New Fallout 4 screenshots this time on PC


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A user on NeoGaf has managed to take screenshots from the PC version:

<iframe id="imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-Wj4dm" src="" scrolling="no" class="imgur-embed-iframe-pub imgur-embed-iframe-pub-a-Wj4dm-true-540" style="height: 500px; width: 540px; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px;" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe><script async="" src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Of note is image 6 which shows the Feral Ghoul's damage resistance which you can see in VATS if you have the Perception 3 perk Awareness:
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You have to love some comments though

This game is going to look incredible after the modding community has some time with it.

Uhu, why can't the game ... look like incredible now though >_>?

Anyway, those screenshots don't look as disapointing as I thought, but they also don't look as amazing like promised. Eh. Fair enough I guess. THe main issue isn't how the game looks on screenshots but how attrocious it looks in motion, the moment the NPCs start to babble something or when their spasmic actions start which some call animations.
You have to love some comments though

This game is going to look incredible after the modding community has some time with it.

Uhu, why can't the game ... look like incredible now though >_>?

Anyway, those screenshots don't look as disapointing as I thought, but they also don't look as amazing like promised. Eh. Fair enough I guess. THe main issue isn't how the game looks on screenshots but how attrocious it looks in motion, the moment the NPCs start to babble something or when their spasmic actions start which some call animations.

And this is how Beth gets away with so much. "Don't worry about it, the modders will fix it!" This is no excuse for bad and lazy design.
So the game can look good on PC, what a shocker. Doesn't change the fact that on consoles it looks like arse. Though even on "ULTRA!" settings there are 'still' textures that look like they're smudged and blurry.
You have to love some comments though

Anyway, those screenshots don't look as disapointing as I thought, but they also don't look as amazing like promised. animations.

Uhm.. Bethesda never promised amazing graphics.

They literally said that they had to compromise the visuals because of the rest.
Exactly? One of their trailers already showed animations that are not present like that in the game. I would not say exactly is the right choice of words. But, I am not going to argue with someone who's holding his hands over his eyes. Seriously, it is a common practise. I didn't said the visuals are shit, ok?
You know those houses still look a bit like cardboard cutouts from Jedasd's posted picture but at least it looks a bit better on PC compared to those console screenshots.
You know those houses still look a bit like cardboard cutouts from Jedasd's posted picture but at least it looks a bit better on PC compared to those console screenshots.

They still look WAY too pristine. Now if these home were inhabited then I would buy it. I'm sure that after 200 years people would replace windows or learn how to make glass to replace them but uninhibited homes that no one has set foot in in over 200 years... yeah don't think so.
You know those houses still look a bit like cardboard cutouts from Jedasd's posted picture but at least it looks a bit better on PC compared to those console screenshots.

They still look WAY too pristine. Now if these home were inhabited then I would buy it. I'm sure that after 200 years people would replace windows or learn how to make glass to replace them but uninhibited homes that no one has set foot in in over 200 years... yeah don't think so.

From Bethesda's Fallout wasn't it all about living in rundown hovels and nukes surrounded by trash heaps scavenging for 200 year old food and avoiding trying to do some form of rebuilding? Now it's pristine houses with minor wear and tear that would look much worse 200 years later if even standing and somehow the nuke must of avoided most of everything because why not? Oh I almost forgot to add scavenging for 200 year old baked beans and boxes of sugar bombs, did I misinterpret anything?
You know those houses still look a bit like cardboard cutouts from Jedasd's posted picture but at least it looks a bit better on PC compared to those console screenshots.

They still look WAY too pristine. Now if these home were inhabited then I would buy it. I'm sure that after 200 years people would replace windows or learn how to make glass to replace them but uninhibited homes that no one has set foot in in over 200 years... yeah don't think so.

From Bethesda's Fallout wasn't it all about living in rundown hovels and nukes surrounded by trash heaps scavenging for 200 year old food and avoiding trying to do some form of rebuilding? Now it's pristine houses with minor wear and tear that would look much worse 200 years later if even standing and somehow the nuke must of avoided most of everything because why not? Oh I almost forgot to add scavenging for 200 year old baked beans and boxes of sugar bombs, did I misinterpret anything?

Nope I think you got everything cover. Funny how Beth seems to be now contradicting themselves with everything that they established in Fallout 3.
You know those houses still look a bit like cardboard cutouts from Jedasd's posted picture but at least it looks a bit better on PC compared to those console screenshots.

I wasnt looking at the houses though. I think my first character will be the wife and I will just use the vault suit with upgrades.