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  1. M

    Fallout-inspired The Cockroach Sessions album released

    ;) I suppose it's a sort of metaphore for a one-man-band ( the fact that he has all these arms, allowing him to play several instruments at the same time ). The small cell and all the cables are there because that's more or less what my studio looks like : it's very small and there are...
  2. M

    Fallout 3 concept artist Adam Adamowicz passed away

    :( Liked some of his art... Always sad to hear of someone that young passing away. RIP
  3. M

    Fallout-inspired The Cockroach Sessions album released

    And I have just sent you the links :mrgreen: 10 dollars might not be "much" but they still help immensely. Besides, I am aware that not everybody can afford to give ten dollars for something as "futile" as this so in advance : a big thank you to everybody who contributes and to whoever...
  4. M

    Fallout-inspired The Cockroach Sessions album released

    Wow. Thank you so much for making a newspost about this ! Just to clarify, for those wondering why there are a few orchestral songs in the middle of the tribal-ambient and industrial songs : I also wanted to include some of my other work as a "composer". Have no fear as these tracks still...
  5. M

    My Fallout inspired album is finally released !

    Thank you ! Btw, and sorry if that's a bit embarrassing, but that's the first time I'm trying to sell any music so the thing is everybody is commenting on how good it is but only one person has bought it so far :lol: So... Either the prices are too high. or... That kind of music...
  6. M

    My Fallout inspired album is finally released !

    As some of you know, during the last years, I have scored several Fallout inspired mods, projects, webcomics ( Olympus 2207, FOnline : Desert Europe, the N.O.W animated comics that is about to be released ... ) Well, today I'm releasing an album that is the fruit of these projects...
  7. M

    Five Lessons Fallout 4 Can Learn From Skyrim

    I too find Skyrim more enjoyable than FNV. Certainly not deeper in terms of roleplaying possibilities, choices and consequences ( there are almost none, it's a TES game ), but in terms of design, atmosphere, coherence, music, polish ( it's still a Bethsoft game, but at least it feels somewhat...
  8. M

    Five Lessons Fallout 4 Can Learn From Skyrim

    Well, considering how retarded Fallout 3 was and how much better than both Oblivion and Fallout 3 Skyrim is, I'd say that it would be a good thing if Fallout 4 managed to be just that... Unless you still have hope for a true sequel to Fallout 2 of course.
  9. M

    The "I'm a musician, kiss my ass" thread.

    Decided to resurrect this thread. I've bought a few VSTs lately and started working on orchestral music for indie videogames...
  10. M

    I'm selling something that might interest you guys...

    Yeah thanks but it didn't work that well... Buyer asked me to cancel the auction.... Hence why I'm selling these again. Fallout 1 US went to our very own Dutch Ghost. Here are the guides if anyone is interested ...
  11. M

    The Darkness II

    Will buy it for Mike Patton alone.
  12. M

    I'm selling something that might interest you guys...

    The FO1 guide, IMO, is not that good as far as the information it contains is concerned but what's cool about it is that after all the quests are detailed, there is a story of the game written by the Vault Dweller himself under the form of a journal. Kinda like the one in the FO2 manual but...
  13. M

    I'm selling something that might interest you guys...

    Why I'm selling these ? Because I need to buy Symphobia, which is an orchestral VST, to complete my East West Symphonic Orchestra Platinum VST in order to make my music sound more professional and, thus, to get more orders. 850 euros :? This Fallout collection, as much...
  14. M

    I'm selling something that might interest you guys...

    No it's not because it will most likely go for several hundred euros so I'm sending it complete with full tracking and insurance. Besides, the parcel will most likely weight several kilograms so that's how much it's gonna cost me to send it through UPS overseas...
  15. M

    I'm selling something that might interest you guys...
  16. M

    Olympus2207 Presentation Video & Screenshots

    If you like the soundtrack : thank you kindly, I've been working on it for the last few weeks. If you don't : :cry: ALSO : I've seen ingame excerpts and I've got to say that it really does look different from Fallout. The lore and background are pretty good. Hope they release more info...
  17. M

    Fallout Archaeology: Ancient Fallout 1 advertisement

    Can't say I like this advert very much... For some reason, it reminds me of FOPOS.
  18. M

    Unsurprisingly, Duke Nukem Forever reviews are negative

    It's a terrible game... The only good part could have been Duke's voice but it has been done to death during the last twelve years so it really falls flat whenever he says something. Horrible gameplay mechanics. Terrible controls. Laughable graphics. Unexistant level-design. There is...
  19. M

    So, the Duke Nukem Forever demo is out...

    ...and it looks like the game is gonna suck big rancind donkey balls. SURPRISED ? -Fan service every two steps -Horribly dated gameplay, but that was expected ( except not the sluggish mouse control ) -Retarded humor, like, Fallout 3 retarded, but only worse ( don't remember Duke Nukem...
  20. M

    To The Ocean EP ( Fallout inspired )

    Alright so ( biggest Fallout website in France, Hawk-Eye's site ) decided to sponsor my album ( yay to them ! ) and to provide me with a frontpage article and a personal page for this EP ( and maybe for future releases ? )! So you can read a bit about me, that ep, and...