GRA and Courier's Stash out today + GRA preview, part 5


But best title ever!
The two item pack that conclude Fallout: New Vegas' DLC releases, Gun Runners' Arsenal and Courier's Stash, are out today on PC/PS3, and already out on Xbox Live, and to mark their release, Bethesda has released on their blog the latest preview of Gun Runners' Arsenal new weapons, penned, as always, by J.E. Sawyer from Obsidian Entertainment.<blockquote>Two-Step Goodbye - A unique Ballistic Fist for professional wastelanders only. On a particularly devastating kill shot, it plants an explosive charge onto the target. You’ll know what’s coming when you hear the beeping. You’ve got two steps to get away. Use them wisely. Note: we’ve already repaired and re-sold this weapon three times for friends of people who didn’t heed the warning.

GRA Baseball Bat, Katana - A world of sophistication apart, the GRA Baseball Bat (above) and our incredibly popular customizable Katana (below) fill similar roles for the Melee Weapons specialist. The Baseball Bat can be customized with a Cork Core (increases attack speed), Maple Body (increases condition), and Nails (increases damage). You might be saying, “Why can’t I just pound regular nails into a Baseball Bat myself?” This is an art, friend. It requires skilled Gun Runners artisans to craft nails that are worthy of being precisely inserted into a Baseball Bat for combat use. Speaking of art, our Katana (below) is such a dazzler that we’ve heard some enemies just stand and stare as the blade comes flying in (no guarantee implied). Custom options include an Authentic Blade (increases damage), Balanced Grip (increases attack speed), and Protective Sheath (increases condition).

Greased Lightning, GRA Power Fist - The Gun Runners understand that bullets aren’t the answer to all problems. Sometimes, you need a really solid Power Fist. We’ve got two. Greased Lightning is a one-of-a-kind model. We’re not sure what the heck they did to it, but the pistons fire so fast we thought it was going to tear our tester’s arm off! Damage is much lower than a standard Power Fist, but when you’re hitting this fast, who cares? If you want something more customizable, pick up our GRA Power Fist. Chromed Tubes increase condition, High Cap Valves boost damage, and there’s even an option for Ported Chambers to modestly accelerate attack speed.</blockquote><center> </center>
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You might be saying, “Why can’t I just pound regular nails into a Baseball Bat myself?” This is an art, friend. It requires skilled Gun Runners artisans to craft nails that are worthy of being precisely inserted into a Baseball Bat for combat use.

Wow. Just wow. :roll:
I hate seeing a katana in Fallout. I hated it with those blades in Fallout 2, I don't hate it any less now. Putting katanas into games inappropriately is pandering too weeaboos, at best, and just fucking stupid at worst.

Not as stupid as the Embrace of the Mantis King. That thing looks ridiculous.
Brother None said:
I hate seeing a katana in Fallout. I hated it with those blades in Fallout 2, I don't hate it any less now. Putting katanas into games inappropriately is pandering too weeaboos, at best, and just fucking stupid at worst.

Not as stupid as the Embrace of the Mantis King. That thing looks ridiculous.

But Six String Samurai!11 And Katanas r cool!

Agreed with you.
Brother None said:
Not as stupid as the Embrace of the Mantis King. That thing looks ridiculous.

If they actually included the enemy in the game and made you earn it, I would have nothing against it, but simply throwing up?
The DNA Avenger perk make killing nightstalkers easier, but you need to earn it, as well the deathclaw gauntlet.

I don't know, these weapons seem too powerfull and unbalanced for a game that was already unbalanced by the DLCs perks and goods.
Two-Step Goodbye seems like fun. Now THAT'S truly unique, and not just a reskin.

Too bad they're copying WMX mod.

I don't know, these weapons seem too powerfull and unbalanced for a game that was already unbalanced by the DLCs perks and goods.

Get a difficulty increasing mod, such as Project Nevada Rebalance, because overkill doesn't matter that much when the difficulty is dead already.
I hope they release a mod to add the GRA weapons to enemy loot lists so enemies actualy use this too.
Also, new Balistic fist? good. Is not liek I will buy it anytime soon, I stille need to buy the las two DLC.
The GRA stuff looks childish. Not interested. If they included it with a GotY edition, I still wouldn't load it.
Surf Solar said:
You might be saying, “Why can’t I just pound regular nails into a Baseball Bat myself?” This is an art, friend. It requires skilled Gun Runners artisans to craft nails that are worthy of being precisely inserted into a Baseball Bat for combat use.

Wow. Just wow. :roll:

... Seriously?

Its a pretty obviously not meant to be taken seriously. So are all other weapon descriptions in the blog entries.
Two-Step Goodbye broke my leg. and my guy's bones are pretty damn hard to break. The Bozar is not the monster you are thinking it would be.

I got a truck load of bugs and a corrupted save after getting this as well as leaving the novac dino-store crashed mine and another person's game.

and whenever I enter the Presidential Suite at the Lucky 38 the game turns blue for some time until I leave the room or it wears off....then it is a matter of time before it comes back again.
My thoughts so far:

They did alot better than I had expected in the actual implementation of this. I was expecting that only the Gun runners themselves would have access to the new weapons but I was happily suprised to see that smaller vendors carry them as well. My next play through may be alot more enjoyable with the 5.56mm pistol from the begining.
Brother None said:
I hate seeing a katana in Fallout. I hated it with those blades in Fallout 2, I don't hate it any less now. Putting katanas into games inappropriately is pandering too weeaboos, at best, and just fucking stupid at worst.

It's one of the more thematic things... the 1950s and all. Captured World War 2 katanas flooded into the US (during the 50s there were more katanas in the US than there were in Japan!) and many wound up in pawn shops and scattered around. It makes sense in California and Vegas.

Mind you, most of those katanas weren't the classic samurai swords of old, many of them were shin gunto - mostly Type 98s and Type 95s - press stamped swords with no artistic merit - crappy wooden sword guards and handles, etc.

Though once in awhile, you'd find a nice quality katana.
Wasn't that thematic or else it wouldn't be soddin' Yakuza who never turn up anywhere else using the damn things.
Alphadrop said:
Wasn't that thematic or else it wouldn't be soddin' Yakuza who never turn up anywhere else using the damn things.

Wazikashi =/= katana, of course. Wazikashi weren't much more than stylized combat knives in Fallout 2.
DevilTakeMe said:
Alphadrop said:
Wasn't that thematic or else it wouldn't be soddin' Yakuza who never turn up anywhere else using the damn things.

Wazikashi =/= katana, of course. Wazikashi weren't much more than stylized combat knives in Fallout 2.

Wakizashi, not Wazikashi. :P
I had the pre order pack for classic fallout and just got the couriers stash.

Everything works fine, though the stash dumps all items from all 4 pre orders into your new character just as soon as you get done loading it.

I kept the items I wanted (tribal for a legion play through) and stashed the rest in Victors shack.

Ill come back for them later if I want to give them a try.