Search results

  1. Lukus

    Nuclear WAR - like... right now?

    Some duder in this neighbourhood has a fallout shelter. I think building it had to do with him wanting to build something else, like a carport or a pool or something like that, and in order to get permission for the thing he really wanted to build, he had found a loophole that made it legal if...
  2. Lukus

    Put down the family dog.

    Did I ever tell you guys about when me and a couple of friends chipped in to purchase two Japanese fighting fish? I don't remember what they were called exactly, but we had heard that if two males were in the same tank, they'd inevitably start fighting to the death. When we purchased them, they...
  3. Lukus

    Put down the family dog.

    So if I kill someone in Sweden it's ok because you're not here to see it? The fundamental principles of proper conduct; the very distinction between right and wrong, seems to count for naught to you. I am appalled and disgusted by this lack and utter disregard of ethics and moral, and everything...
  4. Lukus

    Put down the family dog.

    Who, me? No, siree. Also, I was just reminded of how my smallest kid brother, currently aged 6, drowned his big sisters guinea pig about a year ago. It was awesome. He suddenly got the idea that he would treat the mutated little rat to a bath; picked it up, and started shoving it around in...
  5. Lukus

    Put down the family dog.

    This reminds me of when the family rabbit died, and the autopsy (I think my father suspected that I had killed it, so he got an autopsy on the little critter for like 200€) showed that it died of a stress-related intestine infection. It was probably induced by me kicking it around when people...
  6. Lukus

    My Brotherhood Snusbox:

    Snus rules! As I've mentioned in the Order, my elder brother also got one. But, if you don't like snus, you might prefer the object my kid brother got from his girlfriend, ordered from and crafted by the same duder who made the snus boxes. My kid bro got a pocket flask, for holding booze...
  7. Lukus

    Fallout Haiku

    The mortal vessel of flesh and stupidity; New Reno-Sally. Next up: The story about your favourite dialogue option.
  8. Lukus

    My Brotherhood Snusbox:

    Crosspost from the Order: I present to you, the Brotherhood Snusbox - an artifact of the modern world, forged in the finest steel by a Dwarven smith in the darkest Northlands of Sweden. Or at least it was by someone who's seen pictures of dwarfs and lives a couple of miles north of my city...
  9. Lukus


    Yes, quite terrible indeed. You owe me five minutes.
  10. Lukus

    Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

    December 5th - turning 22! What kind of an age is 22 anyway? As a Norwegian MILF once told me, I have a very old soul... I've never really related to my own age group, save for to a few close friends who to me have a perfect balance between seriousness and immaturity that in my opinion makes...
  11. Lukus

    Hollywood claimes it's latest rape victim

    To me, this looks kind of like 'snakes on a plane', only serious, and with worse acting. Freeman with his classic 'narrating elderly wise black guy' role, and Joulie with her classic 'stupid bitch that tries to be cool' gimmick. In the plot we have the classic 'guy who sucks and has no reason to...
  12. Lukus

    battle of the FLILF

    I like having women with many and strong opinions (whatever they are, preferrably stuff I don't agree with) to just shut up and suck my cock. Women to live with, or talk to, is another thing. Stop, lying stapes. You keep claiming you wouldn't hit chicks, though you'd even hit the pig-blonde xu...
  13. Lukus

    battle of the FLILF

    I wouldn't say no to boning Filippa Reinfeldt; the wife of the Swedish Prime Minister. A google search wouldn't give any good images of her, but from TV interviews, I've determined that I would definitely let her suck my cock (and not only for the story). She's not "hot" per sé, but she has a...
  14. Lukus

    Personality Disorder Test

    There's no way I'm only 22% Narcissistic. <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#222222"> <div align="center"> Personality Disorder Test Results <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" bgcolor="#000000"> <tr> <td>Paranoid</td> <td...
  15. Lukus

    What are your favourite fictional characters?

    Ash (pokémon gold) Jar Jar Binks (star wars) dog (beethoven movies)
  16. Lukus

    Is this real?

    I'd really prefer it if we could all just have the decency to refer to this movie as 'african american sheep', m'kay? It looks awesome, though.
  17. Lukus


    Perhaps especially so the (Neither can I, but that's just because I don't want to. Carry on.)
  18. Lukus

    What shoes do you wear?

    I only ever walk in black, thin socks, black suit pants and a blazer. What I vary is what blazer I have, and if I beneath that have a shirt, a tennis shirt or a t-shirt.
  19. Lukus

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Did you rape those two, and what is your total?
  20. Lukus

    Summer’s end 07

    You've got that right; you should look up to us. We lead quite interesting lives, us guys who constantly lurk and post here at NMA. We have girlfriends, host and attend to grand parties, and occasionally have to reject invitations to the Playboy Mansion due to the magnitude of the awesomeness of...