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  1. Cobra Commander

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    Oh my God, I love this Mr. House video. Another thing that i did not know about this game :D
  2. Cobra Commander

    This over-saturation of Nuka Cola

    Did you guys imagine NV release today? Caesars Legion, Powder Ganger, The Chairmen, The Kings and Marked Men. They are male only :D
  3. Cobra Commander

    "Legion stuff" Ed, you dog.

    "Legion stuff" Ed, you dog.
  4. Cobra Commander

    Things that you LIKE about Fallout 76

    never played, but the concept behind the Responders is really cool. Way better than The Minutemen.
  5. Cobra Commander

    Why does the NCR go after Enclave remnants, but not remnants of the Master's Army?

    hum, really? That's interesting. Apart from Navarro, did they exist anywhere else?
  6. Cobra Commander

    Many a True Nerd "Fallout 3 is Better than you Think"

    But i miss the part where before going to FO3's full defense force, he strategically inserted in another thread an unconditional love for Fallout 1. :(
  7. Cobra Commander

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    This companion; America; is not the same thing as Clover?
  8. Cobra Commander

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    lol love this guy, he actually appears in more then one episode. Golden age, that´s the shit.
  9. Cobra Commander

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Oh no, terrible TERRIBLE news :sad: Wolf7000 was a dear colleague, he was super enthusiastic about my Arizona Slave Army and Knightmare Fiends mods and took lots of good pictures to post on my mods' pages. I loved it when he did that...
  10. Cobra Commander

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Perfect, this is it. I will favor your message and post the link whenever I have to explain to someone about how wrong they are with this dlc.
  11. Cobra Commander

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    there´s a yugioh archetype full of those things lol
  12. Cobra Commander

    Only saw the first one and was a pretty fun movie.

    Only saw the first one and was a pretty fun movie.
  13. Cobra Commander

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    :shock: Whoever says that F3 is more replayable than NV, is wrong. This is not even my opinion, it is a fact. Like ... this is not obvious? :shrug:
  14. Cobra Commander

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Wait, army of mini what now?????
  15. Cobra Commander

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Delilah is cool. She's related to Sulik and want your help to be a doctor. She can even cure the troopers in Forlorn Hope and the boomers in their infirmary. No romance and no creepy thing under the sheets.
  16. Cobra Commander

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Such a mess. But at least we can have some fun with the future Internet Historian video about this.
  17. Cobra Commander

    This over-saturation of Nuka Cola

    Maybe next Fallout we can have Vim! as the main drink hehe I like this artwork, looks like Love and Rockets
  18. Cobra Commander

    This over-saturation of Nuka Cola

    I've also been saying exactly that about Bethesda's Fallouts for years now. I do not understand this. I am not a creator, but if I were one, I doubt that I would be limiting myself so much to one thing. Oh well......It's just Bethesda's Fallouts, at the end of the day. :shrug: