What is your weather like?

Pope Viper

This ghoul has seen it all
I've been curious what kind of weather you folks have been having.

I live in Dallas, Texas.

By now we're usually in the 100+ area, but we've had an usually wet beginning to summer, and have only been in the upper 80's-low 90's (Fahrenheit)

What about you?
A weather topic? Shouldn't this forum be more of an escape from the mind-numbing office small talk? :wink:

Well Chicago is staying pretty typical I'd say. 2 days ago it was about 96F/35C and then yesterday the high was at about 75F/23C. Tomorrow could be another heat wave or perhaps snow, you never know. But low humidity at this point, which is what I'm happy about.
Belgium: 15°C atm, clouds, no rain.

30°C and above expected this weekend though. go figure...
Summer in DC area, horrible place to spend it. The temperature ranges from the low eighties to the high nineties, but the humidity is overwhelming. Occasional thunderstorms as well, which blow through quickly, but give a good ten minutes or so of heavy downpour; other than that mostly sunny.
It was frickin' hot for the last few weeks, around 35°, but it dropped to ~25° in the last few days with cold and rainy nights. Seems that the temperatures will rise again, though.
Zaron said:
Pretty much the same over here, The Lands of the Vikings, besides that May wasn't that hot (what I can remember), but the first half of June was instead.
Went down to the continent for a few weeks, but confirmed sources tells me rain's been pouring down.
As for the current, we are having ~15 °CM; it's windy with segments of overcasts. But I guess I can't complain, since this is the best weather so far (counting from ~middle of June) and, today, the rain hasn't been pouring down in the same scale as it's forerunners.

I can't speak for all of the Vikings, but this is the weather we have on the West Coast (Gothenburg, genannte); I'll stay tuned for more reports from all around the country(,and the world.)

It was frickin' hot for the last few weeks, around 35°, but it dropped to ~25° in the last few days with cold and rainy nights. Seems that the temperatures will rise again, though.
It has to suck living down there right now. The newspapers tells me that pretty much all of Greece stands in flames. Or at least did, some weeks ago.
I think around 25°C with sunshine and a slow, but still existing breeze is the optimal summer weather. Not too hot and not too cold, so you can wear a blazer without sweating your ass off. I don't particulary like t-shirt weather.

I find autumn to be the best season. Everyone's depressed, but I'm just as depressed as usual, which puts me higher in relation to others. The colors are beautiful, and I personally find the autumn wardrobe to be the most comfortable one to wear. And perhaps most importantly, the women do not appear as beautiful. I hate walking around in the summer - it drives me mad - at least in the autumn I don't know what I'm missing.

Right now it's some 14°C and raining where I'm at.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
I wish it was 35°C all the time. :(
I guess you don't live on the Balkans then, because that warmth can't be healty - for anyone.
Either that, or you are one hell of a sun-masochist; Sundist.

Personally, I hate warm days. It makes my arse sweat so much. Too much...
Zaron said:
It has to suck living down there right now. The newspapers tells me that pretty much all of Greece stands in flames. Or at least did, some weeks ago.
Well, it ain't that bad actually, but if you don't have some sort of cooling, you're basically screwed, inside or outside.
What do you do for cooling outside? One of those geeky electric fan caps?
Weather in Poland (or at least Warsaw) fucking sucks. It's raining nearly every day for weeks now, with the exception for few (three or four) really hot days, with clear sky and stuff.

Temperature ranging from ten to twenty/twenty five c's, clouds don't leave the sky, and most of the time there's this terribly strong wind (although the wind calmed down some the past few days).

This week is a little better, but not much. I'll bet the weather will flop down again at the end of the weekend.

Oh, and there was a hailstorm, lasting ten minutes, some three weeks ago. \m/
Luxor said:
What do you do for cooling outside? One of those geeky electric fan caps?
The only thing that comes close to those fan caps are battery-powered pocket fans, loud as hell and equally irritating.
Anway, the most common method is a combination of a shade and a folding fan.
Near St. Louis it's been nice the past few days. It's around the eighties(Fahrenheit), but the humidity level has been low. As long as the humidity level stays down, I'm happy.
It's been either been perfect beach weather at 85 degrees or raining like the deluge here in Miami. But then again, the weather here pretty much doesn't change.
Xombie said:
It's been either been perfect beach weather at 85 degrees or raining like the deluge here in Miami. But then again, the weather here pretty much doesn't change.

That's about it here too, every couple of days it rains. But in between those days the temp steadily climbs back up.

88 right now. getting hotter.

Fuck Celsius... even though everyone else uses it.

Also, fuck the General Discussion Forum, everyone go post in The Order.