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  1. S

    Gun Runners’ Arsenal preview, part 4

    I think it's unfair that you're considering the That Gun and This Machine models/textures to belong to modders rather than Obsidian, and repeatedly credit the modders for making non-unique versions of them. The 5.56mm Pistol and Battle Rifle may turn out to be retextures of the unique weapons...
  2. S

    Elite Riot Armor, Joshua's or Armor of the 87th Tribe?

    Probably a bug, I think the Breathing Mask/Ulysses' Mask are marked as helmets or something like that, like how the Elite Riot Helmet is marked as a mask and you can combo it with hats/helmets.
  3. S

    Gun Runners’ Arsenal preview, part 4

    Eh, I guess if a person doesn't have Jury Rigging then they could use those to repair the unique ones. Or maybe the possibility of finding them prior to their unique versions? Or wait, the GRA items don't spawn on enemies do they? Only available at the Gun Runner's shop outside Vegas? If so...
  4. S

    I'm selling something that might interest you guys...

    Not sure if want. Also doesn't this count as advertising?
  5. S

    Gun Runners’ Arsenal preview, part 4

    Guy 1: So, the Brush Gun is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, what are we gonna put in Gun Runner's Arsenal to balance this out a bit? Guy 2: Oh, I know. Let's put in a unique, more accurate, more powerful and larger ammo capacity Brush Gun! Guy 1: What a great idea! :lol...
  6. S

    Unmasking the Gamers: J.E. Sawyer

    JES is underrated, haters gonna hate.
  7. S

    So after all these DLCs... the Brush gun is still THE gun?

    I found myself using Christine's COS Silencer Rifle for the majority of Lonesome Road, along with a Riot Shotgun with MAG ammo. Think I prefer the Hunting Shotgun though, packs more of a kick. Also, what the hell is up with the Dinner Bell? It's has such a small upgrade over the HS that it's...
  8. S

    Elite Riot Armor, Joshua's or Armor of the 87th Tribe?

    One thing I don't really like about the 87th Tribe Armor or Scorched Sierra Power Armor is that if you're with Caesar, you have to nuke the CL camp to get the 87th Tribe Armor and vice versa for the NCR. Which makes actual complete 100% rational sense, I know, but I still wish there was another...
  9. S

    Underpowered Fire Weapons

    So I've been thinking for a while that fire weapons in Fallout 1/2 need a buff. I'm no Fallout modder, but I do know that there are several overhaul mods for Fallout 2 at least and at the moment I'm basically just pitching ideas. Would it be possible (engine-wise, modder-wise) to create an...
  10. S

    Unlimited Caps from Lonesome Road

    It might just be like that to offset the fact that the weapon mods for LR weaps cost upwards of 10 thousand caps each (with mid-to-low barter skill).
  11. S

    The Untapped Wastes...

    Wasn't there a quest mod for Denver or something? I never tried it but it might be worth checking out, assuming it's anything like Van Buren's iteration.
  12. S

    Gun Runners' Arsenal Details

    I always figured that Bethesda intended the Incinerator to be a "re-imagining" of the old Flamer, at least in a design sense, as it doesn't function the same. The "Flamer" from Fallout 3/NV is really quite ugly.
  13. S

    NMA Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road Review

    So in the end, after finishing it all. I clocked in at about 10 hours, this is including the extra Dry Wells area (and all the time it took me lugging 3000lbs of ammo and other crap back to the boat, and then teleporting myself back to Big MT 8-)). Still agree 100% with the review. Anyone...
  14. S

    How would you reboot an existing franchise into a new genre?

    You wouldn't. At least, I wouldn't. I don't see why anyone should touch franchises and change their genres, it's getting tiring seeing it happen to everything nowadays. Why don't developers make new settings anymore?
  15. S

    Court denies Bethesda preliminary injunction, again

    When are they just going to give up and go home.
  16. S

    NMA Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road Review

    The only time I've turned the difficulty down (from Very Hard) so far was that fucking elevator ride. There was nowhere to run and it annoyed me. Really glad ED-E in LR can't die even on hardcore, because it would be IMPOSSIBLE if he did die.
  17. S

    NMA Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road Review

    I'm only a few of hours into Lonesome Road, and this is exploring every corner (which didn't even give me anything good). But from what I've played I agree 100% with the review, it is VERY linear, Ulysses is starting to talk mumbo jumbo on me and I couldn't care less about what he has to say to...
  18. S

    Lonesome Road trailer released

    DIS GON B GOOD I am excite.
  19. S

    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    I hate the video games industry.
  20. S

    Sequels that should be f***ing made.

    People watch my crappy old videos? Only made that because it seemed like something that should have been on youtube already. :) And yeah, a sequel would be great. Especially since Blood 2 wasn't very good (still decent though)... Though nowadays a Blood sequel would probably turn out like...