Search results

  1. Cobra Commander

    The worst location in fallout 2?

    Abbey is super boring. for official location, Gecko or Redding I guess. I don't find these places very interesting. Favorite is NCR, Vault City and Reno.
  2. Cobra Commander

    Using an expert Martial artist in Jagged Alliance 2 has been great.

    Using an expert Martial artist in Jagged Alliance 2 has been great.
  3. Cobra Commander

    Let's discuss Dead Money. Was it that bad?

    They are sinister and dangerous enemies, not xp on legs. There is a Fun mod called Bloody Money that let you play only this DLC. There's no VATS in this mod, so hit them with weapons are hard, they jump like frogs for all the screen.
  4. Cobra Commander

    Is Preacher a good show?

    Is Preacher a good show?
  5. Cobra Commander

    Fallout 76 - BoS makes their appearance

    I always suspected that Bethesda is constantly using BoS because their PAs look cool (and because the faction has a cool name) Aren't they just a small faction that wants technology just for them? It is not supposed to be material for multiple games. Or am I wrong? At least is what I think. I...
  6. Cobra Commander

    Fucking amazing!!!!

    Fucking amazing!!!!
  7. Cobra Commander

    It's Out.

    Heh. Not even Pete "Illiterate" Hines would have the courage to say that.
  8. Cobra Commander

    Let's discuss Dead Money. Was it that bad?

    Question: anyone played this DLC with a unarmed char? Just try it.
  9. Cobra Commander

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I love this game. Jorge best Spartan.
  10. Cobra Commander

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    between locations in the old fallouts was also pretty boring (in fact, I always have a high Outdoorsman to avoid encounters as much as possible), so I don't care about that and I always use fast travel when possible.
  11. Cobra Commander

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    never been this close. I'm excited, I had a 360 and I really liked the video game. although I don't mind console war, it will be fun to watch.
  12. Cobra Commander

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    I like Crazy Wolfgang and that robot companion. And The Pitt.
  13. Cobra Commander

    Arkham is just for criminals.

    Arkham is just for criminals.
  14. Cobra Commander

    I made a fun mod for The Fiends :D

    I made a fun mod for The Fiends :D
  15. Cobra Commander

    What is the food chain of the Fallout world?

    Fallout 3 only, right? I mean, there is The Divide and Glowing Sea too (Arroyo before the Geck too......more or less), but the rest of the places seem perfectly ok to live.
  16. Cobra Commander

    [Games as Art] What is the best writing in all of video games?

    Mass Effect 1 and Cat Lady trilogy. I guess.
  17. Cobra Commander

    Why remake?

    Love this one too, so bizarre. Love the Jack Kirby influence in this game.
  18. Cobra Commander

    Why remake?

    Would love a mass Effect 1 (my favorite) with the mass Effect 3 jogability.
  19. Cobra Commander

    Aurelius' Legion Overhaul

    This is wrong. Of course you may dislike my mod, but it was never my intention to make them "kewl" (I don't speak english, so I researched it and that's a mocking word for cool, right?) I put a LOT of attention and thought into every piece present in this mod, from the boots to the head, to be...
  20. Cobra Commander

    If you could make one change to the Fallout Lore, what would it be?

    Only one? Ok, Caesar's Legion tries to emulate the Roman Empire, but does not like technology. dafuq?