First time out of the vault

I know ! I know ! it might have been debated here before but pleas im new and i thought i should post this ! i wrote it a month ago in an another fallout forum . and i just got to know what NMA is and how great the community does its work so i said i should share this with you guys and see whats your opinion ! (in the original thread it was 4 posts but ill post them all at once
) (Post fallout 4 BOS and NCR (i know we all hate fallout 4 , but i needed to use fallout 4 BOS to argue with bethdrones
Part 1
Well first of all it wouldn't be wise for the NCR to just march to the capital of USA to capture it , the most logical thing NCR can do is either advance north to Oregon for more access to farm lands and cover most of the west coast or east to New Mexico or Arizona to either finish off the legion once and for all and gather the vast lands for farming or ...
But for the sake of argument we will say the NCR with its current state (post New Vegas after recovering from its wars) and BOS (after defeating Bostons numerous factions and after recovering from its wars) declare war on each other .
First off we are gonna compare both Groups states :
Government :
NCR : NCRs government mostly resembles the pre-apocalyptic USA , with congress members and a presidency election , although while similar there are few differences such as : The president can remain in power as long as he/she is elected in each election without any duration limits . corruption runs deeply in the NCR system and brahmin barons or other state senators often try to use their power and money for their own gains . the government instead of hiring skilled and able officials , tries to use people with high wealth , power , connections and low skills rendering more problems for the government . there are numerous factions in the NCR and each has its own agenda but ultimately all obey and follow the orders of the president if he/she is prestigious enough like president Tandy whom at her time the corruption was at minimum and the state run efficiently .
Aron Kimball at the time of election was loved and famous man having won many battles against the enemies of the NCR is his military carrier , this made him able to do more military advances without people and the various factions becoming upset , Kimball needing more troops and money to support his campaigns , gave power to a large portion of brahmin barons , senators , governors and ... doing so he cleared the path for low the low to medium corruption becoming the famous corruption that there is today . after Kimball defeats CL (Caesars Legion) and secures Mojave and before that Baja he will have enough time to reduce the corruption that runs trough the system to acceptable amounts with the help of loyalists , the new fame he has gotten from the new lands he has conquered , and the money he has gained from these conquests and ...
BOS : BOSs is as much as i can tell is a Technocracy with the ruling council being mostly high ranking scientists or scribes with some military leaders or paladins and the lead figure that is mosly of the Maxson line , although the bos controls a big amount of land , by no means it can be called a country or a government and it is a faction or an orgnization in simple terms . the council controlls every action of the BOS entirely and follows the rule of the leader that is by recent events Arthur Maxson wich managed to unite all of the BOS groups scattered in USA except midwest , he is loved by the members of the BOS and much respected for achieving the unification of BOS and his excellent military skills .
Elder Maxson after defeating the Inst (Institute) and the RR (Railroad) in Boston manages to gain foothold in there and further the BOSs influence and manages to gain some technological advances in Boston but not too much as he destroys the Insts main base and eradicates most of the technology as seeing them too dangerous to even operate them . he destroys most of the synth population but since there arnt any ways to recognise them some population of Synths remain and take up extreme hatred against the BOS ...
Population and Citizens :
NCR : The population of NCR consists of two groups : 1- The older citizens wich have been under the NCR rule for decades 2-The newly conquered lands citizes , the amount of citizens that live in NCR with the new additions is estimated to be around 1000000-1200000
1: The older citizens mostly are in favour of the government because of the saftey they have and the amount of jobs available mostly in the military career and a lot of potential for advancing and ... for an amount of time they were unhappy due to the amount of wars the NCR was waging and the high corruption but as the recent victories and new lands and the money it brings and Kimballs attemps to fix the corruption , their relations with the government is solid again and they love the president
2: The new citizens feelings about the NCR is mixed , while they appreciate the saftey and equality the NCR brings they struggle because the high amount of taxes they have to pay and seeing the NCR as foreign conquerors .
BOS : Because the BOS is not country and does not rule the none BOS population its population is relatively low and includes only the original members descendants and to some extent new blood lines wich were introduced in times where the BOS accepted members , so i would estimate a population of 10000 at best (if we include all the scattered bunkers and fortifications ranging from NCR borders to boston , not including mid west BOS) wich from this population at best wich includes paladins , scribes , various other roles such as maintanence and ...
The neighbouring settlements and people feel about the BOS two different ways :
Washington : They mostly love them and have good relations with the BOS trading and giving the BOS help when needed
Boston : The boston population have mixed feelings about the BOS , some hate them and some like them or dont mind them at all , since the destruction of Inst by the hands of BOS , the relations have become a bit better
Economy :
NCR : The NCR has the most resourceful state of the entire USA , California , with the GDP of 2.5 milion and Nevada with the GDP 140 thousend
California : As i said California has the highest GDP in the entire USA and has a lot of natural resources and a lot of land for farming and cattle herding . NCR controls the entire state and can use the state as it befits it , large populated cities such as NCR (Shady Sands) , Hub , New Reno , Vault City and ... are under the control of NCR bringing high profits for the nation . on the other hand one of the most important centers of gambling , New Reno exists in this state and can bring much profit for the NCR if taxed correctly
Nevada : Again under full control of the NCR , while having low GDP , has one of the bigest cities in the post apocalyptic USA , New Vegas , and the fact the Vegas is the other center of gambling even brings more profit to the NCR . Nevada also has lots of mines including gold mines , wich can bring high profits for the NCR nation .
BOS : Massachusetts and Washington while being the territory of BOS are by no means under their full control , the BOS has to trade , for its resources and in places with full control they dont have enough population to fully explot the resources in their hands and can only have enough to fullfill their day to day needs
Military :
NCR : The NCR has a military structure similiar to the army of USA , but with different branches and groups . they are high in numbers but not technologicaly advanced . they have the advantage of having ex Enclave personel working for them .
Numbers : Estimated between : 100000-200000
Ground Forces :
Rangers : These veteran soldiers are trained for years to live in harsh environments and harsh conditions and their combat training is almost matched by none . Their main role is to act as recon and expeditionary forces . they also help in keeping the borders safe and help with policing the population and ... their gear includes a ranger armor and different rifles and revolvers with high damage
NCR Heavy troopers : These soldiers are the creation of President Kimball , they are trained soldiers that have shown their worh , they are a shock group and are only used in dire situations . their gear while much better then the average trooper including a none functional power armor and heavy weaponry, its by no means comparable to the BOS heavy infantry aka Paladins or Knights wich used the powered varient of Power armor , not the salvaged none powered armor of the NCR and have advanced laser weaponry and plasma weaponry
NCR troopers : The bulk of the NCR army , they range between toopers with almost no training to troopers with excellent training and long service record . they wear normal NCR combat armor and are armed with mostly service rifles and ...
Air Forces :
almost none existen with few salvaged vertibirds and bombing planes aquired in Vegas ir California
Mechanized :
The NCR has access to a high amount of transporting military trucks and some heavy tanks and trucks that are regularly and heavily under maintanence
BOS : The BOSs military is one of the most advanced forces there is in the post apocalyptic USA only matched by the Enclave , they have high amounts of training from childhood and their system of training is advanced . their downside is their very few numbers but it should be considered that all of their personel have had to some degree a military training
Numbers : Estimated 2000-4000
Ground Forces :
Heavy Infantry / Paladins : The heavy infantry of BOS is one of the most feared aspects of the BOS army , they have a high combat experience and training while wearing the most advanced gears available post apocalypse including : different types of power armor including the new T-60 model and different types of advanced laser and plasma weaponry
Light Infantry / Knights : The light infantry of the BOS includes the lower ranking members such as knights wich have a lesser training then the Paladins , and their gear is less advanced then of those of the Paladins .
Air Forces :
BOSs air force includes a really high amount of vertibirds and a airship
Mechanized :
The BOS because having access to a high amount of transporting air vessels , doesnt use mechinized units
(now that the information is completed im gonna say what happens in the next post)
(P.S. sorry for my numerous gramer errors and spelling problems , im not english )
Part 2
Now it begins :
The only logical way the war could go on is , either the BOS lunches an attack or the NCR does , i will compare them both :
BOS attacks :
The BOS having access to Vertibirds and and an airship will try to fly to california , but the thing is the distance between washington (BOSs closest outpost to california) and california is 3000 miles ! a vertibird at best can fly a distance of 400-500 miles without refueling and a airship can fly at best 2500-3000 miles , but as the BOS airships are filled with gear , vertibirds , soldiers and the Prime it cant simply make that distance ! and even if they somehow manage to make the trip , the NCR hast access to anti air defences as seen in fallout 2 and has probably installed more of them in their cities or borders (fearing more attacks from groups like Enclave and ...) . and as all of the BOS personel are in the airship , a small damage to the airship can be catastrophic . the BOS even if manages to land with few casualties and manages to fortify itself (considering that most fortifiable places are taken by the NCR , its a hard task) it will have a hard path in from of it self :
The NCR gathers a big army to attack the new threat , around 30-20 thousend men (this is a new threat and its a disgrace that a big army has found its way into the hearth of the nation) they will surround the BOS encampment ready to obliterate the BOS (as they have done before with smaller forces and harder BOS fortifications (bunkers were hard to breach and the NCR did manage to destroy them all with fewer men)) they will most likely start bombing the BOS with artillary and mortars , then direct an attack from all sides to the base and even using some of their tanks , heavy trucks they have at their disposal mentioned in my last post . at first everything goes as planned and both sides inflict heavy casualties (the BOS at first manages to easily defend itself but in time will loose more men due to the high numbers of the NCR army , the BOS has at this campaign around 5000-6000 thousend men and from this number only 600-1200 of them will have power armor (due to them leaving behind the other heavy infantry in home to defend their territory) ) after a few pushes , the BOS sees that they have no chance of winning the war , so they deploy Liberty Prime to the horror of NCR , the NCR gains huge casualties ranging between 10000-15000 almost half of their forces before retreating and leaving the BOS alone , the BOS itself has gained huge amount of casualties around 1000-2000 almost one third of their army . from here the battle could go 2 ways :
1- The NCR sends the bulk of its army to the nearest city and tries to fortify it at best , going as far as arming civilians to defend themselves against the almost undefeatable BOS robotic behemoth , while doing so they will order rangers and other hit squads to harass the BOS army . The BOS knowing that its time to strike fast gather all of its army and heads to the nearest city to destroy the remaining army doing so taking some casualties by the NCR Rangers and hit squads . meanwhile the NCR capital (or the other important cities incase of Shady Sands being under siege) tries to figure out a way to destroy LP , The NCR will have access to some missle silos to bring down LP or if they dont they can use the archimedes project and if they dont access to that to , they will use the ex Enclave scientists and NCR scientists to create a way to destroy the prime , at this time the NCR are having a last stand against the BOS in the city and are taking heavy losses as are the BOS troops (LP may defend them but its a city with lots of hiding places and ...) at the end , the LP either gets destroyed by a nuke , arch , or a big team of Scientists and rangers attacking the LP command center and changing its targeting system or shuting it down , or the LP taking enough damage in its battery or fuel storage rendering it useless unless repaired also there is a chance the NCR comes up with a virus and destroys the LP ... i also have a theory wich in it if the LP fall down it cant get up easily so the NCR has enough time to destroy it while the momentom lasts . in any way after the LP is destroyed and the NCR gaining thousends of casualties (40000-50000 including civilians , reinforcements and troops) manages to destroy the remaining BOS forces and become victories
2-The NCR uses the scorched land tactic , empitying cities and filling them with bombs and mini nukes , enough to make a nuclear explosion with the amount of bombs available and attacks BOS troops along the way destroying them one by one , (this action is available due to high amounts of resources the NCR has and can take the damage of loosing 1-2 cities) in the end either the LP is destroyed in one of the bomb cities along with BOS or all of the BOS personel die and we will have a lone LP that can either be tricked and make it head the way outside of NCR borders or its programing changed to help the NCR since there is no one to guide the robot
(sorry again for numerous errors in my typing im not english and ill continue the NCR attack in my next post)
Part 3
NCR Attacks : Since the NCR has no access to big amounts of vertibirds it cannot transport the entirty of its army using air force so to attack the BOS first of all it will need a big expeditionary force like the one it used in Vegas , this group will contain rangers , and probably first recon snipers or other recon groups , they will be sent to Boston and Washington in 6-7 groups of 10 using the few vertibirds the NCR has . they will work for 12-18 months mapping the area and knowing the enemy . they will most likely take high damages doing so , because the huge differences between the terrain and the weather of Boston/Washington and California/Nevada . then they will mark the possible locations for fortifications and ... Washingtons fortifiable positions would be mostly taken and since Boston is newly conquered it will have a few places the NCR can use , but on the other hand neither Washington nor Boston are fully under BOS control and the NCR if lucky , can buy a fortifiable land or come to an agreement with one of the factions in Washington or Boston . after doing the necesary preperations they will radio back home and wait for the main NCR army to arrive . the NCR army being as big it is and as far away as they are from east coast (3000 miles) they will take around 1-2 years to arrive to Washington . they will probably take a really big army around 50-60 thousend men because if they take a smaller force and if they are in need of rienforcements , there will probably be none until 2 years . the army tired and relieved reaches to Washington , finding a quarter of the original expeditionary forces remaining and a lot changed . the BOS gaining information about a big army ariving to Washington prepares for a defensive war and makes LP ready for war , the NCR manages to defeat BOS gurilla fighters with high casualties , and loosing a lot of supplies doing so and finally tired of fighting the unseen enemy lunches an assault to Pentagon . the BOS fires up LP and the NCR will loose half of its army in the assault while inflicting heavy damage to BOS itself destroying half of Pentagon . the NCR gained massive casualties retreats in big numbers , the BOS infantry is too weak to do pursuit and the LP is too slow to do so , so the BOS will send its vertibirds to hunt down the NCR runing army . again inflicting casualties but at the end they must fall back due to loosing some aircrafts to some of NCRs counter messures . the NCR never have seen anything like LP will radio base and asks for further instructions (around 10-15 thousend NCR soldiers remain from the original 50-60 thousend while the BOS has 400-500 personel left with LP intact) the leaders in California are devastated by the news so they will debate among themselves to retreat or continiue to fight . the lead scientists of NCR being ex Enclave will have reports and information about LP and will try to find its weaknesses and exploit them . meanwhile they will gather the archemedes and if available in California or Nevada , arm 1-2 remaining nuke missles or they will create a virus or other means to destroy LP . they send the scientists and the weapons via vertibirds to Washington to the waiting NCR army wich is waiting an attack from BOS . the BOS sends the last few remaining soldiers to finish off the NCR once and for all , since if the NCR looses they will probably colapse or struggle for a decade or two . the BOS attacks the NCR army with the help of LP and inflictes some casualties before the NCR manages to destroy or disable the Prime , shortly after the BOS soldiers die off one by one and the NCR manages to gain a phyrrihic victory loosing 45-50 thousend of the original army . in the following months the few remaining BOS soldiers are too scattered and demoralized to do anything too dangerous .
Part 4 (Last Part)
Aftermath :
BOS Attacks :
1: While one of NCRs important cities gets half destroyed and the NCR army takes high amount of damages , we cannot overlook the fact this war brings prosperity in the very long run for the NCR in the way of uniting the people in the grief of loosing thousends of fellow citizens , gaining truemendos knowledge and equipment from the BOS remains , Also the NCR will upgrade its army and tactics and if they are lucky , they may even be able to reconstruct the LP for their own gains . due to a heavy damage in short time , the NCR will struggle to keep from colapsing but if it doesnt , it will come out even stronger then before .
2: Again like above but the difference of not having a chanse to repair the LP and they will gather less equipment from the BOS since most of them died in the exploded city
NCR Attacks :
1: In the first NCR winning ending Scenario , the NCR will manage to capture all of the remaining Washington and Boston bunkers and remains of the BOS gaining massive and advanced technologies , the remaining army however cannot simply hold all of the massive holdings so they will probably hold 2-3 important fortifications in Boston and Washington trying the keep them safe from other threats , in this scenario the ncr will lunch massive advertisements to live in the new lands in east gathering a big population to send to the east for colonization of Boston and Washington , managing to do so the Eastern NCR (ENCR) will be made and will mostly be independent from the WNCR other then its name . This new land can bring profits to the NCR and even help the future advances of NCR if it manages to keep it
2:The NCR will simply pack everything they have gained and only keep 2000-3000 men at the remaining important ex BOS bases to do research and gather data , other then that there is nothing for the NCR to do as a colony in east will be too costful and the recent events will make it even harder , maybe in the future the option will be considered .
Again this might have lots of errors i would love to see how well i have done and that you guys correct me

Part 1
Well first of all it wouldn't be wise for the NCR to just march to the capital of USA to capture it , the most logical thing NCR can do is either advance north to Oregon for more access to farm lands and cover most of the west coast or east to New Mexico or Arizona to either finish off the legion once and for all and gather the vast lands for farming or ...
But for the sake of argument we will say the NCR with its current state (post New Vegas after recovering from its wars) and BOS (after defeating Bostons numerous factions and after recovering from its wars) declare war on each other .
First off we are gonna compare both Groups states :
Government :
NCR : NCRs government mostly resembles the pre-apocalyptic USA , with congress members and a presidency election , although while similar there are few differences such as : The president can remain in power as long as he/she is elected in each election without any duration limits . corruption runs deeply in the NCR system and brahmin barons or other state senators often try to use their power and money for their own gains . the government instead of hiring skilled and able officials , tries to use people with high wealth , power , connections and low skills rendering more problems for the government . there are numerous factions in the NCR and each has its own agenda but ultimately all obey and follow the orders of the president if he/she is prestigious enough like president Tandy whom at her time the corruption was at minimum and the state run efficiently .
Aron Kimball at the time of election was loved and famous man having won many battles against the enemies of the NCR is his military carrier , this made him able to do more military advances without people and the various factions becoming upset , Kimball needing more troops and money to support his campaigns , gave power to a large portion of brahmin barons , senators , governors and ... doing so he cleared the path for low the low to medium corruption becoming the famous corruption that there is today . after Kimball defeats CL (Caesars Legion) and secures Mojave and before that Baja he will have enough time to reduce the corruption that runs trough the system to acceptable amounts with the help of loyalists , the new fame he has gotten from the new lands he has conquered , and the money he has gained from these conquests and ...
BOS : BOSs is as much as i can tell is a Technocracy with the ruling council being mostly high ranking scientists or scribes with some military leaders or paladins and the lead figure that is mosly of the Maxson line , although the bos controls a big amount of land , by no means it can be called a country or a government and it is a faction or an orgnization in simple terms . the council controlls every action of the BOS entirely and follows the rule of the leader that is by recent events Arthur Maxson wich managed to unite all of the BOS groups scattered in USA except midwest , he is loved by the members of the BOS and much respected for achieving the unification of BOS and his excellent military skills .
Elder Maxson after defeating the Inst (Institute) and the RR (Railroad) in Boston manages to gain foothold in there and further the BOSs influence and manages to gain some technological advances in Boston but not too much as he destroys the Insts main base and eradicates most of the technology as seeing them too dangerous to even operate them . he destroys most of the synth population but since there arnt any ways to recognise them some population of Synths remain and take up extreme hatred against the BOS ...
Population and Citizens :
NCR : The population of NCR consists of two groups : 1- The older citizens wich have been under the NCR rule for decades 2-The newly conquered lands citizes , the amount of citizens that live in NCR with the new additions is estimated to be around 1000000-1200000
1: The older citizens mostly are in favour of the government because of the saftey they have and the amount of jobs available mostly in the military career and a lot of potential for advancing and ... for an amount of time they were unhappy due to the amount of wars the NCR was waging and the high corruption but as the recent victories and new lands and the money it brings and Kimballs attemps to fix the corruption , their relations with the government is solid again and they love the president
2: The new citizens feelings about the NCR is mixed , while they appreciate the saftey and equality the NCR brings they struggle because the high amount of taxes they have to pay and seeing the NCR as foreign conquerors .
BOS : Because the BOS is not country and does not rule the none BOS population its population is relatively low and includes only the original members descendants and to some extent new blood lines wich were introduced in times where the BOS accepted members , so i would estimate a population of 10000 at best (if we include all the scattered bunkers and fortifications ranging from NCR borders to boston , not including mid west BOS) wich from this population at best wich includes paladins , scribes , various other roles such as maintanence and ...
The neighbouring settlements and people feel about the BOS two different ways :
Washington : They mostly love them and have good relations with the BOS trading and giving the BOS help when needed
Boston : The boston population have mixed feelings about the BOS , some hate them and some like them or dont mind them at all , since the destruction of Inst by the hands of BOS , the relations have become a bit better
Economy :
NCR : The NCR has the most resourceful state of the entire USA , California , with the GDP of 2.5 milion and Nevada with the GDP 140 thousend
California : As i said California has the highest GDP in the entire USA and has a lot of natural resources and a lot of land for farming and cattle herding . NCR controls the entire state and can use the state as it befits it , large populated cities such as NCR (Shady Sands) , Hub , New Reno , Vault City and ... are under the control of NCR bringing high profits for the nation . on the other hand one of the most important centers of gambling , New Reno exists in this state and can bring much profit for the NCR if taxed correctly
Nevada : Again under full control of the NCR , while having low GDP , has one of the bigest cities in the post apocalyptic USA , New Vegas , and the fact the Vegas is the other center of gambling even brings more profit to the NCR . Nevada also has lots of mines including gold mines , wich can bring high profits for the NCR nation .
BOS : Massachusetts and Washington while being the territory of BOS are by no means under their full control , the BOS has to trade , for its resources and in places with full control they dont have enough population to fully explot the resources in their hands and can only have enough to fullfill their day to day needs
Military :
NCR : The NCR has a military structure similiar to the army of USA , but with different branches and groups . they are high in numbers but not technologicaly advanced . they have the advantage of having ex Enclave personel working for them .
Numbers : Estimated between : 100000-200000
Ground Forces :
Rangers : These veteran soldiers are trained for years to live in harsh environments and harsh conditions and their combat training is almost matched by none . Their main role is to act as recon and expeditionary forces . they also help in keeping the borders safe and help with policing the population and ... their gear includes a ranger armor and different rifles and revolvers with high damage
NCR Heavy troopers : These soldiers are the creation of President Kimball , they are trained soldiers that have shown their worh , they are a shock group and are only used in dire situations . their gear while much better then the average trooper including a none functional power armor and heavy weaponry, its by no means comparable to the BOS heavy infantry aka Paladins or Knights wich used the powered varient of Power armor , not the salvaged none powered armor of the NCR and have advanced laser weaponry and plasma weaponry
NCR troopers : The bulk of the NCR army , they range between toopers with almost no training to troopers with excellent training and long service record . they wear normal NCR combat armor and are armed with mostly service rifles and ...
Air Forces :
almost none existen with few salvaged vertibirds and bombing planes aquired in Vegas ir California
Mechanized :
The NCR has access to a high amount of transporting military trucks and some heavy tanks and trucks that are regularly and heavily under maintanence
BOS : The BOSs military is one of the most advanced forces there is in the post apocalyptic USA only matched by the Enclave , they have high amounts of training from childhood and their system of training is advanced . their downside is their very few numbers but it should be considered that all of their personel have had to some degree a military training
Numbers : Estimated 2000-4000
Ground Forces :
Heavy Infantry / Paladins : The heavy infantry of BOS is one of the most feared aspects of the BOS army , they have a high combat experience and training while wearing the most advanced gears available post apocalypse including : different types of power armor including the new T-60 model and different types of advanced laser and plasma weaponry
Light Infantry / Knights : The light infantry of the BOS includes the lower ranking members such as knights wich have a lesser training then the Paladins , and their gear is less advanced then of those of the Paladins .
Air Forces :
BOSs air force includes a really high amount of vertibirds and a airship
Mechanized :
The BOS because having access to a high amount of transporting air vessels , doesnt use mechinized units
(now that the information is completed im gonna say what happens in the next post)
(P.S. sorry for my numerous gramer errors and spelling problems , im not english )
Part 2
Now it begins :
The only logical way the war could go on is , either the BOS lunches an attack or the NCR does , i will compare them both :
BOS attacks :
The BOS having access to Vertibirds and and an airship will try to fly to california , but the thing is the distance between washington (BOSs closest outpost to california) and california is 3000 miles ! a vertibird at best can fly a distance of 400-500 miles without refueling and a airship can fly at best 2500-3000 miles , but as the BOS airships are filled with gear , vertibirds , soldiers and the Prime it cant simply make that distance ! and even if they somehow manage to make the trip , the NCR hast access to anti air defences as seen in fallout 2 and has probably installed more of them in their cities or borders (fearing more attacks from groups like Enclave and ...) . and as all of the BOS personel are in the airship , a small damage to the airship can be catastrophic . the BOS even if manages to land with few casualties and manages to fortify itself (considering that most fortifiable places are taken by the NCR , its a hard task) it will have a hard path in from of it self :
The NCR gathers a big army to attack the new threat , around 30-20 thousend men (this is a new threat and its a disgrace that a big army has found its way into the hearth of the nation) they will surround the BOS encampment ready to obliterate the BOS (as they have done before with smaller forces and harder BOS fortifications (bunkers were hard to breach and the NCR did manage to destroy them all with fewer men)) they will most likely start bombing the BOS with artillary and mortars , then direct an attack from all sides to the base and even using some of their tanks , heavy trucks they have at their disposal mentioned in my last post . at first everything goes as planned and both sides inflict heavy casualties (the BOS at first manages to easily defend itself but in time will loose more men due to the high numbers of the NCR army , the BOS has at this campaign around 5000-6000 thousend men and from this number only 600-1200 of them will have power armor (due to them leaving behind the other heavy infantry in home to defend their territory) ) after a few pushes , the BOS sees that they have no chance of winning the war , so they deploy Liberty Prime to the horror of NCR , the NCR gains huge casualties ranging between 10000-15000 almost half of their forces before retreating and leaving the BOS alone , the BOS itself has gained huge amount of casualties around 1000-2000 almost one third of their army . from here the battle could go 2 ways :
1- The NCR sends the bulk of its army to the nearest city and tries to fortify it at best , going as far as arming civilians to defend themselves against the almost undefeatable BOS robotic behemoth , while doing so they will order rangers and other hit squads to harass the BOS army . The BOS knowing that its time to strike fast gather all of its army and heads to the nearest city to destroy the remaining army doing so taking some casualties by the NCR Rangers and hit squads . meanwhile the NCR capital (or the other important cities incase of Shady Sands being under siege) tries to figure out a way to destroy LP , The NCR will have access to some missle silos to bring down LP or if they dont they can use the archimedes project and if they dont access to that to , they will use the ex Enclave scientists and NCR scientists to create a way to destroy the prime , at this time the NCR are having a last stand against the BOS in the city and are taking heavy losses as are the BOS troops (LP may defend them but its a city with lots of hiding places and ...) at the end , the LP either gets destroyed by a nuke , arch , or a big team of Scientists and rangers attacking the LP command center and changing its targeting system or shuting it down , or the LP taking enough damage in its battery or fuel storage rendering it useless unless repaired also there is a chance the NCR comes up with a virus and destroys the LP ... i also have a theory wich in it if the LP fall down it cant get up easily so the NCR has enough time to destroy it while the momentom lasts . in any way after the LP is destroyed and the NCR gaining thousends of casualties (40000-50000 including civilians , reinforcements and troops) manages to destroy the remaining BOS forces and become victories
2-The NCR uses the scorched land tactic , empitying cities and filling them with bombs and mini nukes , enough to make a nuclear explosion with the amount of bombs available and attacks BOS troops along the way destroying them one by one , (this action is available due to high amounts of resources the NCR has and can take the damage of loosing 1-2 cities) in the end either the LP is destroyed in one of the bomb cities along with BOS or all of the BOS personel die and we will have a lone LP that can either be tricked and make it head the way outside of NCR borders or its programing changed to help the NCR since there is no one to guide the robot
(sorry again for numerous errors in my typing im not english and ill continue the NCR attack in my next post)
Part 3
NCR Attacks : Since the NCR has no access to big amounts of vertibirds it cannot transport the entirty of its army using air force so to attack the BOS first of all it will need a big expeditionary force like the one it used in Vegas , this group will contain rangers , and probably first recon snipers or other recon groups , they will be sent to Boston and Washington in 6-7 groups of 10 using the few vertibirds the NCR has . they will work for 12-18 months mapping the area and knowing the enemy . they will most likely take high damages doing so , because the huge differences between the terrain and the weather of Boston/Washington and California/Nevada . then they will mark the possible locations for fortifications and ... Washingtons fortifiable positions would be mostly taken and since Boston is newly conquered it will have a few places the NCR can use , but on the other hand neither Washington nor Boston are fully under BOS control and the NCR if lucky , can buy a fortifiable land or come to an agreement with one of the factions in Washington or Boston . after doing the necesary preperations they will radio back home and wait for the main NCR army to arrive . the NCR army being as big it is and as far away as they are from east coast (3000 miles) they will take around 1-2 years to arrive to Washington . they will probably take a really big army around 50-60 thousend men because if they take a smaller force and if they are in need of rienforcements , there will probably be none until 2 years . the army tired and relieved reaches to Washington , finding a quarter of the original expeditionary forces remaining and a lot changed . the BOS gaining information about a big army ariving to Washington prepares for a defensive war and makes LP ready for war , the NCR manages to defeat BOS gurilla fighters with high casualties , and loosing a lot of supplies doing so and finally tired of fighting the unseen enemy lunches an assault to Pentagon . the BOS fires up LP and the NCR will loose half of its army in the assault while inflicting heavy damage to BOS itself destroying half of Pentagon . the NCR gained massive casualties retreats in big numbers , the BOS infantry is too weak to do pursuit and the LP is too slow to do so , so the BOS will send its vertibirds to hunt down the NCR runing army . again inflicting casualties but at the end they must fall back due to loosing some aircrafts to some of NCRs counter messures . the NCR never have seen anything like LP will radio base and asks for further instructions (around 10-15 thousend NCR soldiers remain from the original 50-60 thousend while the BOS has 400-500 personel left with LP intact) the leaders in California are devastated by the news so they will debate among themselves to retreat or continiue to fight . the lead scientists of NCR being ex Enclave will have reports and information about LP and will try to find its weaknesses and exploit them . meanwhile they will gather the archemedes and if available in California or Nevada , arm 1-2 remaining nuke missles or they will create a virus or other means to destroy LP . they send the scientists and the weapons via vertibirds to Washington to the waiting NCR army wich is waiting an attack from BOS . the BOS sends the last few remaining soldiers to finish off the NCR once and for all , since if the NCR looses they will probably colapse or struggle for a decade or two . the BOS attacks the NCR army with the help of LP and inflictes some casualties before the NCR manages to destroy or disable the Prime , shortly after the BOS soldiers die off one by one and the NCR manages to gain a phyrrihic victory loosing 45-50 thousend of the original army . in the following months the few remaining BOS soldiers are too scattered and demoralized to do anything too dangerous .
Part 4 (Last Part)
Aftermath :
BOS Attacks :
1: While one of NCRs important cities gets half destroyed and the NCR army takes high amount of damages , we cannot overlook the fact this war brings prosperity in the very long run for the NCR in the way of uniting the people in the grief of loosing thousends of fellow citizens , gaining truemendos knowledge and equipment from the BOS remains , Also the NCR will upgrade its army and tactics and if they are lucky , they may even be able to reconstruct the LP for their own gains . due to a heavy damage in short time , the NCR will struggle to keep from colapsing but if it doesnt , it will come out even stronger then before .
2: Again like above but the difference of not having a chanse to repair the LP and they will gather less equipment from the BOS since most of them died in the exploded city
NCR Attacks :
1: In the first NCR winning ending Scenario , the NCR will manage to capture all of the remaining Washington and Boston bunkers and remains of the BOS gaining massive and advanced technologies , the remaining army however cannot simply hold all of the massive holdings so they will probably hold 2-3 important fortifications in Boston and Washington trying the keep them safe from other threats , in this scenario the ncr will lunch massive advertisements to live in the new lands in east gathering a big population to send to the east for colonization of Boston and Washington , managing to do so the Eastern NCR (ENCR) will be made and will mostly be independent from the WNCR other then its name . This new land can bring profits to the NCR and even help the future advances of NCR if it manages to keep it
2:The NCR will simply pack everything they have gained and only keep 2000-3000 men at the remaining important ex BOS bases to do research and gather data , other then that there is nothing for the NCR to do as a colony in east will be too costful and the recent events will make it even harder , maybe in the future the option will be considered .
Again this might have lots of errors i would love to see how well i have done and that you guys correct me