Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links


But best title ever!
Considering Bethesda's E3 showcase will very likely include a Fallout 4 demo, it's worth pointing out where and when it will be possible to watch it, and thankfully, Bethesda has provided an exhaustive blog post on the subject.

Should you happen to be in Hollywood you might be happy to learn that some stand-by tickets are still available for purchase:
The stand-by tickets line will open at 1:00pm PT on June 14th outside of the Dolby Theatre along Hollywood Boulevard. Any reserved tickets not claimed by 6:15 pm PT will be released to stand-by fans.​

As for the rest of us, the stream will start at 7 PM PT (with a 15 minute pre-show with Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb from 6:45 PM PT) and will be streamed on, YouTube, GameSpot and IGN.
@WorstUsernameEver. I am not going to wait for the stream, i'll watch it afterwards like "normal" person in my leisure, but thanks for posting, I never keep track of those shows.

Can we get a proper Fo4 board?
Indeed, its annoying to comment in news, because it usually tends to go off the rails every few posts with endless tantrums about anything but the topic (mostly by alts)
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Ugh. Fallout cosplay. These guys are all clearly Fallout 3 fans. Though there is one Desert Ranger there.
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There should be an NMA person among them, saying things an NMA person would say.

EDIT: Twitch stream quality is shit.
Yes, Adam and Morgan, you are correct, you know nothing. >_>

Adam Sessler just said that Dogmet from Fallout 3 was the original videogame dog. What an idiot. :|
"... all the references for the fans of the originals."

"Yea, like there's Nuka Cola."
