Hello there.
So, I'm currently on my third play through of this game, and my third play through roleplaying as a character. I plotted out an ark for my character as I played, and determined his character as well as his Stats and stuff. I made this thread to ask if you had done similar things, and if you would be willing to share your character with us.
My current character is a man who believes in the values of Old World America - he is patriotic and, similar to Ulysses, has done much research on the topic. He is a former Follower of the Apocalypse, and still wishes them the best, if possible.
If there is one person he looks up to more, however, it's Mr. House. He believes House has was it takes to restore America back to it's old ways - more so than the NCR, who he respects, but believes does not have the proper drive or motive to restore America to it's former glory. When asked to bug House's network, he considers shooting the nice lady who asked him to do it, even if it was for a cause he believes in.
He fights fiercely for his friends. He destroys the Silver Rush and the Crimson Caravan upon hearing of what they did to Cass, the brotherhood after they slaughter fellow Followers, whom Veronica was to meet, goes and kills Caeser after traveling with Boone and he seems unusually close to Arcade Gannon. As close as you can get within the confines of the vanilla game, anyway.
His beliefs are reflected through his Special and stats: High luck, as a way of personifying the American dream, as well as Charisma. His other stats all average out. He uses a signature American weapon - The All-American (WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED) as well as the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun when cornered up close. He also has high speech, in order to talk people who he sees as threats down, as, being a follower, he believes in Pacifism.
That's pretty much it. Thank you!
So, I'm currently on my third play through of this game, and my third play through roleplaying as a character. I plotted out an ark for my character as I played, and determined his character as well as his Stats and stuff. I made this thread to ask if you had done similar things, and if you would be willing to share your character with us.
My current character is a man who believes in the values of Old World America - he is patriotic and, similar to Ulysses, has done much research on the topic. He is a former Follower of the Apocalypse, and still wishes them the best, if possible.
If there is one person he looks up to more, however, it's Mr. House. He believes House has was it takes to restore America back to it's old ways - more so than the NCR, who he respects, but believes does not have the proper drive or motive to restore America to it's former glory. When asked to bug House's network, he considers shooting the nice lady who asked him to do it, even if it was for a cause he believes in.
He fights fiercely for his friends. He destroys the Silver Rush and the Crimson Caravan upon hearing of what they did to Cass, the brotherhood after they slaughter fellow Followers, whom Veronica was to meet, goes and kills Caeser after traveling with Boone and he seems unusually close to Arcade Gannon. As close as you can get within the confines of the vanilla game, anyway.
His beliefs are reflected through his Special and stats: High luck, as a way of personifying the American dream, as well as Charisma. His other stats all average out. He uses a signature American weapon - The All-American (WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED) as well as the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun when cornered up close. He also has high speech, in order to talk people who he sees as threats down, as, being a follower, he believes in Pacifism.
That's pretty much it. Thank you!