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  1. D

    The Geography Cup

    It won't let me register and play because I'm not from one of the only two countries on Earth, so I'll just be anal and say it's nice how they stabbed the Union Jack into France in their logo.
  2. D

    Is this boxer a super mutant?

    I would pay good money to see a fight between him and Uwe Böll.
  3. D

    Technology takeover.

    Aren't Bravias supposed to somehow "phone home" and automatically download patches and stuff? The end is more nigh than most would think.
  4. D

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    You didn't look so surprised the last time I did that... :P
  5. D

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Oh teh noes! The only think worse than an Islamic terrorist... an Islamist punk! He'll make us all listen to Muezzin Sex Pistols covers! (Ducks and covers) ...though, what would the Portuguese do with an ice breaker? The lazy bums always colonized tropical lands so they could slack around...
  6. D

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    You have a mobile case just like my nose? :?
  7. D

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Foolish mortals. Your soul-capturing contraptions have no effect on the Dark Master. MEGA-BLOCKU!!1
  8. D

    World Cup

    CZE-ITA - This first period was ass. So the Czechs fire like ten shots on the Italians with no results, while they get a goal out of two shots? And Polák got himself kicked out too. Well, looks like I can start ignoring cricket again. Update: Hahaha, holy shit. That second goal was the...
  9. D

    World Cup

    I'm a silly fan, but not silly enough to risk my livelihood for it. (Plus I have no livelihood to speak of, but you may act like you don't know that.)
  10. D

    World Cup

    For me, though, a 1-1 draw is a good result. 0-0 would have been optimal, though.
  11. D

    World Cup

    Right. I forgot Ghana had one more match to play as well. Wishful thinking, I suppose.
  12. D

    World Cup

    Well, today's fireworks of incompetence from the Czech team was spectacular. (Except Čech, he did a lot to prevent things from getting even worse.) Looks like if I'm reading the tables right, the only way for us to advance now is for Italy to beat the US tonight. (Czech Republic 0 - Ghana 2)...
  13. D

    Pipboy shirts

    I am drowning in my own drool. Tell me, Emmet, how does it feel? How does it feel... to be a murderer? A murderer with a totally awesome shirt... that KILLS PEOPLE?! (Edit: Also, best 666th post I could have made)
  14. D

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Onmyouza - Kumikyoku "Yoshitsune"
  15. D

    Hard Hat Area, or Protect Your Head of State

    Although I don't put much stock into Czech media, if any of this is true, I can only wish you good luck.
  16. D

    How Much Are You Paying?

    I just looked at the Shell pump across the street from my house and these are the current prices: (I've performed a quick conversion into Euros and Canadian Dollars per litre and US Dollars per gallon for your convenience) Kč/l €/l CA$/l US$/gln Diesel 30,00 1,05 1,48 5,05...
  17. D

    The Happy Easter Thread

    Passion of the Christ was on the telly on Friday, and I couldn't stop giggling about how they spoke Latin with modern Italian pronunciation (not that Latin had much to do there in the first place). Anyway, this is the only justifiable reason for the existence of Easter. It doesn't taste any...
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    Chef is Dead!

    That is no saviour. He looks like Hervé.
  19. D

    Old Google prank

    Google bombs are so 2003. But at least it's fairly civil. Recently, some people bombed Google into returning the website of the Czech Communist Party as the first result for "mrdači ovcí", which translates to "sheepfuckers". Oh well.
  20. D

    World Cup

    I wonder if we've qualified this time around.