Your characters and roleplaying.


First time out of the vault
Hello there.

So, I'm currently on my third play through of this game, and my third play through roleplaying as a character. I plotted out an ark for my character as I played, and determined his character as well as his Stats and stuff. I made this thread to ask if you had done similar things, and if you would be willing to share your character with us.

My current character is a man who believes in the values of Old World America - he is patriotic and, similar to Ulysses, has done much research on the topic. He is a former Follower of the Apocalypse, and still wishes them the best, if possible.

If there is one person he looks up to more, however, it's Mr. House. He believes House has was it takes to restore America back to it's old ways - more so than the NCR, who he respects, but believes does not have the proper drive or motive to restore America to it's former glory. When asked to bug House's network, he considers shooting the nice lady who asked him to do it, even if it was for a cause he believes in.

He fights fiercely for his friends. He destroys the Silver Rush and the Crimson Caravan upon hearing of what they did to Cass, the brotherhood after they slaughter fellow Followers, whom Veronica was to meet, goes and kills Caeser after traveling with Boone and he seems unusually close to Arcade Gannon. As close as you can get within the confines of the vanilla game, anyway.

His beliefs are reflected through his Special and stats: High luck, as a way of personifying the American dream, as well as Charisma. His other stats all average out. He uses a signature American weapon - The All-American (WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED) as well as the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun when cornered up close. He also has high speech, in order to talk people who he sees as threats down, as, being a follower, he believes in Pacifism.

That's pretty much it. Thank you!
StroHersh said:
...My current character is a man who believes in the values of Old World America - he is patriotic and, similar to Ulysses...

... He is a former Follower of the Apocalypse, and still wishes them the best, if possible...

...If there is one person he looks up to more, however, it's Mr. House...

..When asked to bug House's network, he considers shooting the nice lady who asked him to do it, even if it was for a cause he believes in...

...He destroys the Silver Rush and the Crimson Caravan upon hearing of what they did to Cass, the brotherhood after they slaughter fellow Followers, whom Veronica was to meet, goes and kills Caeser ..., being a follower, he believes in Pacifism....

And he's got a multiple personality disorder? :|
Believing in something and living the life of it are two totally different things

I don't think I've ever gone any deeper with my roleplaying than "He's a pacifist" or "He's a sniper" that sort of stuff. Might create a little back story in my head for the reason, like "As a kid his parents were shot right in front of him, very anti-guns" for an unarmed or melee game, sometimes even a back story for a gun I plan on using through the game
I sometimes roleplay as someone who is mentally insane, as an easy escape from explaining why I'm jumping around so much. It's just so addictive pressing the spacebar.
Joelzania said:
I sometimes roleplay as someone who is mentally insane, as an easy escape from explaining why I'm jumping around so much. It's just so addictive pressing the spacebar.
I agree completely :lol:
I've never roleplayed like that for a videogame, I did create a pretty extensive background for my D&D character when I used to play.

If i had to come up with one though for my current character:

He's a stand-up guy, striving to do what's right. But taking a bullet to the head makes him a little bitter/cynical, but he's try to regain his optimism, but the world of the Mojave is tough. He's got a sliver tongue and a good handle on his guns, no need for unnecessary violence. He stands by the NCR, because they're the best option the Wasteland has.
I am on on my third full playthrough, as well.

My First Character was a Deep-Thinking 19 year old who saw everything in numbers. He was skilled with Computers, Speech Skills, and Survival. He fought for an Independent Vegas, but died by the hand of a Legion Assassin after killing Vulpes Inculta on The Strip.

Enter my Second Character, An experienced Gunslinger who was born and raised in Shady Sands during the time of Fallout 1. He saw the New California Republic be born and turn into a force to be reckoned with, and because of this he sides with the Republic, choosing to ignore the downsides of the Mojave being under New California Republic control. He lost his Left Leg in the battle of Hoover Dam, and was sent back to California, where he lived the rest of his life in Shady Sands suffering from Alzheimer's and Crippling Arthritis.

My Third Character was a Cynical, Obnoxious bastard who not only was a Pyromaniac, but preferred to kill his enemies in the slowest way possible. He was known to hold on to a grudge, and while working for the legion killed every faction he was told to gather Intel on simply because he enjoyed killing. He died shortly after The Legion took the Mojave in a duel with The Legate, who he challenged for his rank.

My Current and Forth character is a Bi-Sexual, Emotionless Woman who stops at nothing to achieve her goals. She's a skilled Sniper and Thief, and fights for an Independent Vegas because she figures the NCR only wants resources and the Legion only wants Slaves, even though she may not be 100% correct. She's knowledgeable about American History, and has an extensive Vocabulary in French, English, and Latin. Because of this, Arcade Gannon and her are a very good pair.
As unpopular as I'm sure this will be, my courier was based on a character from Fallout 3. I know, I my defence, it wasn't a canonical character. When I was wandering through the DC ruins, I ran across a traveling scavenger. I bought some things and had some stuff repaired, and was left thinking to myself, "Wow, another traveling adventurer. I wonder what stories they would have to tell, if they weren't just a randomly-generated generic NPC." Somehow, this struck enough of a chord that I still remembered it when it came time to play New Vegas.

So, her story is that she was a scavenger/trader who wanted to see more of the world, and took up the Courier business as a means to an end. At heart, she's still basically an merchant/scavenger, or "prospector" as per the local lingo. She always tries to get the best bargain she can, even though she has and will risk her life for no reward - she's just got that moneymaking instinct. Nonetheless, she has a strong conscience and would rather take the hard way than compromise her beliefs (but would prefer to take the clever route that's the best of both worlds). She's pretty nonconfrontational and tries to avoid violence when possible, but acknowledges that some people just have to be taken out of the wasteland.

She genuinely wants, and tries to bring about, the best for people. However, sometimes her good intentions may be led astray by her love of freedom and liberty. She's a wanderer, after all, and can't imagine much worse than being restrained, even if it's by a just society. As a result of this, she took over the wasteland with Yes Man, reasoning that an incorruptable, powerful "police" force would turn the Mohave into an anarchist paradise. As a result, the Powder Gangers (whose romantic threw-off-their-chains backstory blinded her to their violent banditry) and the Brotherhood (which she just couldn't bear to wipe out due to their connection with the East Coast BOS, even though she consciously knew they were quite different) ended up causing a lot of trouble in her ending.

Oh, and though the ending obviously didn't allow for this, I like to think she turned Yes Man's control over to Julie Farkas before waking off, alone, into the sunset; on to new unknowns, new adventures, and new discoveries.
Joelzania said:
I sometimes roleplay as someone who is mentally insane, as an easy escape from explaining why I'm jumping around so much. It's just so addictive pressing the spacebar.

Best comment on this entire forum
My character is an Ex-Enclave Heavy Weapons trooper

He escaped Navaro and fled to Mojave Wasteland, he was shot in the head because some fink Benny misplaced him as some Courier who was carrying Platinum chip.

Later on he teams up with Enclave remnants and once more takes up his Gatling laser to kill any and all who oppose him.

His specialty is energy weapons,science,speech and regular guns.
Can't RP a Character who is level 42 and has maxed all skills except explosives... But from my choice of guns and playstyle It someone with military background.... Maybe more ex Enclave/Brotherhood since he is skilled in technical things as well, Maybe ex Legion frumentari based on his social skills who drifted and become Courier, Escaping from someone? or trying to forgot who he was or what he has done until the bullet to the head.... Best things is the Lonesome Road confirmed all this. :)

Mr House path was cold and sterile and Legion is too luddite for me So I like best the NCR (most quests you really have occasion to help NCR A LOT in this game) and Free Vegas paths.... Always wanted to become the Wizard of OZ (ZARDOZ) character. :wink:
Brooks, Mercenary, Prospector, Man running from his past. He came from Vancouver and traveled through BC, Washington, California and Reno. Thought he could settle down at the Quarry Junction and have an honest job with the NCR, however an infestation made that a little difficult. So he took up a job with Mojave Express. He kissed death on the lips when he ran afoul a disgruntled Benny. Now he is out for revenge, and closure to his past self.

He despises the Legion and Caesar, but he respects the Legate for his fighting skills.

Brooks specializes in Energy Weapons, Melee, Repair and Science. His father was a part of the Enclave. Once he gets his revenge, he plans to settle down in a small house. He has a natural phobia of Cazadors and will usually go into a frenzy and overkill them just to make sure they are dead. He is tolerant of Ghouls and Super Mutants and can wield a Super Sledge with more effeciancy than most Brotherhood Members
Well my characters name is Lilly
I haven't decided on her personality yet
Well due to the fact that I'm trying to draw her
My characters name is Shepard. He was raised in Montana on a Brahmin farm. At age 16 Shepard left Montana to travel the Wastes as a Courier. Working for various factions such as the NCR, and criminal organizations who were looking to move their chems. Hes been traveling all over the south west for 17 years. Hes chaotic neutral, not an evil man but he isnt a hero either.
My newest character is going to be .... (wait for it!) a courier. He's originally from Montana and up north doing scouting work and courier jobs to get by. Started off with little in the way of weapon skills but hes gotten by being a smooth talker and someone who knows discretion is the better part of valor. (starting skills, sneak, speach, survival) Getting pulled into Benny's play in the worst possible way however has changed him (well maybe it was the gunshot to the head) Hes looking for revenge and will stop at nothing to achive it and finish his mission.

This will be the baseline for my newest playthrough with Sawyer's Mod on Hard. Hopefully the lack of weapon skills doesnt come back to bite me in the ass.

Update : holy hell the road from Goodsprings to Novac has never been so treacherous
Roland Deschain from Dark Tower. Always formal, no problem killing everyone.

Sometimes Vash the Stampede. Humiliates himself but can't be beaten, always trying to find the safe way out.

And with the both of them I can always use pistols (all I ever want to use).
The Courier was born into one of New Reno's many mob families. Being rich and untouchable had its perks of course; it also helped to have a golden tongue that could sway anyone. Her upbringing also left her cold and unfeeling, though; she didn't care who died, who she had to betray, she got her way.

It wasn't too long before she left her home and spot on the drug-lord throne to seek her fortune; somehow, this led her to the boxing ring. She was quick, strong, and did more damage than any other girl in the business, but eventually lost out to another woman. After this important match lost she retreated further into her shell and rejoined her crime family, but assumed a different role. She was quick, strong, but she was also silent. She could work her way in and out of any building and take anything she needed, so she used these skills to her advantage like any other smart women similar to her would do.

Eventually her own snakelike nature caught up to her, and through a series of bad deals and failures she was sent off to New Vegas as a "servant." She was really a slave. She met Mister House himself and ran important errands for him as a courier, but she always knew something wasn't right with him. It was when the all-important Platinum Chip arrived that she looked into it and realized it should be hers. She ran away with it, and on her course was intercepted by Benny, her old friend and kindred spirit.

She woke up not long later in a hospital near Goodsprings.

After waking up and getting her bearings, she had no recollection of anything that wasn't her name. All she knew is that she was a courier and she had some sort of mission... and a score to settle. She worked her way down I-15, and wedged herself smack in the middle of the web of the Powder Ganger's influence. While she did an odd job or two for the group, she secretly busied herself by taking out every single member of their group, and in the end she betrayed them to the NCR. She made sure to kill their leader personally. She was good at killing silently, to her fortune; she had an old pair of spiked knuckles that had been on her hands since she found them on a corpse, and these were perfect for puncturing holes in an unlucky soul's spine.

After destroying the group, she turned her sights towards the NCR. They were civil, surrounded by red tape, and untrained. Their armor also fetched a high price on the market. After improving a small outpost belonging to the Republic she slaughtered all of the soldiers there while being sure to keep command intact. All the while not a single person expected her; she was a flawless killer.

Before nearly dismantling the Mojave Outpost single-handedly she went to Nipton and saw the tragedy first-hand. Not many things made her blood boil, but Caesar's Legion did. She stalked them for nearly a mile before silently destroying all of the sick monsters that had sacked the town, and taking their armor to sell and their machetes as trophies. Not many things enraged her, but some people went too far. The Legion was filled with those people.

That's as far as I've gotten with this character.
3rd or 4th Playthrough of New Vegas, my character is a hardened Mercenary and Bounty Hunter who has put the life of a courier behind him. He is an expert in getting up close with melee weapons and energy weapons. He has a trademark look of Welding Mask, Mohawk and Metal Armour.
I didn't get the idea from Cook-Cook, I had a character in Fallout 3 that wore the same thing, but I didn't bother thinking up anything for him as I had screwed up his skill set entirely.