NMA Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road Review


You touched on most of my feelings.

They should have named this DLC "A boy and his robot" because that's where any of the interest lies.

I had so much hope for Ulysses as a character then I come to find he's a rambling nonsensical wannabe post apocalyptic prophet who's poorly voice acted to boot. Fantastic.

Loved the setting, loved the interaction with ED-E - the rest was decidedly MEH.
This was really good review. Now we wait for the inevitable MCA followup.

I really liked LR, but my biggest issue was one that you just touched on. I really expected to come across the settlement or town Ulysses kept referring to as a "new nation". I mean, sure, the player can see the Divide and think "Oh damn, I did that?", but from a distance it's just buildings and rocks. Not very emotional. But coming across the destroyed ruins of a town, skeletons scorched, irradiated townspeople, abominations, journals, and, most importantly, evidence that the town really could have been, with time, a legitimate power, that would have really caused me to have one of those rare "My God, what have I done" moments and seriously consider the fact that Ulysses might be right.

On a minor note, the journals of the Divide are a huge missed opportunity. In parts of NV and esp. in HH, many players reacted more to the journals they found than actual dialogues. But the journals found in the Divide are uninteresting, adding only a little bit a flavor. I'm not saying they needed to create whole new storylines, but they could have been used a lot more effectively.

//I liked the elevator section. And the warhead mechanic/gimmick. Please don't hurt me.
VRaptor117 said:
//I liked the elevator section. And the warhead mechanic/gimmick. Please don't hurt me.

I liked it too, man. :place brofist here: This is even more funny since I usually really loathe FPS games in general. I dunno, that elevator ride was really fun, even though I died twice there it didn't feel boring. Maybe it's because I don't play such games normally and such this is "new" to me - like BN said one can find such stuff in almost every FPS? eh..

At the Divide, yeah I agree with you, there could've been a bit more human remains, scorched skeletons etc. Though, the actual interiors looked very fucked up and depressing. The level design was superb. For those journals - this could be the first time I'm thinking about doing some actual "mod" for the game - why not write some simple ones for ourselves and place them there? Would've been better if they were there from the get-go though.

What I also just saw again (I'm doing the second playthrough right now) there are strange "buildings" everywhere, very small, they look like igloos made out of junk and debris. Are these some kind of "altars" for the marked men?
Hated the elevator ride. Needed to reload at least 10 times until I was fast enough to eat as much Med-X, Psycho and whatever I had in my inventory so I wouldn't die. It's my most hated scene in the whole DLC.

The stone buildings, I thought it's where they sleep in or whatever. Kind of like tents out of rubble.
Lexx said:
Hated the elevator ride. Needed to reload at least 10 times until I was fast enough to eat as much Med-X, Psycho and whatever I had in my inventory so I wouldn't die. It's my most hated scene in the whole DLC.

Just a tip: riot shotgun with And Stay Back perk.
If I'm doing a pure "guns" breed without secondary combat skill I go for the shotgun with knockback effect.

Great for Deathclaws too. ;)
Yeah, there's occasionally bunkrolls half in them, or food spread around, it's pretty clearly where the Marked Men sleep. Which only makes so much sense because there's plenty of places to sleep, so I dunno 'bout that one.

I can't help but think those annoying auto-inject stimpaks were added specifically for the elevator ride.
Surf Solar said:
Though, the actual interiors looked very fucked up and depressing. The level design was superb.

Oh yeah, definitely. The buildings underground, the askew ones on the surface, absolutely fantastic. I love exploring the destroyed remnants of a city, craved it ever since I saw the opening cinematic to Fallout.

Surf Solar said:
What I also just saw again (I'm doing the second playthrough right now) there are strange "buildings" everywhere, very small, they look like igloos made out of junk and debris. Are these some kind of "altars" for the marked men?

I don't think they are altars, more like shelters for the marked men. They are usually clustered each other and a campfire.

Which just reminded me of another missed opportunity. What happened to the fabled Divide storms? The skin ripping wind and sand? Nothing happens while you're there. There are some earthquakes, but the environment never really threatens you.
Brother None said:
Thanks, guys.

Sabirah said:
BrotherNone is the owner of the site (I think) We wouldn't be around period if it weren't for him :lol:

Nah. Miroslav founded it, Odin took it over and still owns it (and is still available for the tech side of things). Technically Silencer is the designated chief, I just am running things in his absence.

But what few people really know is that they're all alter-egos for Roshambo... Who knew NMA was just one man behind a curtain?

Thanks for the review Kharn. I feared LR would be a bit of a let down. Hoped it wouldn't but... *shrugs*
brfritos said:
Just a tip: riot shotgun with And Stay Back perk.
If I'm doing a pure "guns" breed without secondary combat skill I go for the shotgun with knockback effect.

Great for Deathclaws too. ;)

That perk and shotgun surgeon are absolutely essential to using a shotgun as a primary weapon. I used a hunting shotgun (MAG ammo) on the elevator, mixed in with a little flare gun. Worked like a charm.

You're right about the deathclaws, too. The Rawr fight was a joke.
Brother None said:
I can't help but think those annoying auto-inject stimpaks were added specifically for the elevator ride.

These things messed a lot with my build, since I picked Hot Blooded perk. :x

And if you couldn't imagined Fallout having elevator rides, what about auto-heal BN?
Thank god for F1, is still my prefered of the whole series.
Pretty sure Fallout 4 will feature a PipBoy 4000 with automated Stimpak-supply for auto-heal. :smug:
So in the end, after finishing it all. I clocked in at about 10 hours, this is including the extra Dry Wells area (and all the time it took me lugging 3000lbs of ammo and other crap back to the boat, and then teleporting myself back to Big MT 8-)).

Still agree 100% with the review.

Anyone else think Ulysses' Mask is overpowered in the radiation resistance sense, it gives even more than a bloody spacesuit.
I would love to play this if the PS3 version of the game was semi playable. Damn, Fallout 3 had the same problems on the ps3 and I believe I heard a while ago that bethesda's "new engine" seems to "work better" on the 360...needless to say, they also mentioned that they are "focusing" on the 360 version of Skyrim! :roll:
Not that I give half a shit about Fallout 3 or Skyrim, but I do wish I could play Fallout: New Vegas without having to restart the PS3 every 30 minutes.
[spoiler:3af06b46d2]Dang, this DLC (in my opinion) gives the best armor in the game if you going for critical damage and DT balance...and you look cool...[/spoiler:3af06b46d2]
Serge 13 said:
I would love to play this if the PS3 version of the game was semi playable.

No big shock there. Bethesda has been focused on the Xbox 360 over the PS3 since Oblivion. It is what it is.

MaToX said:
[spoiler:cad8ac3bdc]Dang, this DLC (in my opinion) gives the best armor in the game if you going for critical damage and DT balance...and you look cool...[/spoiler:cad8ac3bdc]

Brother None said:
No big shock there. Bethesda has been focused on the Xbox 360 over the PS3 since Oblivion. It is what it is.

Well, with oblivion it was a different story...sorta. They hired 4J Studios and they did a damn fine job on the PS3 port. It was actually the most polished version of the game.
VRaptor117 said:
Which just reminded me of another missed opportunity. What happened to the fabled Divide storms? The skin ripping wind and sand? Nothing happens while you're there. There are some earthquakes, but the environment never really threatens you.

That's been one of my pet peeves with the DLC. I expected to be challenged by the environment even more than in Dead Money.. but it seems like they took the criticism to its difficulty to heart and decided that only combat was okay. Really disappointing, especially since the level design in the DLC is the best I've seen in the 3D iterations of Fallout- :(
This reminds me of something... in LR I later saw flowing water from a big distance. But at Hoover Dam, the flowing water from the pipes is only visible in short distance. Must find out why it's different in LR.... It's one of my dreams to fix that specific Hoover Dam details. I mean, seriously. The Dam is such a hughe cool thing, but you can never see it in all it's glory, because the fucked up LOD makes most of it's long range details invisible.
Serge 13 said:
Well, with oblivion it was a different story...sorta. They hired 4J Studios and they did a damn fine job on the PS3 port. It was actually the most polished version of the game.

So you want them to delay the PS3 version by a year every time? That'd be cool.