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  1. Lukus

    $700 Billion bailout first denied, later approved

    Hehe, that's what I thought.. At least a couple of years ago, I think Sweden had the highest taxes in the world. Now I dunno if we've been passed, but they're still fucking high.
  2. Lukus

    Musicians out there ?

    w00t! Hehe, yer, 'tis what it means. Removed the link tho, remembered why I didn't want to post it. :P
  3. Lukus

    Musicians out there ?

    Hey, MrMumble, that's pretty damn cool. It would be really awesome to hear it once completed. I'm a composer. I play some piano for theoretic purpouses, played some guitar and bass when I was a kid but sucked, so I mostly just write music. Studied classical composition for two years at teh...
  4. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Carib-6/10. I removed my Mario cap and replaced it with a Crown, to symbolize my ultimate victory in the Battle of the Orderites.
  5. Lukus

    You know you're bored.

    I used to trick both my youngest siblings when they were around 3-4 to go around and chant "Luke is the Best! No protest!" (with my real name). There is video proof of this somewhere in the family archives.
  6. Lukus

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Can we still talk about Ron Perlman? Here's some moving imagery:
  7. Lukus

    God bless France

    Ehehe, interesting thought, Zaron. This raises the philosophical question if a furry can be a furry if it's a furry based on an animal without fur.
  8. Lukus

    God bless France

    Dear Honorary Furrtario - isn't phallic imagery and sexual undertones what teh furry is all about?
  9. Lukus

    So, can someone tell me the story between Fallout:BOS &

    As far as I'm concerned, there is no FO:POS. It never existed. *triggers memory extermination on self to forget this post as well*
  10. Lukus

    Relationship Hilarity by none other than The Vault Dweller!

    To the Orderite picture thread! I agree with Yams.. I didn't really know what to expect, but you look.. like a normal person. That's odd for an Orderite. Good job on the story!
  11. Lukus

    What is your 'American Dream'?

    I always figured that the American Dream is to get rich without doing hard labor.
  12. Lukus

    The Official Nuclear Smiley!

    I like these ones the best )=3 |=3 I mean, what's up with the first one? And why did you post them in code?
  13. Lukus

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    I bought my account on ebay from some guy who needed quick cash for liquor.
  14. Lukus

    The most retarded things you've ever done

    Link or it didn't happen! I got engaged at 16. :roll:
  15. Lukus

    The Three Questions from "Holy Grail"

    Hehe, awesome - I loved that game! 1. Phrase your response in the form of a question. 2. If cigarettes cause cancer, what causes Capricorn? 3. What exactly is a 'Mojo'?
  16. Lukus

    Relationship Hilarity by none other than The Vault Dweller!

    Oy, I missed TVDs post on the previous page... (Those last posts on the page never get enough attention... Petition to change the page size to 19 to avoid this!!) I don't know what to say, though. In jest or not, it still changed my whole perspective on you. Like when you owned the shit out...
  17. Lukus

    Relationship Hilarity by none other than The Vault Dweller!

    1) Ugly British women 2) Ugly British men I was going to elaborate, but I don't rightly know how. Perhaps the average British person isn't all too bad, but you sure do have some exceptionally ugly people spawning on your soil that proceeds to move out into the world. It's like, if all...
  18. Lukus

    Relationship Hilarity by none other than The Vault Dweller!

    Eheheheh... As have I! Seriously. It fascinates me beyond my own perception. (from afar!)
  19. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Grin - is this you? (It's a banner atop the NMA index right now advertising Brothers in Arms: Hells Gateway - couldn't just re-link it since it's a flash or sth, so I took a screenshot.)