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  1. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    Also it was funny to both me and the players whilst Johnny Boy was getting caught up in the morally ambiguous mess of New Canaanite politics. Meanwhile, Reverend and Marked By War at the same time out in the desert:
  2. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    We did have LA Noire soundtrack playing in the background when Johnny Boys investigation started, and it also started inexplicably raining the moment he walked out of the Protector's office. Brigham's name was an unfortunate case of me mistakingly just straight up calling him Brigham Young and...
  3. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    @Hardboiled Android @Dayglow Drifter Just finished New Canaan Blues - woof. Running mysteries satisfyingly is hard. John took on the job - Clover was bluntly uninterested in solving a chem based mystery and instead was working on their transmitter to contact the Enclave. Clover and John also...
  4. Atomic Postman

    The future of Fallout - IGN Interview with Todd Howard

    The West Virginia worldmap is easily the most impressive in the series bar none, yeah. Just wish it would have content inside of it written by the likes of Sawyer or Gonzalez.
  5. Atomic Postman

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Unable to buy the original version is the final salt in that particular wound. Same thing with the Dark Souls "remaster" which straight up just looks like a worse version of the original game, and it has entirely replaced it.
  6. Atomic Postman

    Fallout 4: General thread

    I remember watching the original Fallout 4 reveal trailer. I remember that the plot regarding a voice acted, pre-war protagonist had been leaked along with a CGI rendering of his face long beforehand. However after the fake Survivor2299 fiasco nobody believed it was legit. I remember when the...
  7. Atomic Postman

    Howard Todd talks FO:5 and some other shit

    I think the aesthetic for Starfield looks neat. Not particularly inspired but neat.
  8. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    Friday is the "New Canaan Blues" drug questline with Clover and Johnny Boy
  9. Atomic Postman

    Fallout memes, rants, fanwank - AKA - A General Fallout Discussion Thread

    I can't really play New Vegas without the mod that adds the classic skeuomorphic UI
  10. Atomic Postman

    Things that you LIKE about Fallout 76

    The Pip-Boy is easily the best Pip-Boy design in the series. Fantastic reinventing of the Interplay Pip-Boy.
  11. Atomic Postman

    Howard Todd talks FO:5 and some other shit

    Seems pretty conclusive we won't be seeing a non-BGS Fallout game. He gave a non-answer of "I can't say what the future holds" but combining that with Fallout is part of our DNA statement means "I can't rule out a business possibility conclusively in a random journo interview, but it's not...
  12. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    @Hardboiled Android @Dayglow Drifter Today Reverend Hill and Marked By War took on the 80s in the Buddy Cop movie of the 23rd Century. First in leaving Salt Lake City they encountered a band of Caesar's Legionaries walking from the Salt Lake, baby cradled in the arm of their squad leader...
  13. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    I'm running the "Reverend and Marked By War take on the 80s" buddy cop story on Tuesday night, then the New Canaan Blues storyline with Clover and Johnny Boy on Friday. Saturday is the reuniting session where I'll pitch them the "Wells of Salvation" quest. Sometime after they've completed that...
  14. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    We're not looking for new players at this very moment but I would like to host a one shot for people on NMA at one point.
  15. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    Hard to say at this stage, but probably not.
  16. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    @Hardboiled Android Just wrapped up the session. They fought their way out of the mall barely scraping out with their lives (after a particularly bad critical Failure led to Reverend torching Marked By War accidentally with his Blowtorch) and hitting the road. They were ambushed in the...
  17. Atomic Postman

    I'm really sorry to hear that man.

    I'm really sorry to hear that man.
  18. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    @Hardboiled Android @Dayglow Drifter Last night's session was a brief one. They technically started out in the PE Lab at the bottom of Burham Springs mine, where they successfully hacked the AGRICOLA Bots in suspension and avoided their fire suppression protocol, meaning that the Bots...
  19. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    Also as for the Legion being sympathetic - in character they are quite misaligned with the Legion (However, the personal plots of several characters will pit them against Hecate as well so it will put them between a rock and a hard place) being rather anti-slaver with Reverend being an active...