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  1. Lukus

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Fiddler on the Roof OST - If I were a rich man. This is one of the most brilliant songs of all time, it gets me in tears.
  2. Lukus

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Slamák; is that a female to the left in the first picture? And are you like, the most popular guy in your group of friends or how come you got to be in the hippos mouth? (Or are you in a communist group of friends in which everyone got to get one picture with them in the mouth?) You should...
  3. Lukus

    What's Your Favorite Drink?

    I bring news to you unfortunate people of the world who are not currently in Sweden or the UK. A special ale, by the name Innis & Gunn Island Cask, that has been matured in casks from Islay previously used to mature whisky, was released in Sweden a couple of days back. This is more than just an...
  4. Lukus

    Summer’s end 07

    The fact that you weren't reminded of your 'Relationship Hilarity' thread for all summer reminds me of your 'Relationship Hilarity' thread.
  5. Lukus

    Pavarotti dies

    Pavarotti was a great singer, yes, but the only reason why anyone (save for perhaps his own family) would feel the need to remember him in reverence is the fact that he was also a great promotor for the trademark that he managed to become. He was, if you ask me, more of a trademark than he was a...
  6. Lukus

    What shoes do you wear?

    I own the streets of Uppsala.
  7. Lukus

    What is your favorite perk/trait?

    There is only one true combo of two traits and two perks (even though the number of perks isn't limited to two, durr, but if you would only get to pick two), at least when it comes to getting a powerful char in terms of having a char that will most easily play through the game. Roleplaying and...
  8. Lukus

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    I'd hit the lot.
  9. Lukus

    Fallout Haiku

    What the fuck is BOMB? I don't know, and shall die twice. I'm sure it's stupid. Next: A fleeting, erotic memory of Harolds.
  10. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    4/10 - small, animat3d, weird, etc. I quite like Rynos av; 8/10. Nice style, and straight to the point. Neamos: 5/10. I_eat_supermutants - 4/10 - emo. farlard - 4/10. Looks like a forced custom/idiot av (as it should be).
  11. Lukus

    Legend Of Zelda Rap

    I wonder if Japanese people look back to 'the days' and think their pop culture back then was embarrassing. Maphusio, that was awesome - give it up for the Horadrim! As a reward, I hereby grant everyone in this thread the magic ability to embed youtube videos, using code [youtube] and...
  12. Lukus

    Evolution Disproved by Peanut Butter!

    But what do you do - generally, not just concerning this issue - if you're supporting a point that's idiotic altogether? :P
  13. Lukus

    Summer’s end 07

    Drilled a friends sister, cooked in the woods for retards fell madly in love.(*) (*not referring to the retards)
  14. Lukus

    Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

    :crazy: Birthday Zaron Happy! :crazy:
  15. Lukus

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    My humble judgements: 1. Curious about his sexuality 2. Hippie (like Ozrat, but without the rat parts) 3. Dangerous emo guy that keeps going alone to the local pub and justs sit there at one of the tables, and will probably bring a machine gun one day to slaughter everyone who never spoke...
  16. Lukus

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Yes! KQX, you're one of the rat people! There was one of the rat people working at Delvita - my local supermarket in Budějovická, Prague. She was a total rat lady, I really regret never taking her pic. Each time I went shopping, I scouted for her. There was something about that 40 year old...
  17. Lukus

    Brahmin Begins

    Bah! It's cool, I say. It's only a matter of time now before Brahmin beef hits ebay.
  18. Lukus

    NMA Cribs

    Change the format?
  19. Lukus

    Trees on Mars?

    Metal > Ice!
  20. Lukus

    Judge sues cleaner for $65M over pants

    Perhaps the questions were leading and he started to understand what he was doing? "Do you really think a pair of missing pants is worth 65 million, and may I remind you mister myself that you are under oath!"