Look, Ma! Two Heads!

So a 16 year old young gentleman took $1,800 cash and hopped a flight to Iraq to, basically, see what things are like over there.
Link to the news artical:
I've just got one thing to say: balls. That guy's got balls. I've done my fare share of daring/stupid things in my time, but I've never flown into the middle of a war zone to chill out for almost a month just for the hell of it. This kid just got 5 million coolness points as far as I'm concerned.
Link to the news artical:
I've just got one thing to say: balls. That guy's got balls. I've done my fare share of daring/stupid things in my time, but I've never flown into the middle of a war zone to chill out for almost a month just for the hell of it. This kid just got 5 million coolness points as far as I'm concerned.