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  1. K

    Fallout 4's voiced protagonist

    If you want to compare it to a Pixar movie... at least compare it with a good one and not with Cars.
  2. K

    New Fallout 4 screenshots this time on PC

    If you consider their games half finished than 99% of all games are half finished. Are Bethesda games flawless... of course not. But there are almost no games out there that give the players as much vlaue for their money (time wise).
  3. K

    Full perk list:

    Dude they have created a huge, dense open world with lost of diverse areas, more linea of dialogue than ever and you complain about copy/paste?
  4. K

    Full perk list:

    Yeah.. because CoD and Fallout 4 have so many similarities...
  5. K

    New Fallout 4 screenshots this time on PC

    Probably both between 9 and 9,5
  6. K

    New Fallout 4 screenshots this time on PC

    The graphics in the trailers look exactly the same as the PC ultra graphics. Bethesda is not Ubi or EA.
  7. K

    New Fallout 4 screenshots this time on PC

    Uhm.. Bethesda never promised amazing graphics. They literally said that they had to compromise the visuals because of the rest.
  8. K

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    Look at that newly leaked video, it looks great!
  9. K

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    Do you know where you can find his latest posts translated? Nothing new on reddit..
  10. K

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    Facial animations and the character animations look solid. Not worse than Witcher 3 on the consoles tbh
  11. K

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    I will be more specific: I like: - the design philosophy of the world - the weapons, their impact and the modding - the new Perk system - i think that the graphics are good enough for this type of game - the music - the improved FPS - the different, creative locations - settlement...
  12. K

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    I think that you must have serious bias not to like what has been shown. Now people here will probably call me a troll. I just love everything that has been shown so far. The only thing I am cautious about is the dialogue wheel. But not everything can be perfect I guess.
  13. K

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    Never been to the Bethesda forum. I have literally never seen anyone who played Fallout 3 and wasn't raving about it. (except on NMA) I have heard people prefer NV over 3, that for sure.
  14. K

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    Yeah compare Fallout to twilight... People here are so out of touch, damn. I am off to college. See you after the 10th when this game will have 9s and 10s ans sell millions. Funny thing is people here complain about the review embargo, yet dismiss all reviews. :P
  15. K

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    This is the only place I have seen people that comsider Fallout 3 dumb fun. Everywhere else people were raving about it.
  16. K

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    On this forum... eveywhere else it's considered a master piece. I have never met/seen anyone being negative on Fallout 3. Of course it has some flaws but when looking af the broader picture it is the best game I have ever played.
  17. K

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    What I have seen to this point it's shaping up to be a genre defining game and a real master piece that will be remembered like Fallout 3. My only worry is the dialogue wheel.
  18. K

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    I don't support that either. If you think it's sht you should be able to say it's shit of course.