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  1. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    A gas mask towering above us menacingly with a syringe full of a glowing green substance? Way cool. 2,1/10
  2. D

    It's not only Romanians.

    Worse stuff happens.
  3. D

    The ultimate insane German director is at it again!

    From the gaming industry's Caenist mindsets.
  4. D

    Like owning land?

    So does this mean the people go live under a bridge or something? What kind of compensation do they get?
  5. D

    The Personal Saddam

  6. D

    Democrats Are As Crazy As Anybody

    I'm steering clear of this (as I always do), just thought I'd let you know that Conyers guy has written a reply to that article. Anyway, I've got to ask, what's so important about this memo (apart from the fact that US media has supposedly been stifling it for like two weeks now or...
  7. D

    Dreams suck:(

    Bollocks. Most people usually don't have control over their dreams.
  8. D

    Council of Jebuvienna (Remap Europe!)

    Well, it seemed you were rather agitated. So am I pwned? :aiee:
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    Council of Jebuvienna (Remap Europe!)

    Uh, we love you, but please stop taking this thread seriously now. I don't believe anyone else is. Okay, maybe except Was Ist ? ? ?, our cousin in Slavdom, but he's more like the kind of cousin you want to keep locked up in the basement, I guess.
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    Let's Just Invade Canada A Few Years Early

    So you lost your virginity when you were raped by a homo, and you're trying to suppress the memory?
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    Council of Jebuvienna (Remap Europe!)

    There's "evidence" that Latin is a Slavic language. These days you can find "evidence" for anything. It will be. :twisted:
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    Council of Jebuvienna (Remap Europe!)

    Dude. What do we need a piece of Sweden and England's underpants for?
  13. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    5/10. Very generic, and I do believe someone here is already using it (or did fairly recently). Dragonetti is here. :aiee:
  14. D

    What would you do?

    Supermarkets = teh noes. They don't actually have shit. They re-stock even several times a day from distribution centres.
  15. D

    Council of Jebuvienna (Remap Europe!)

    You forgot Moldova. :naughty:
  16. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    5/10. Seen it before.
  17. D

    French No Wins?

    Here, no-one's been sent anything, and as far as I can tell, most people really don't give a shit. Then again, we haven't even decided yet if we're going to have a referendum in the first place and the president now argues the whole thing is moot after the French vote. Me, I've read the thing...
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    Council of Jebuvienna (Remap Europe!)

    I worked the world out earlier, and now I've solved it.
  19. D

    Council of Jebuvienna (Remap Europe!)

    I think I've figured the world out. Warning, not work safe.
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    Council of Jebuvienna (Remap Europe!)

    Methinks the confederation would have to be wider, especially towards the east. :aiee: Anyway, in retrospect, I shouldn't have painted Iceland brown in the previous map. Being able to read old Viking sagas without translation is rather pwn.