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  1. Lukus

    What if business meetings were like internet comments?

    Ehehe, awesome. Very amusing, and I lawled at the finish.
  2. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Awesome. I read them all. I've only read three webcomics from first to date - the other two are PBF and Dan the cat. * My top five favourites were 064, 089, 172, 298, and 400. * Trivia: Here the batteries of my wireless mouse died, so now I must go shop for batteries.
  3. Lukus

    FEV infected dog in real life!?

    So what you're saying is; you envisoned Dogmeat to be a dog, and this is an extreme version of a dog? :scratch: Tannie: You're just being mean. I know I'm a worthless excuse of a human being - that I cannot deny - but you're targeting the wrong reasons. My hatred for dogs is one of my better...
  4. Lukus

    FEV infected dog in real life!?

    Yes, yes, all that is in order. It's the "Sadly" part that's getting me all confused. (I have issues with <strike>my father</strike> dogs.)
  5. Lukus

    FEV infected dog in real life!?

    I don't understand this sentence.
  6. Lukus

    Chocolate Rain.

    Ehehe, yeah. Too bad the composition sucked. There are a million original voices out there that will never be heard. This guy's reaching out there, but his songs are carp.
  7. Lukus

    What is your weather like?

    What do you do for cooling outside? One of those geeky electric fan caps?
  8. Lukus

    What is your weather like?

    I think around 25°C with sunshine and a slow, but still existing breeze is the optimal summer weather. Not too hot and not too cold, so you can wear a blazer without sweating your ass off. I don't particulary like t-shirt weather. I find autumn to be the best season. Everyone's depressed, but...
  9. Lukus

    Live Earth

    I read in the papers there was this hippie gala going on, but haven't thought much of it. I agree that two billion people watching doesn't sound reasonable. As for the environment - meh.
  10. Lukus

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Een mooie boot van sinterklaas Dutchies; you've got some splainin to do.
  11. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    DBJ; 1/10 - what the hell is that? Ugly is what it is. (I'm revolting against the Orders postcount wahr and decided to contribute more to GD starting with this thread). Also: Madbringer; R YUO RLY A GILR?!!! No wait, even if you are you're most likely fat and ugly, so nevermind.
  12. Lukus

    This is hilarious.

    But if you avoid reading them, you miss out on basking in the humour of mankinds utter stupidity, so how is that fun?
  13. Lukus

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Lord Elden - 6/10. You craazy. And even though it 'matches' the sig, I think it would be more effective with something different under your post. SuAside - 9/10, it's cool. If I didn't know any better, I'd think it was from some old SNES game or something. monsharen - 7/10. It's also neat...
  14. Lukus

    All your Fallout are remembered to us

    Hehe, I wonder how that guy could possibly have enjoyed FO. There wasn't all that much color or sparkly things in the game to be fascinated by. And his website's a work of art. Cool picture, though.
  15. Lukus

    Fallout Haiku

    Lloyd, pretty boy Lloyd - Your looks will serve you little, where you are going. Next up: treasure hunter Mickey.
  16. Lukus

    How much time should I devote to cycling every day?

    I lost a lot of weight before by doing situps, or crunches, or whatever you want to call them. I started with 50 each evening, then slowly increased to 150. Sometimes I'd test myself to see how many I could do, and usually had to quit at around 250. (One time I managed 500, but that time I was...
  17. Lukus

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Hehe, rawk. John Lennon - Working Class Hero Sometimes, my playlists resemble those of normal men.
  18. Lukus

    Paris Hilton checks into Los Angeles County jail

    Footage of when the news reached alec
  19. Lukus

    Paris Hilton checks into Los Angeles County jail

    'k, but you must realize; there are essentially two types of females (although the species can be divided into countless categories): Possibly fuckable females and Family females. In the case of Paris being a bad or good role model, your sister, or mother, or aunt do not apply. I for one think...
  20. Lukus

    Paris Hilton checks into Los Angeles County jail

    Ahaha, awesome! That'll teach her not to be a stupid female.