This ghoul has seen it all

Like the title says, what was the point of their inclussion at all? And I don't just mean in-universe, I mean narratively. Their precense never amounted to anything other than Railroad radiant quests, the Institute kidnapping people and replacing them with Synths similarly went nowhere and the plot itself wasn't even about them but about a reversed Fo3 Father/son dynamic. Hell they are so irrelevant that they don't even get a mention either on the intro or ending narrations.
To justify the Brotherhood there? They could've replaced Synths with anything, hell they could've come up with a more compelling goal for them while they were at it.
What are your thoughts?
To justify the Brotherhood there? They could've replaced Synths with anything, hell they could've come up with a more compelling goal for them while they were at it.
What are your thoughts?