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  1. Cobra Commander

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    I switch to TPS in NV I when I want to execute the ranger takedown. only works on radscorpions, it's impossible to hit anything else with this move =/ Edit: <== ranger takedown in my avatar lol
  2. Cobra Commander

    What Are Your Favorite Video Games of All Time

    New Vegas and Super Metroid Also, a wink to Tetris. It's not my favorite or anything, but I've been playing it since I understood me as people. It never gets old. Love those hand devices with tetris, I had one and carried it everywhere. I played on the bus, in the bathroom, before bed....
  3. Cobra Commander

    wow.....Dead Money with unarmed build = very easy mod 0_0 you may find that the bear trap fist...

    wow.....Dead Money with unarmed build = very easy mod 0_0 you may find that the bear trap fist is bad. The Fact? It is not.
  4. Cobra Commander

    Your GOTY 2018

    The Messenger Ninja Gaiden + Metroidvania. But like many of you, I barely play video games these days.
  5. Cobra Commander

    Show your character

    Laser. Full mod laser rifle = best weapon in the game. Not the unique version; AER14; the normal one. Don't belive me? Just try it. There is one condition. DONT USE VATS. What makes this weapon good is the speed of the shots when out of the vats. with the scope you will not have problems...
  6. Cobra Commander

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    I think you right.
  7. Cobra Commander

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Yeah, maybe he just wanted to help his old friends, making some free disclosure. Or not. Avellone is a very weird guy.
  8. Cobra Commander

    Bethesda going out of its way to ignore New Vegas

    Now, I belive that Bethesda guys are totally salty the way NV is considered by many to be the best game in the franchise. nothing is going to change my mind. That said, the references to NV that FO4 has, are enough. more would be an exaggeration. Cola victory, quartz and sunset sarsaparilla...
  9. Cobra Commander

    Fallout 1 versus Fallout 2

    Haha really? Cool. Do you need a hope?
  10. Cobra Commander

    Need NMA opinion on some Legion´s armor. Come and help me.

    Do not forget to vote as the mod of the month, friends (if you think it deserves hehe) This really helps me a lot.
  11. Cobra Commander

    Show your character

    my new char in action why shoot at others when you can just punch them, right?
  12. Cobra Commander

    Fallout 1 versus Fallout 2

    This And this. Fallout2's problem is in fact the quality roller coaster. for example, following the natural path of the game, you get out of the spectacular NCR / Vault 15 and end up in the terrible Vault13 / Frisco (honestly, I kind like the smart deathclaws hehe) I think I read somewhere...
  13. Cobra Commander

    What do you think happened to the Mordinos?

    We know from some information in NV that the Wright family vie for power with the Van Graffs in Reno and also that the Bishop family are still something, with their boss being the son of Chosen One. And the Salvatore family were probably all killed by the Wrights or Mordinos after the fall of...
  14. Cobra Commander

    What is the proper solution to Tenpenny Tower

    Oh look, he likes 76 Guess you now can have a partner to play online @CT Phipps Remember, game is overload with NPCs, but each one of them is a real person.
  15. Cobra Commander

    Would Microsoft turn Wasteland into a Bethesda Fallout clone?

    good question. you see, Obsidian lost the opportunity of their lives with this Outer Worlds. This type of game is not so popular (Deus Ex MD was a flop) You know very well what really sell. Bethesda games. That fucking atrocity called Fallout 4 sold more than Skyrim. MORE THAN SKYRIM. The...
  16. Cobra Commander

    Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

    always like Tali. She have a funny voice and she´s easy on the bottle. Best girl.
  17. Cobra Commander

    Okay, I'm starting to enjoy it

    Well .... it's you, right? Of course you're enjoying it.
  18. Cobra Commander

    How I changed my life

    Cool man. Good luck in your new life and be happy, life is wonderful.
  19. Cobra Commander

    Fallout: New California Trailer And Other Irradiated News

    You right, that works (the parrot still sux. Why not a simple crow?)
  20. Cobra Commander

    Fallout: New California Trailer And Other Irradiated News

    pirates without naval trade or seaports will be difficult. unless they have it in this mod.