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  1. C

    Something to think about. A few words about Fallout 3 .

    The argument that Fallout 3 has less moral ambiguity is nonsense. Both the original Fallout games had the same amount. Especiallly the second one. The master and mutants from the first Fallout game are basic evil. You can argue that they had good intentions, but most evil probably does. And...
  2. C

    Fallout 3 : A succesful re-branding

    I 2nd that one. I'm pissed about their new KOTOR, but everything they've done is solid.
  3. C

    Fallout 3 : A succesful re-branding

    I am really looking forward to the DLC and inevitable expansions this game will get. I do wish you could continue after the main quest ends, but from what I understand, that might not be possible anyway.
  4. C

    Fallout 3 : A succesful re-branding

    Of course it's up to taste. I think Bethesda does what they do very well. They make huge sandbox worlds and let you play in them. I was excited when I first heard they had bought the franchise, because Fallout seemed right up there alley. I was skeptical about the questing and dialogue, but...
  5. C

    Fallout 3 : A succesful re-branding

    Also, Bethsoft didn't "steal" Fallout. We still have Fallout 1 and 2. This Fallout 3 doesn't make those games any better or worse than they ever were. Further more, Bethesda has been doing open ended RPGs years before Fallout was conceived. If anyone were to buy the IP, I'm glad it was...
  6. C

    Imagination - The cornerstone of Fallout's Universe.

    Deus Ex, Mass Effect, the upcoming Alpha Protocol. Those come to mind. And yes, I realize that Mass Effect is 3rd person, but that hardly matters, you still shoot things in real time. Fallout 3 = an rpg with some FPS mechanics STALKER = an FPS with a few RPG mechanics i believe the...
  7. C

    Thoughts on FO3 (Spoilers)(32hours played so far)(LONG POST)

    Just a small nitpick that I'm surprised no one noticed. Giant ants were an enemy in F2 as well as F3. Not fire breathing ones though. I wish I could ride one.
  8. C

    Dark Humor and Bethesdas Take on It

    The console bashing does get old. I only play computer because I have a nice computer I built, and I don't care enough for TV to own one or a console. But video games is supposed to be fun. Whatever happened to that?
  9. C

    Gripes about the writing

    Fallout 3 has good writing. I am sitting here at work right now playing Fallout 2 on my laptop. The writing is just as good. I think the big difference is that all the dialogue in F3 is spoken. Most of it in F2/F1 is read. Usually, read dialogue comes across as better writing, because we...
  10. C

    The Perfect Fallout...

    The perfect Fallout for me would be F3 with some changes. First, I'd like to go back to the West coast. Make the game big and random like Daggerfall and Arcanum were. Then, you can really be all alone in the HUGE expanse of Desert. Give me my highwayman back, so I can just cruise in realtime...
  11. C

    Small silly things

    Typically, metal won't rust without humidity or some other form of moisture. It doesn't rain in F3. I do agree that in reality, cars 200 years after the fact would not explode when shot...but it is REALLY cool when they do, so I like it.
  12. C

    V.A.T.S. is NOT a combat system

    I'm glad that you are a better gamer than I. That doesn't change the fact that I greatly enjoy VATS.
  13. C

    V.A.T.S. is NOT a combat system

    I've died more times than I can count. Maybe VATS does give a slight advantage, but that point becomes moot when fighting 5 or 6 people at once. And I play on the vanilla difficulty setting. Seems ok to me. Combat, as it is now, has a great kinetic flow to it. If the enemies used VATS too...
  14. C

    Dark Humor and Bethesdas Take on It

    This post looked really cool; pointing out things that can be considered humorous. Then it turned into another F3 hate thread it seems. Anyways, The thing that I found humorous so far was one of the one man bomb shelters. It had a really pleasant note inside, and there was a skeleton in it...
  15. C

    Can someone help with VATS and..

    I'd guess the logical conclusion is that they have all the spare parts they need to repair things, hence their ability to repair things. The player needs similar items to repair things with because that is the easiest way to get identical parts. The merchants probably already have these parts.
  16. C


    So there is a nuka-cola factory that still produces cold sodas?
  17. C


    I agree about the feral ghoul thing. Unless they just like hoarding shiny objects. I don't imagine bottlecaps are very shiny though.
  18. C


    Most of Beth's decision I can get behind. The new BOS and super mutants are at least explained, whether one agrees with the decision or not. But the bottlecap thing seems fairly arbitrary. I suppose if a civilization uses one particular currency for 200+ years, they no longer need to have...
  19. C

    Can someone help with VATS and..

    I'm not sure why you'd want to change repair to be like the merchants. Their repair skill sucks, and some modest point distribution will allow you to repair things better than they can. Unless you are referring to having to scavenge for similar weapons for parts. I find it to be quite...
  20. C


    I do like that you can get bottlecaps from Nuka cola bottles. That is a nice, and fairly realistic touch.