Howard Todd talks FO:5 and some other shit

I sure as shit ain't listening to any word this disgusting snake pukes out of his mouth.
Found it really funny how Todd Howard was talking about one of the places where they went wrong in Skyrim was that systems didn't go deep enough. OK, cool, correct, at least Todd can somewhat identify the problem!

But then when he specifically describes an example of this, he just talks about the way that NPCs and AIs "react" to players. So it looks like, rather than better writing or quest design, he's razor focused on making NPCs sit in chairs, drink from bottles, and fire off canned ambient dialogue. I guess he decided that this was the pinnacle of game design in Oblivion (radiant AIs) and has been chasing it ever since.
Todd always does this, he always says they could have done this or that better, but what happens in the next game? It commits the same exact mistake he was talking about and introduces new ones as well.
The guy is creatively simply bancrupt at this point. At least I think he is. But he probably doesn't realise it really. I mean why should he? They released a million versions of Skyrim and people bought it like crazy. With his approach the company created a lot of profit. That was till Fallout 4. Which saw an unusual amount of criticism even by gamers. Hell Bethesda shills couldn't hide the fact that it was streamlined so much it became a mediocre shoter rather than an RPG.
Todd is a one-trick pony. Making Oblivion like games and Oblivion-with-guns games for like well basically ever.
More like the average person will willingly eat shit because it sells.
Well, hopefully Microsoft can slap some sense into Bethesda now that they own them.

Anyway, TLDW; What did he say about FO5 specifically?
Bethesda. The Fastfood joint of the gaming industry.

I know this was edited like those youtube poop videos back in the day, but did Todd unironically claimed that Skyrim was in many ways ahead of its time? If there was a game that at time of release was already extremely dated, it was Skyrim. It's just a much more shallower Oblivion, while Oblivion is just a much more shallower Morrowind.

Then again, Bethesda has been stuck in the same mentality since Oblivion with none of the games showing actual evolution of any kind.
Seems pretty conclusive we won't be seeing a non-BGS Fallout game. He gave a non-answer of "I can't say what the future holds" but combining that with Fallout is part of our DNA statement means "I can't rule out a business possibility conclusively in a random journo interview, but it's not happening"
Fallout discussion in general REEEEE

I have about 0 interest in FO5 after going from NV to 4. I haven’t even seen 76 be played outside of yt vids. Don’t plan on ever playing it either.

Starfield is interesting simply for being their new ip. We’ll see how it goes though. How much worse can it be than all the other failed promises regarding space operas? Only Mass Effect has managed to make anything worth remembering so far.

TES6 will just be the incremental improvements(and simplifications) in gameplay we’re used to seeing. I think they’ll open up dialogue options more than what was there in Skyrim, but in a superficial illusion of choice type of way. Not in any real sense and then boast about it. Honestly the sequel I’m looking forward to the most.

Having better writing would be nice, but oddly enough I play TES games the same way I play Dwarf Fortress- half of everything happening while I play is happening in my head. As long as the story and guilds aren’t any worse than Skyrim I’ll be fine with it. Needs more quest interactivity though. Just a little bit extra please?

Since crafting is now the big thing it’d be nice to have a more expansive range of possibilities there too than say what there has been so far. Being able to make different armor and weapon styles out of different metals for different effects and gameplay mechanics would be neat. We don’t need settlement building in TES outside of maybe one place maximum. I’d rather they had a campsite ability so you can set up camp in an area with your follower(s).
Doing so would give you access to dialogue options like in Dragon Age. Maybe allow training options and extra quests through follower relationships that you wouldn’t get otherwise .

What ever happens with TES6 will be basically the same formula for FO5.
Expecting Skywind, and any mod in the same vein for that matter, to be finished is cute. They will be forever stuck in development limbo.
If you watch the Skyblivion streams they are almost completely done. There’s a guy in here that works on Skywind stuff too. Seems like that’s probably further out though.
Yeah, keep believing that. Many before said the same shit and the mods are still being worked on (some are literally well over 10 years old).

And when the next Elder Scrolls comes out, they either completely drop the development of the previous mod conversion or its development drags to a crawl to convert older games into the new game's engine. And just keep repeating over and over.
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Starfield is interesting simply for being their new ip. We’ll see how it goes though.
Can you say Skyrim in Space?

Expecting Skywind, and any mod in the same vein for that matter, to be finished is cute. They will be forever stuck in development limbo.
Yeah it's all super interesting and ambitious but it would be crazy to believe that like a handfull of people could finish something that would usually take like 100 people to do. I have yet to really see some of those projects actually see the light of the day. Not that I don't applaud people for trying it.