Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

Hello all, I'm new here, though I have lurked on these boards from time to time over the years. So I decided to hop on and share my reaction to the trailer. I'm lukewarm about it. I don't hate it, but I'll be damned if I'll start drooling over it. I'm among those that really wished Obsidian were the ones taking a crack at it. The share amount of time I've replayed New Vegas is sickening. So many ways to play, so many paths to choose, and solid writing and choices. That's something that I did not really see in Fallout 3. I've even restarted Fallout 3 again, and there are some things I do like about it, such as the exploration. And yet, it's a very shallow kind of exploration. I had the same issue with Skyrim: Fun at first, but then dull and aimless. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy some of the encounters or quests, but they're rare and far in between. And that's why I'm lukewarm on the trailer. I bet at the very least Fallout 4 will be a blast for a single playthrough, as I explore and see everything, and then odds are I'll tire of it. With all that said, I'll wait to see what E3 brings, and see if the game is shallow or has some real depth to it.
better writing
good plot
meaningful choices
no dumb shit
world that makes sense
not breaking lore too much
better combat

This list alone would make Beth commit suicide and then explode. "Better writing"? Can they even compute that?
what WOULD you fans of the first two who don't like Bethesda want to see in it?
better writing
good plot
meaningful choices
no dumb shit
world that makes sense
not breaking lore too much
better combat
I hate to keep pestering but could you explain these points? As for writing, I'll agree the Fallout 3 was rather "this way or the other", where as New Vegas had no "right" choice. The plot was the same way. I did think that there were more meaningful choices in Fallout 3 than New Vegas however. By dumb shit I suppose you probably mean mothership Zeta. I'd like to know how the capitol wasteland didn't make sense? Finally, so long as what they write doesn't go against what has been written, shouldn't it be adding to the lore, or am I wrong? I'm just curious is all.
Forgive me, I am new to NMA but I just completed Fallout, and am going to play Fallout 2. I mastered Fallout 3 and New Vegas. After looking up some thing regarding the first game I was referred to this site and was surprised to see such criticisms for Bethesda's game. Now with fallout 4 I must ask, what WOULD you fans of the first two who don't like Bethesda want to see in it? I personally really enjoyed all of the games so far and look forward to playing 2.
For me it's building up on the previous lore, building new lore of its own without messing up previous lore (Brotherhood of Fallout 3 pain , interesting characters, variety of voice actors (hearing every old ma with the same voice is terrible), sensibility (as in, no accents when they don't make sense in context, cities that feel alive - - where do the people of Megaton get their food? Why do they live around a bomb?, no 200 year old food still edible), a nice story, and a better sense of progression (used to be you couldn't tangle with Super Mutants or Enclave without Power Armor, in 3 they became the enemy standard.)

I don't mind the East Coast, I can hand wave the issue of DC not progressing strongly due to the Super Mutants and raiders pillaging the communities, but some of these problems dive deeper than that.
Tomastotle When you bring up 'meaningful choices', what fall under that category for you as I honestly did not encounter any I found of significance when I replayed the game yesterday.

In Fallout New Vegas choices could affect the end battle or the future of factions, organizations, and individuals. I never had that feeling in FO3.
I hate to keep pestering but could you explain these points? As for writing, I'll agree the Fallout 3 was rather "this way or the other", where as New Vegas had no "right" choice. The plot was the same way. I did think that there were more meaningful choices in Fallout 3 than New Vegas however. By dumb shit I suppose you probably mean mothership Zeta. I'd like to know how the capitol wasteland didn't make sense? Finally, so long as what they write doesn't go against what has been written, shouldn't it be adding to the lore, or am I wrong? I'm just curious is all.

This site has talked about why it doesn't like Fallout 3 enough, there are plenty of threads here that answer your questions.
I hate to keep pestering but could you explain these points?
Better writing - this is an obvious one, there were screenshots of conversation with Eden some pages ago - prime example. If they really won an award for this, I have no words.

Good plot - now, I'm not saying that Fallout 1's plot was a ground-breaking masterpiece, but it was good for what it was. Failout 3's plot was just... sloppy, no better term comes to my mind. Too much of everything, it's not bad itself, but how it was presented. I hate how they tried to throw there everything from the previous games (find GECK, stop the Enclave, help BoS, fight the mutants) instead of creating something on their own, just referencing to these things, like Fallout 2 did to Fallout 1 and how (partially) Fallout Tactics did (although don't question me about this one, I haven't played it for years).

Meaningful choices - Fallout is an RPG game and in order to play a role, you should have some impact on the created world and your decisions should have consequences. In Failout 3 the game makes sure that the player can't lose. You blew up a whole town or defuse the bomb, thus saving it - there is absolutely no difference, except that there is one shopkeeper to sell your stuff to less in the game. You kill Harold or help his followers - the only difference is the color of the armor you get in reward. You shot your daddy in the face with a rocket launcher? Don't worry, he will stand up intact in thirty seconds. He won't even scold you. You went on a killing spree in a town, but there are still quests to do? Don't worry, come back in five minutes and people will forgive you and everything will be okay. The game treats you like a kindergarten child - you can drive a bike, but only in the backyard. You can't screw up anything. You don't have to think. There are no bad decisions. You always win.

No dumb shit - there was a discussion about this some pages ago. Fallout wasn't all serious, it was really juvenile sometimes, but it was not a buffoon. In Failout 3 there is a town harassed by a woman dressed up like a giant ant who controlls insects and a guy dressed up like a robot who has an army of robots. There is Harold, who turned into a giant tree (apparently, he took a nap for 6 years) and now he's making forest around him. There is a town built around an atomic bomb, which has its church and followers, who praise it as a god (oh, and it's built with scrap brought from some other place). There is a town of children, where everyone has to leave as soon as they turn sixteen. And don't get me started on the DLCs (Mothership Zeta... Really?)

World that makes sense - Towns are created basing on the cool factor. An actual, logical town that is possible to prosper? That ain't no cool! A town built around an atomic bomb? A town built on an aircraft carrier? That's cool! These are the biggest towns around and they have approximately 10 inhabitants? There are towns that have 4 inhabitants? There are no crops or farm animals anywhere? There is a market near Megaton (a prospering town) that still has edible food in it after 200 years? Capitol is mostly intact after a nuclear war? There are robots wandering around the wasteland for decades without any maintanance, but a plasma rifle breaks after twenty shots? There is BoS and Enclave in DC after Fallout 2? There are raiders decorating their hidings with corpses (in a world without hygiene)? The Overseer let someone in the vault? Pipelines work perfectly fine after 200 years of no maintanance and the water is good to drink? That doesn't matter, because everything is cool!
Of course, we could go on and on and on about this.

Not breaking lore too much - Well, that's obvious.

Better combat - The combat in vanilla game sucks so hard I can't believe there are people who like it. And even with tons of mods it's not perfect, because the game engine is an ass.
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I am excited for more Fallout. I am saddened that Obsidian is not controlling the story and dialogue, and that it is still real-time combat (I know there is little chance that part changes). But I far prefer combat in Wasteland 2 to Fallout 3+. I only use VATS to attack to at least pretend like I am fighting turn-based. :crazy:
Quaid, don't fool yourself. To escape the cataclysm of Fallout 4, you definitely need to
get your ass to mars.
better writing
good plot
meaningful choices
no dumb shit
world that makes sense
not breaking lore too much
better combat
Isn't Fo2 failed on most of those accounts when compared with Fo1? ( e.g. writing, tribals, most random encounters, New-Reno, talking deathclaws etc..)

Nevertheless, over the years FO2 has been the game that provided the far more enjoyable experience... So i suppose I am FO2 Fanboy ...
What's wrong with tribals and New Reno?
Talking deathclaws were the result of the Enclave's experiment, they tried to make them more intelligent (but not too intelligent) and they succeeded.
Writing wasn't bad in F2, it was just trying to be humorous too hard sometimes.
Those random encounters were mostly easter eggs that appeared only if you have 10 luck, but I said how I feel about F2 wacky stuff few pages ago.
What's wrong with tribals and New Reno?
Vault dwellers who were most likely well educated, had access to technology, and had the friendship of Shady Sands through the Vault Dweller decided to camp somewhere and regressed into naked savages in just a few generations. There's plenty wrong with that.

Talking deathclaws were the result of the Enclave's experiment, they tried to make them more intelligent (but not too intelligent) and they succeeded.
Talking deathclaws are extremely retarded. The explanation for their existence is kind of dodgy, but what makes them truly horrible is that they did the noble savage thing with them. It's the cliche "see, if you give beasts intelligence, they're accepting and nice, humans suck waah" and it's been done too many times.
Talking deathclaws are extremely retarded.
Are they that retarded? I don't think so. I agree, it's kinda cliche, but nowhere as stupid and inconsistent as the ant lady. A better example would be a talking plant and scorpion, who play chess. Yup, that's dumb. Although they're still explainable, since sort of a mad scientist made them in experiments. In order to be able to talk, they would have to have human-like speech organs and that would look nightmarish, but not inconsistent with the universe. But still, I'm not defending that - it was a bad idea.

e: I didn't mean the intelligent plant and scorpion themselves, just how they are humorously presented in the game

Vault dwellers who were most likely well educated, had access to technology, and had the friendship of Shady Sands through the Vault Dweller decided to camp somewhere and regressed into naked savages in just a few generations. There's plenty wrong with that.
I thought we're talking about tribals in general, not Arroyo specifically.

As for Arroyo, it's not that illogical. Vault dwellers probably were well-educated, but not in terms of surviving outside the vault - why would they? The vault was supposed to be sealed for the next 80 years. Also, I doubt they had access to technology. It were just few people, not the entire vault, I doubt they would let them have all the fancy stuff with them and we know very little about everyday life in the vault, but I don't think an average Joe would have any technology that would come in handy in the wastes (we know they couldn't have guns, these were only for the authorized people). Maybe some stimpacks and things like that, but hey, they're not infinite. And let's not forget, there were also other wastelanders, not just vault dwellers.
The reason why they didn't go to Shady Sands might be that this village was not too welcoming and it was just too small and poor. The Vault Dweller had has already gotten rid of the Khans and scorpions, but at this point Shady Sands was still just a humble village. Plus, maybe they just wanted to have a place to call their own after leaving the vault.
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Talking deathclaws are extremely retarded. The explanation for their existence is kind of dodgy, but what makes them truly horrible is that they did the noble savage thing with them. It's the cliche "see, if you give beasts intelligence, they're accepting and nice, humans suck waah" and it's been done too many times.

The group of talking deathclaws you're referencing were exposed to the FEV in an attempt to make them controllable Bio weapons for the enclave.

How is that "kind of dodgy"? You readily accept the existence of Super Mutants being a normal human + FEV = the Hulk, but you have trouble believing that these huge creatures could be exposed to the same virus and develop the ability to speak? Or let alone that pre-war, it's very likely some proto form of the FEV was used to create Deathclaws along side genetic engineering. It's also my understanding, based on the conversations you have with the ones in vault 13 that a grand total of TWO (Gruthar, Goris) of them are "noble savages", and the rest simply falling in line with the Alpha. Even Xarn wants to destroy all he humans on the base if you choose a revenge route after releasing him. That's noble?

But that's all a tangent, the Death claws always had the ability mimic sound, like a parrot. The FEV treatment brought their intelligence up enough where they could understand speech, exhibited by Goris being the only super intelligent one and the rest having varying degrees of caveman speech. If you read between the lines, the Deathclaws didnt have full, human sounding voices. They sounded shrill, throaty and hollow.

Nothing about that is "kinda dodgy". Its pretty textbook sci fi writing, and given the rest of the established Fallout universe at that point - is not tonally inconsistent.
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So if ant lady and robot guy had an explanation they'd be more acceptable?

I don't re remember if they did, I kinda skipped them on my latest playthrough