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  1. Brivoo

    Todd admits Fallout 4's Dialogue didn't work, you'll never guess what happened next

    Bethesda games are only fun by mistake.
  2. Brivoo

    Todd admits Fallout 4's Dialogue didn't work, you'll never guess what happened next
  3. Brivoo

    Which games were a disaster? To what franchise?

    Yeah, fair enough; Fallout 4 felt like a personal insult lovingly signed by Toddy boy himself, but I can pretend that I just don't get it by rationalizing it as another demographic's game. On a separate note, I thought X-COM 2 was kind of a disappointment; it didn't really do anything...
  4. Brivoo

    Which games were a disaster? To what franchise?

    That's probably unfair; the game is at the very least functional (albeit intermittently so). Its biggest crime is trying to switch target demographics without warning, leaving a mostly confused and frustrated fanbase. There are plenty of other games with long development cycles which ended up...
  5. Brivoo

    What are your favorite fallout quotes?

    It was Hildern, the NCR scientist who sends you on that suicide mission to Vault 22.
  6. Brivoo

    Fallout spin off in another country?

    The real question is: would it be worth it? Assuming the hypothetical game was assigned a decent team of writers, it would have almost no common elements with the previous games. Even the most basic things like energy weapons wouldn't be included because fusion cells are an American technology...
  7. Brivoo

    What are your favorite fallout quotes?

    "Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have." While arguably unfair in some respects, I like this quote because it just becomes more poignant with time. It's intriguing how even minor characters in New Vegas have...
  8. Brivoo

    BOS Vs NCR

    No, I'm aware of what it's like in the Midwest; I meant a summary of OP's post.
  9. Brivoo

    BOS Vs NCR

    Can I get a summary?
  10. Brivoo

    Who's best for America?

    It'll take a long time before the American Wasteland begins to resemble its Pre-War counterpart and it'll have to through several empires and nations before it does. The NCR can be considered to be the first unifier I suppose, but the majority of communities out there are still either tribes or...
  11. Brivoo

    What are your favorite fallout quotes?

    It's the Lonesome Road epilogue, but close. EDIT: Nevermind, I thought Pearlman narrated the ending.
  12. Brivoo

    Best Fallout game

    I was kind of stuck but I decided to go with Fallout 1. Fallout 2 and New Vegas are great and all, but the former seems a little too distracted at times and the latter suffers from Bethesda's mistakes. Fallout 1 always impressed me with how coherent it all was; everything fits the context and...
  13. Brivoo

    A community effort

    How about something like this: Karma could influence what situations you're likely to get into or how people generally view you, while reputation is more specific and can override karma.
  14. Brivoo

    Why is Fallout: Tactics considered to be semi canon? "The existence of this armor is quite inconsistent with the fact that even the Brotherhood proper was not able to manufacture new power armors, not to mention these advanced versions, constructed by the Enclave many years...
  15. Brivoo

    Why is Fallout: Tactics considered to be semi canon?

    I specifically said Power Armour. I'm not actually sure about the weapons, I might be misquoting or talking out my arse, but I'm pretty sure they can't manufacture their own PA.
  16. Brivoo

    Nuka World Discussion

    The Fo4 SPECIAL system is... weird. It's broken, but it's a step in the right direction insofar that it tries to fix what Fallout 3 had broken. Specifically, as you mentioned, it tries to streamline the four skill checkpoints in the science and lockpicking trees, which required you to invest a...