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  1. SouthboundSoul

    Your characters and roleplaying.

    3rd or 4th Playthrough of New Vegas, my character is a hardened Mercenary and Bounty Hunter who has put the life of a courier behind him. He is an expert in getting up close with melee weapons and energy weapons. He has a trademark look of Welding Mask, Mohawk and Metal Armour. I didn't get...
  2. SouthboundSoul

    Fallout Movie/Machinima/Shortfilm

    Agreed. There is simply to much in the universe to be in a single film. A massive Television Series would be amazing. Honestly, there is to much focus the Brotherhood. It's not like their Space Marines from Warhammer where they are basically the main faction, but everyone perceives them as...
  3. SouthboundSoul

    depressing moments in Fallout games?

    TBH, the whole game is quite depressing. All the games. I mean we blew up the world and have forced people to live in horrible conditions. Just makes you think...
  4. SouthboundSoul

    Plot-holes and logical inconsistencies of FO3?

    Skyrim is just an overrated piece of shit. To this day I believe people only play the game to look at the pretty land scape. I got the game given to me for Christmas last year, I played the damn thing for half an hour, said meh. And haven't touched it since. Back to the matter at hand, I'm...
  5. SouthboundSoul

    Gamefaqs says FO3 one of greatest games of decade.

    If it wasn't a Fallout game, I bet most of you would love it. I like it, it's the only Bethesda game I like. Even though it sucks as a Fallout game. I think it should beat Halo, not because I like it, but because I think it would be funny to see something beat a game as over rated as Halo. That...
  6. SouthboundSoul

    Is there anyone left?

    I think Fallout 4 should be decades later after Fallout New Vegas. Where the NCR, Legion, Brotherhood and basically all major factions have failed and the world has gone back to the dark ages with people in small settlements fighting over simple things, and the player is tasked with uniting the...
  7. SouthboundSoul

    Post-Apocalyptic games that aren't Fallout?

    I know about the big ones, Borderlands, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Metro 2033 ect. But are there any other really good ones? RPGs in particular? Also I know about Wasteland 2 and plan on getting it.
  8. SouthboundSoul

    Three Dog needed to die.

    I killed him, ate his dead body, cut off his ear and sold it. I'm not psychotic or anything. :mrgreen:
  9. SouthboundSoul

    Good , neutral, or Evil.

    I preferred being Neutral. It gave you much more of a choice and far less enemies. If you were good, Talon Mercs came after you. If you were evil, Regulators came after you. You could pretty much do any quest and as long as you balanced it out it didn't make much difference to anything. Well...
  10. SouthboundSoul

    thinking of replaying FO3, Question

    The only mod I know of is, Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition, but that turns the game into a Tactical Shooter with Role Playing Elements. Though the S.P.E.I.C.A.L and Skills choices matter more then they do in the original Fallout 3. But otherwise I wouldn't get it, not unless you want to be playing...
  11. SouthboundSoul

    Creepiest part in Fallout 3?

    I know everyone says this, but for me it was Vault 106 and the entire "Black Heart of Darkhall" quest. So yes, the Dunwich Building freaked me out like all hell. I also found some of the subway tunnels very freaky on a low level, especially when first playing the game.