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    Nuka Break Episode 1 released on Youtube

    That big hat is fucking ridiculous.
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    NMA was hacked

    Fantastic. :lol:
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    Gun Runners Arsenal

    I think it's all in shops only. The new ammo types apparently can be found in containers.
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    "Karma" in FO3/NV is pretty much retarded (then again it wasn't overly important in 1/2 either, the reputation system in Fallout 2/NV is MUCH better for that), item karma is even worse - it's just a way of the game keeping track of which items belong to which people. It's not really "evil" to...
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    FO3/NV way too easy?

    Respectfully disagree. Fallout 1 or 2 on Hard game difficulty and Rough combat difficulty is very challenging.
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    Underpowered Fire Weapons

    First of all, thank you for answering my questions Lexx. That's fine, I didn't mean a visual change anyway because I know that since poison doesn't have one it would probably be difficult/impossible. Well that's sad. So it's not possible to have it just a fire damage weapon, even though it...
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    NMA was hacked

    Re: Arcane Back Up Thrills Hey, I got that much. I meant why would he bother to try telling us he's a good guy in all of this and that he won't sell the data even though he stole it all anyway?
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    Gun Runners' Arsenal and Courier's Stash released on Steam

    I'm liking the GRA stuff so far, especially how it's not all just shoved into the Gun Runner's shop and also on other merchants. Courier's Stash is poorly implemented though IMO, having it all separate .esp files. I was expecting one file and the option in-game to chose which stash you want...
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    NMA was hacked

    What I still don't understand is why he would backup the database on his computer and THEN tell everyone that he's a good guy and doesn't want to harm people or anything? Seriously, what the fuck? Also, I think it might be worth noting that at the time this was happening there were around...
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    GRA and Courier's Stash out today + GRA preview, part 5

    GRA and Courier's Stash are now out on Steam.
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    I'm selling something that might interest you guys...

    Heh, fair enough. I want it too but there's no way in hell I'd be able to afford it.
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    NMA was hacked

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    NMA was hacked

    What the fuck am I reading.
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    GRA and Courier's Stash out today + GRA preview, part 5

    Longswords > Katanas 8-) Two-Step Goodbye sounds pretty fucking cool though.
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    The Courier: Amnesia or what?

    It's been stated many times that he is not suffering from amnesia, this is further backed up by the New Reno singer in Novac and the Courier's conversation with him about remembering him playing in the Shark Club. In Lonesome Road, the reason the Courier doesn't remember/give a shit is...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    At the moment I'm giving Blood II: The Chosen a replay, better than I remember it actually. The main disappointment about it compared to Blood 1 is the lack of imaginative weapons in favour of conventional weapons. Even though Blood 2 has a mix of them I think I preferred the style of Blood 1's.
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    Sequels that should be f***ing made.

    Why first-person? Do we really need more of those? The game worked fine as an isometric RPG, and that's even more surprising seeing as it was a SNES/Genesis game.
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    Gun Runners’ Arsenal preview, part 4

    You say that like they had prior knowledge that they were going to decide to put them back in or something, I think it's pretty damn obvious GRA isn't "Day 1 DLC" material. There was also 4 big DLCs previously released. Fuck it, we're done talking. But please, continue whining about modders...
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    Gun Runners’ Arsenal preview, part 4

    You really have no idea what you're talking about do you? The cut content non-unique This Machine was CALLED the Battle Rifle. And as for the 5.56mm Pistol's texture being copied, are you kidding me? It's just a cleaner, more black texture on...