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  1. D

    First music, then television, then games, and now...

    tl; dr. Too many quad-amputee shitting dicknipple vivisection doujins to read, sorry.
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    What's that supposed to mean? You live in that corner of the country. Isn't it supposed to be factories, smog, and coal mines as far as the eye can see? ...communists really lied to us, didn't they?
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    Hey, why do the counties in the north and east of Slavonia get so small? Is the difference in population density that big? Anyway...
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    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    In American movies, yes. "Our" whose? Only about seven or eight European countries had colonies in Africa. And the bulk of current immigration tends to go to a handful of the most alluring target countries (which again happen to be those former colonial powers).
  5. D

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    It is, but hands off, she's taken, apparently. (Not by me.) I don't think we evaluate each other in terms of "popularity". We don't even meet all that often. I volunteered. It's not actually all fun and games; I may be attempting to laugh on the outside, but I was deathly afraid they'd all...
  6. D

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Bollocks. I'm visible in the picture, right? Though, I made the latter grimace on purpose, but I'd hate to meet someone grinning like me in the first picture. Some men are doomed to never smile...
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    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    I nearly missed my annual photo op! Thankfully, my pals dragged me out to vandalize the zoo in Dvůr Králové nad Labem. We tamed a hippopotamus! As you can see, there was no room left at the top, and I possess the stupidest face that has ever walked the Earth. So I had to selflessly...
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    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    What is it with you Lithulatvians tacking an 'S' at the end of everything?
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    Clothes : your particular style

    Usually, blue or black jeans (simply because I own one pair of blue jeans and one pair of black jeans) and dark T-shirts, preferably without any pictures. Under the present weather conditions, replace jeans with loose shorts (and no underwear for the win) and a sleeveless shirt. I don't...
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    Fallout 3 previews in Europe

    Wonder if I should buy Level again after so many years. The last time I did was back in June 2000, because Fallout 2 came with it.
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    Pick a card any card

    I wonder what the code would be for the numbered cards. There's no distinguishing feature apart from the number, which would make the code rather obvious.
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    7/10 Impressive but outdated.
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    Is that for Real?!

    This is why sane countries have regulations that forbid parents from giving their children names that aren't included in some kind of official register. Though they can try to have it added. Yes, including the typo. Please do just that. :P
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    1957 Plymouth to Emerge from Tulsa Time Capsule

    Hey, apparently they actually tried to start the car? Is it just me or does simply starting a car after fifty years of inactivity sound like about as good an idea as (...wait for it...) Morrowind with guns? (Ker-zing)
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    MSG, now it's good for you...

    Shouldn't this sort of thing be criminal? I wonder if MSG can be "addictive" in the literal sense.
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    Eurovision Song Contest 2007

    I hate Eurosong even more now that I can no longer pride myself on living in a country that never took part in this travesty. Fortunately no-one seems to have even noticed our peasant metal sensation, so little harm was done.
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    What's Your Favorite Drink?

    Real men drink Diet Coke. Alcohol be damned; you're not tough if your bowels can't withstand a daily phosphoric acid shower. You've been watching Green Mile too much.
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    Lovecraftian Comic, Not for the Faint of Heart

    This is the best comic I've read in a long time. Is there more?
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    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    That's a coincidence, I just made this a while ago. It's a bit big.
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    Your desktop image.

    Osaka is made of winXP.