Hollywood claimes it's latest rape victim


First time out of the vault
Wanted is the latest Superhero movie to be adapted on the silver screen, only without the Superheroes(villains).

If you haven't seen the comic, it's about a looser Eminem lookalike who after finding out that his dad has just died and was an evil supervillain, is taken into a supervillain organization who rule the world in secret. There they reveal his latent superhero/villain powers. Hilarity ensues

The movie (as far as I know) Is about a gay satyr lookalike who after finding out that his old man has just died and was a secret assassin, is taken into a secret assassin organization. There they reveal his latent assassin powers. Hilarity ensues
Wow, Angeline Jolie must be really bored lately, with all the shitty roles she plays. Nice disinterested acting. I think Freeman is disinterested too, but I can't really tell because he's such a terrible actor that he's always the same.

The comic sounds like it's shit, so why should anyone care?
dont diss a comic on account of a 2 line description BN... you should know damn well that that's simply stupid behavior.

describe the HHGTTG in 2 lines & see what you get? right, the same sillyness that led you to think it was crap.
SuAside said:
dont diss a comic on account of a 2 line description BN...

Any two lines description can contain enough info to sell the item's strong points, it's ridiculous to claim it can't. So don't blame me, blame Chertan for making it sound like crap.
Brother None said:
Wow, Angeline Jolie must be really bored lately, with all the shitty roles she plays.

Yeah, as all Hollywood actor and actresses.

Morgan Freeman+Evan Almighty=Fail

Arnold+passing the "action torch" to Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson= Epic fail (Though The Rundown was good but The Rock is not carrying the action torch very well "Walking Tall" is a good example plus whoring himself to Disney as of late, already, a little too soon for an action star.)

I could go on forever.
Like the Rock. He is no Al Pacino but still a good actor IMHO. Walking Tall sucked but he made it suck a lot less. In Be Cool he was probably the only one actually trying and was actually funny.

Rundown is probably the only decent movie he has done so far but the problem is mostly the roles, not his acting. While I was watching the beginning of Rundown, where he gets pissed and kicks a bunch of ass, I was thinking finally a suitable role for him.

There just hasn't even been a good Rambo type movie about a beast of man tearing shit up in awhile (300 isn't a good movie). I guess it's not "in" anymore, nowadays the main character needs to be pretty and little bit of a bitch. That's why big dudes like Vin Diesel and the Rock are sucking, doing some silly nanny movies. Maybe not, but that's what I think.
maximaz said:
That's why big dudes like Vin Diesel and the Rock are sucking, doing some silly nanny movies. Maybe not, but that's what I think.
I think Vin Diesel and the Rock are sucking because they suck as action stars, myself. They just don't bring much to their roles. And they take crappy-ass roles.
To me, this looks kind of like 'snakes on a plane', only serious, and with worse acting. Freeman with his classic 'narrating elderly wise black guy' role, and Joulie with her classic 'stupid bitch that tries to be cool' gimmick. In the plot we have the classic 'guy who sucks and has no reason to get involved in the plot at all but becomes great anyway despite all odds to honor his legacy', which is just lame. LAME I SAY!

And to think that the big names in that picture are rich. They're just idiots who happened to be at the right place at the right time for getting an opporrunity to screw the masses and get rich doing it. So cudos to them, I wish I could make millions each time I took a crap.
I_eat_supermutants said:
Brother None said:
Wow, Angeline Jolie must be really bored lately, with all the shitty roles she plays.

Yeah, as all Hollywood actor and actresses.

Morgan Freeman+Evan Almighty=Fail

Arnold+passing the "action torch" to Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson= Epic fail (Though The Rundown was good but The Rock is not carrying the action torch very well "Walking Tall" is a good example plus whoring himself to Disney as of late, already, a little too soon for an action star.)

I could go on forever.

Eh, what about his latest movie that just came out yesterday? The Johnny Darko'esque movie?

I think the guy has allot of charisma on and off the camera, endears him to me a bit. I enjoyed his films... DOOM, holly shit the last 30 minutes of that I could not stop laughing... "I took care of that problem." = Gold.

honestly, I really don't expect a deep Oscar winning film thats based off a comic book. That said, I don't think this film to be all that bad.
generalissimofurioso said:
I shudder to think how The Watchmen will turn out...

On one hand, I will be angry if it sucks.

But on the other, if it does well... Sequel :(
They are going to make movie out of The Watchmen?
Is nothing holy?
It was called "The Incredibles," and it was actually quite enjoyable.

Oh, wait...
Dudes, like this is new.
You have a commercial film industry that has become so expensive and reluctant to take risks that its stuck making films that are sequels or super-hero flicks or compromised action flick. And you wonder why these suck?