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  1. D

    Telescope Pics:

    It always startles me that we have so much bloody money to pay for absurd foreign policy decisions, yet can never spring on scientific research. How do people get off chiding NASA for its budgetary oversight flaws while simultaneously cutting out any last vestige of civilian space exploration...
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    War in Iraq to cost over $2 trillion

    Maybe we have smaller numbers because our money is worth something besides toilet paper, Ratty?
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    War in Iraq to cost over $2 trillion

    You know, because corruption is shocking in politics, right?
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    Danes vs Muslims?

    My only response to this thread is thus: Muhammad *is* a central figure to many Muslims through their use of the Sunnah and Hadith. Both are texts relating the life of the Prophet as testimony to how a proper Muslim should live their lives. Many Muslims probably DO interpret them as at...
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    Danes vs Muslims?

    AhHAhahahaha!!!! Oh wait, you were serious?
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    Fallouty New Year!

    I mentioned casually once that maybe Aphex Twin would be good for the sort of background music as the game plays. Specifically the song Gwerly Mernans. This was in the Fallout 3 music thread but hopefully they didn't think of taking me SERIOUSLY....
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    The Axis of Good vs. the Axis of Evil

    Query: What is the modern-day equivalent of the theory of Menshevikism? Besides Kerensky getting his liberal-socialist party outed, is there any ideology that comes close to those original ideals?
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    16 year old visits Iraq alone for personal interest...what!?

    Re: 16 year old visits Iraq alone for personal interest...wh No one cares about Croats, Ratty. You don't want the attention of the American media...they might have you pose with Sally Struthers or something.
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    Tax the Church-

    Well, I am very hesitant to try to create a connection between believing in an afterlife and somehow being less critical of thinking in *any* form. Why does the peculiar belief that some other principle ordered the universe besides chance so mindboggingly complex as to justify the most heinous...
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    Tax the Church-

    CCR, I would like to know why religion is automatically associated with 'good' in your mind rather than as a neutral concept. Why does the ability to believe or disbelieve in an afterlife, a divinity, etc affect in any way a person's actual ideals? Or is religion solely about fear of God...
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    Big Brother is Watching- No surprises anymore

    We already captured Osama a long time ago. He is in a secure bunker under the White House hanging out with his friends.
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    Big Brother is Watching- No surprises anymore

    While they oppose the Patriot Act, the defeat of it is a political ploy in itself. Many Democrats want to put safeguards into it and ameliorate the worst aspects of the law. By defeating it whole sale, the issue can be brought back up later while the Democrats arestill in a weak position as...
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    How do you think you will die?

    They go to hell when their careers die. I'll die in the Revolution, marytered to the Cause.
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    What would you do?

    Buy firearms and a vault for myself, stocked with supplies. Christians are going to cause the end of the world, and I want to be ready for when money doesn't actually matter anymore.
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    The world in 2026

    Why are we fucked when we reach technological singularity exactly? We should all support and welcome our AI masters. I know I'm putting in to be a cyborg.
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    Christmas List- what's on yours?

    Yes, we wouldn't trust you lot of convicts with anything more dangerous than an amusing accent and a boomerang.
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    Martial arts

    I took a bit of karate, but I always liked martial arts and wanted to get back into it. I would like to study several different styles, though my eye has been on the various ninjutsu/taijutsu types such as Budo Taijutsu, Genbukan, and Jinenkan. I also thought about Krav Maga as well, though it...
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    Christmas List- what's on yours?

    Calling another Orderite a homo is kind of redundant, CCR. Christmas List: Money, lots of it. I'm a godamn college student, what do you expect? If people decide to actually grant me said money, hopefully I will get a digital camera for study abroad next fall.
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    Immigration - US vs Europe

    Silly me, because you observed it it simply MUST be true, as opposed to someone who, say, might live in the United States?
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    My Recent Adventures in Gaming...

    Maybe Civilization 3 was a bold experiment in the human psyche and its responses to power? Oh, and how a spearman can kill a Panzer. I still wonder how he pulled that off.