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  1. Ballfondler

    So in the end, what was even the point of the Synths?

    Damn, you beat me to it. xD
  2. Ballfondler

    Fallout 4 es no bueno.

    Fallout 4 es no bueno.
  3. Ballfondler

    I hear that. :D

    I hear that. :D
  4. Ballfondler

    Should I buy Wasteland 2?

    I've been holding off on DC since I really missed the character export. :/ Not sure I wanna hop back on yet. I heard they fixed the memory leak.
  5. Ballfondler

    I feel Fallout 4 will be a rude awakening

    Of all the praise for FO4 I found it extremely odd how it's still being listed as an "RPG" even on Steam. In the video "making of fallout 3" Todd and the team even clearly said they wanted it to appeal to the CoD/Halo crowd and wanted to give it that sort of appeal. Essentially they wanted to...
  6. Ballfondler

    Should I buy Wasteland 2?

    Nice! so.. I'm assuming you already passed Canyon of Titan? Yeah, I'm a bit late on this thread but W2 kicked butt. No spoilers though. :D
  7. Ballfondler

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Just got Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army. Yup, I've been missing out. Lately, I've been playing Return of Reckoning for those who remember Warhammer: AoR you know what I'm talking about. :D
  8. Ballfondler

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    I honestly didn't notice that in Wasteland 2. and that second article had me dying from laughter. :D
  9. Ballfondler

    NMA thoughts on The Storyteller: FALLOUT by ShoddyCast

    ShoddyCast? They're Bethesda fans .. they were doing TES before they caught on to FO. Here's something to ease the mind.
  10. Ballfondler

    What was your first RPG?

    Pokemon Blue. Yeah, go ahead and laugh but I thought the game was "it" at the time. Not to mention I didn't even know what an "R-P-G" was at the time. I was only 6 or 7 .. :P
  11. Ballfondler

    Anyone here play Skyrim? How long since you've played it?

    I hate Skyrim with a seething-hot passion! lol! No, really! I never understood what was so hyped about the game. I give it credit where credit is due. It's cool to explore. The combat is pretty fair if you aren't playing as a mage. Some quest lines are pretty good .. I believe my favorite...
  12. Ballfondler

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hi everyone, I'm Ballfondler and I'm a Fallout 4 virgin! :P
  13. Ballfondler

    R.I.P. Lemmy Kilmister

    R.I.P. Lemmy.
  14. Ballfondler

    A Fallout game that's not depressing, nor heroic, but in between?

    I think it's the dark humor that's necessary in Fallout. It could be a mix of both depressing and heroic but there needs to be that dark sense of humor. Kind of like the Ultra-Luxe in New Vegas. That was dark as hell! But that's because it had it's twist to it. Even though on the outside it...
  15. Ballfondler

    Ideas for Obsidian spin off?

    More American Southwest? Would like to see LA but don't mind San Francisco or Mexico. Seattle would be pretty interesting to see as well.