Apparently he decided to join Bethesda, to work on some new FO4, aliens DLC .. thoughts?
  11. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    I wasted 4 min waiting for him to drop the silly voice\act, but no punchline came ... So was it real, or a parody??
  12. fred2

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    What if we apply the same test to FO2 and FO:Tactics.. Actually, I don't care, you can call that shift whatever you want, all that maters to me is that FO:NV provided me with a squeal to the events I partake in a long ago and I enjoyed it. Also the topic of shifts originated with the...
  13. fred2

    Whats worse- Fallout 1 and 2 elitists or Fallout 3 fanboy kids?

    That wasn't the analog, only away to highlight the ridiculousness of the statement without context.(read the spoiler) In our case, most people who played FO1&FO2 in their youth are obviously older then the gamer for whom FO3 was an introduction to the series. Also I changed my mind I prefer...
  14. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Words.. We like 'em. We make them.. You can say 'Post-postapocalyptic' or a host of other descriptors to better distinguish the PostApocalyptic setting in each FO. However, @Gnarles Bronson correctly characterized the common use of the concepts provided...
  15. fred2

    Destructoid wonders why Bethesda hasn't announced Fallout 4 yet

    I suppose that there might be some FO3 fans citing bugs some pages ago, but I came to realize that you usually post like Nelson and with everyone/everything being stupid/incompetent/kids..
  16. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    In that case i'll have to disagree. While VATS is an obvious compromise and isn't perfect by a long shot, IMO FO3 and FO:NV were the better for it, if only for the ability to pause the action. I think VATS should be improved\expanded, not replaced with twitch mechanics which will set the...
  17. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    I don't get, is just one more of those negative for the sake of being negative comments, or do actually want VATS removed. Because the obvious alternative will be shooter mechanics...
  18. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    What is their point? Also don't you want that FO4 retain\improve VATS ?