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  1. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    For those who pay attention deserts are indeed surprisingly teeming with life. I served in a desert/arid region and used to hike/camp and go on jeep-trips in such a setting all the time, so I love the landscape. I also think that desolate-desert is a very difficult setting to pull off in open...
  2. fred2

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    I would be completely happy with any old school RPG, it is FARGO insulting sales pitches that I can do without... WL2 wasn't that good (and i hate kickstarters. I backed to start them off, not to become a life time investor, show me the product i'll show you the money, no pre-oreders)...
  3. fred2

    Destructoid wonders why Bethesda hasn't announced Fallout 4 yet

    I am not sure what you are getting at... FO3 was released in 2008 for win xp, a year before WIN7 was lunched and iirc its last DLC shipped also before WIN7 lunch.. meanwhile FO:NV was released in 2010 - So you might want to rethink this logic fail.. @Crni Vuk, The critical mass of people play...
  4. fred2

    World Building, A Land Down Under

    A post apoc game set in the australian outback... Beside obvious references to Mad Max, I am not familiar with anything from FO setting that can help you, sorry.
  5. fred2

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    Exactly because he has been working on a lot of projects. He has been in the industry for a long time, the kick starter brought back the olden' glory and sometimes people like to leave while they are ahead... maybe he was planing on a carrier in writing e.g. primarily making novellas. To me it...
  6. fred2

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    That why I speculated that he is retiring, but most seem to think he is going to InXile... Also Personally, I don't like InXile or maybe its just Fargo, I think he is riding the whole old' school meal ticket way too much, with his mouth writing checks his ass can't cash a.k.a W2.
  7. fred2

    Hearts of Iron IV

    Hearts of Iron IV (by Paradox) is a grand strategy game where you take control of any country and lead it through the WW2 period. You manage everything from global strategy (e.g. diplomacy, production, research) to tactical battles on a division scale. Beware that this isn't total war, while...
  8. fred2

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    Van Buren, not Fallout Van Buren. Since they can't used any Fallout stuff, its an empty name only useful for marketing purposes to attract more attention from old school guys.. Anyway, Avellon has been working with obsidian\inxile for a while. At Inxile he worked on W2, is currently working on...
  9. fred2

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    Wouldn't it be a demotion ?
  10. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    I agree with your sentiment. I take the same approach to games, the highlighted part is of the main reason I couldn't get invested\immersed in FO3 and I found FO:NV quest structure (and more familiar setting) far more enjoyable. <br /><br />However, open world games aren't intended to, nor...
  11. fred2

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    Interesting, he has made a name for himself in the industry, and was tied to many games I liked. I am surprised he is leaving Obsidian.. sure he can probably write his own ticket to any company in the industry, but from my (uninformed) POV I have hard time seeing it, any chance he retiring...
  12. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Again realism ad nauseam... either you guys aren't bright or intentionally obtuse to reality of open-world games because its FO3 :ugly:
  13. fred2

    Thread idea: explain something Fallout 3 didn't (fanon)

    iirc, the existence of caps in FO:NV was just as puzzling, and was rationalized by JS offscreen. Better community feedback especially on topics like lore is one of the the habits I wish Beth would invest in. Anyway, I suppose that whatever the reason that kept DC in its desolate state of...
  14. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    The irony, I recall the time when FO2, New Reno, location with its "shiny casinos" was deemed "not what fallout is" (compared with FO1 crumbling and decaying ruins..)
  15. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Don't be, it doesn't have to be a fully voiced protagonist. Planetscape torment the, or one of, the most critically acclaimed RPGs had a voiced protagonist with "little freedom". So there is middle ground between "modern" RPGs (AAA fully voiced examples that give the people here a violent knee...
  16. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Either you are new, or have an extremely selective memory... When FO2 first came out, it received only lukewarm reviews, and FO fans battled each other over whose FO was more fallout-y, criticizing everything from changes to setting\gameplay\humor .. to bugs. It is only after Bethesada...
  17. fred2

    Inxile talks about Van Buren

    hmm inxile use our sentiments toward VanBuren to gauge the temperature for some new unrelated product.. Now days everyone throw names of classics into the air in hope to open our pockets.. I have zero intention to put any more money into kickstarters, now that they know there is a market here...
  18. fred2

    Which operating system do you use?

    I am not sure what the plan for Windows 10. But Win7 was also free-ish, at least its beta version was. I know a person who said that instead of upgrading\buying, he kept using it for years after for his casual use laptop and the updates kept coming. Interesting what it means for us?
  19. fred2

    Things that Fallout 3 did right!

    I agree, the introduction was spot on for the reboot, I liked the sense of life inside the vault and it provide a nice contrast to the outside world that we embarked upon. With that said, IMO they failed to account for how most non-causal players hate redoing intros, IMO FO:NV shorter and...
  20. fred2

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Isn't Fo2 failed on most of those accounts when compared with Fo1? ( e.g. writing, tribals, most random encounters, New-Reno, talking deathclaws etc..) Nevertheless, over the years FO2 has been the game that provided the far more enjoyable experience... So i suppose I am FO2 Fanboy ...