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  1. Cobra Commander

    So I've played Fallout 4...

    How can you find Skyrim the best game of all time, Fallout 3 the second and at the same time, not like Fallout 4? They are pretty much the same game, a giant map full of junk to collect and things to kill
  2. Cobra Commander

    Worst Fallout Game? What are your opinions?

    Fallout 4. Never played 76 or BoS.
  3. Cobra Commander

    Modding FO3 for first playthrough tips

    Ironsights are mandatory. After years without playing this game, I even have forgot that it does not have true ironsights =/
  4. Cobra Commander

    Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

    You know, if you pick TES as an example, Bethesda can have it all there. They cut out acrobatics (the most fun skill in the game, without discussion), they cut out spells crafting and schools of magic, armor/weapon condition, less diseases, vampirism can be cured very easily etc etc etc THEY...
  5. Cobra Commander

    J. Sawyer trolling

    J. Sawyer trolling
  6. Cobra Commander

    Ellis never seems to do so well out of comics. At least his G.I Joe was fun.

    Ellis never seems to do so well out of comics. At least his G.I Joe was fun.
  7. Cobra Commander

    Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

    Why aliens need this codes btw? if they wanted to destroy the planet (because reasons), they could not have used their atomics? I mean, it is just nuclear weapons, I'm sure they can build several just using the garbage available on the ship.
  8. Cobra Commander

    Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

    with this you are saying that MSZ is not part of the canon, then I agree, by this moment. The BoS don't have the alien ship in 4 and I do not think anywhere is said anything about aliens, even though Lone Wanderer is officially a member of the faction.
  9. Cobra Commander

    Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

    this dlc have some hulkling aliens, I think is called abomination. you shoot. And shoot. And shoot again. And you keep shooting forever and this thing DON´T DIE!!!!!! Trully, an abomination. I think the feral ghouls reavers were not enough for them, they needed another bullet sponge in that...
  10. Cobra Commander

    Best weapon in Fallout 3?

    that repeater rifle in Point Lookout, because use 10mm ammo, wich is very easy to find.
  11. Cobra Commander

    Coming to America sequel, confirmed. Movie of the year?

    Coming to America sequel, confirmed. Movie of the year?
  12. Cobra Commander

    wow, Bungie got rid of the disgusting arms of Activision

    wow, Bungie got rid of the disgusting arms of Activision
  13. Cobra Commander

    I love Dead Money (First time played through it)

    Hehe, yeah. This perk, light step and a heavy unarmed build (dont even need to be one focus on criticals. Pick heavy hand and gg) transform this dlc into a kind of walk in the park ..... more or less, the speakers are still super annoying Also, you can pick the snow globe after gathering the...
  14. Cobra Commander

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    then they failed miserably. Who cares about Arroyo when we have a boxing championship going on in the city?
  15. Cobra Commander

    What Fallout game has the best 1st act? What makes it your favorite?

    Arroyo sux, the combat in this point too, even with tag skills. but yeah, Klamath and especially the Den are sublime.
  16. Cobra Commander

    Escapist Magazine calls Bethesda killers of Fallout

    Blood ties is so shitty that I even had a bad mood just remembering. I like the notes left by some ex enclave soldier. In that place full of fire ants. I like the kid in the same place too, poor kid.
  17. Cobra Commander

    Escapist Magazine calls Bethesda killers of Fallout

    The "repeat the mistakes of the past" is; as you know; the main thing of NV, where you can find this theme everywere. NCR, Legion and House are the main ones, but also Great Khans, Think Tank, Dean Domino, Tabitha, Joshua Graham (this case is subtle. I do not like how we can not say to him...
  18. Cobra Commander

    Need NMA opinion on some Legion´s armor. Come and help me.

    oh, shame. I read the comments section and I do not want to judge anyone here, but the author does not seem apt to write anything. The assets are bad, but who cares, all I want is a good story, which should not happen. Alias, will this mod one day see the light of day? I think not.
  19. Cobra Commander

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    No. The attacks are: 1) uppercut: do more extra damage. 2) cross: do 2,5x damage to limbs. ABSOLUTELY DESTROY the ghost people in Dead Money. Using the fist bear trap (also 2,5x damage to limbs) is 100% guarantee that you can 0HTKO them. 3) Stomp. When a enemy is in the ground. Do double...