Council of Jebuvienna (Remap Europe!)


Background Radiant
It's time we set things straight in Europe.

Here you have a blank map:


And it's up to us to fill it in like it should be.

Here's mine:


There. Nice and tidy, without all those stupid little countries.

Like history should've turned out.
Being half Greek, I like Jeebus's Europ map, giving Greece more land. Yay, Go Greece. Being american tho don't like his USA map :roll:

Funny stuff tho none the less.
and some more corrections, showing our incredible(but fair:twisted: ) strength, an example of what would happen to those, who won't
obey The Mighty Red Hammer Of Doom
KQX said:
Albania? wtf? :twisted:

Ah crap, missed that when I colored the map with the paint can tool. Albania is, of course, supposed to be brown. A very deep brown, as they're in very deep shit.

I blame the shitty map. The border lines are imperfect, causing the paint can to spill over.
Member of Khans said:
67,561,000 of 80,000,000 <s>Germans</s> people which are called German by the constitution are dreaming of this.

Methinks the confederation would have to be wider, especially towards the east. :aiee:

Anyway, in retrospect, I shouldn't have painted Iceland brown in the previous map. Being able to read old Viking sagas without translation is rather pwn.

What the fuck is that blue dick coming out of the Polish French Province, citizen?


Wooz: you're going to have to show me what you mean, because I'm kinda colourblind and I don't really know what you're talking about.