Can someone help with VATS and..


First time out of the vault
And repair?
VATS, if anyone knows how to do it, please mod it. Once you are furhter then 5 meters from a target the accuracy is lame, whatever skills you have. 60 points in small guns gives me 20-25% for head accuracy with a hunting rifle from like 4-5 meters from a raider... Also, from the same distance I get more or less the same accuracy with a sniper rifle. It make combat really dull.
Also, can anyone fix repair? Use the same "type" of repair that the vendors are using when you repair yourself?
I'm not sure why you'd want to change repair to be like the merchants. Their repair skill sucks, and some modest point distribution will allow you to repair things better than they can. Unless you are referring to having to scavenge for similar weapons for parts. I find it to be quite realistic and adds to that "scavenge what you can to survive" feel of the first game.
chaosapiant said:
I'm not sure why you'd want to change repair to be like the merchants. Their repair skill sucks, and some modest point distribution will allow you to repair things better than they can. Unless you are referring to having to scavenge for similar weapons for parts. I find it to be quite realistic and adds to that "scavenge what you can to survive" feel of the first game.

Yes, I mean the part were you need a similar item to repair the one in question. If it's so realistic how do the merchants do it? Do they have a spare power armor around? Or perhaps a Minigun... It's way too annoying because of how fast equipment wares off.
I'd guess the logical conclusion is that they have all the spare parts they need to repair things, hence their ability to repair things. The player needs similar items to repair things with because that is the easiest way to get identical parts. The merchants probably already have these parts.
I really don't want to get into this discussion. With so many things made wrong, things that take away from the fun of the game, I think this is one of the least "realistic" ones that should be kept in place. Now let's see... I need to carry around 2x power armors, 2x helmets, 2x mini guns, 2x combat shotguns... and WOW, I got no more space for loot, only because I need to keep the crap I use in working order. Honestly, it chips away at a defective game play as it is. And as for the VATS thing, please try to use a cheat ... set your agility to 10, small guns to 100... max it all out actually... and then use a sniper rifle and try to aim the head of an enemy that is a few meters from you... have fun!
I agree that the range for the sniper rifle is a bit limited with VATS, but it's not that bad. I have 95 small guns skill and 9 agility and I can snipe enemies far off without a problem.

as for repair, if you could simply repair the items whenever you wanted, why even have them lose quality to begin with? you don't have to carry all that stuff around either, just put it away in your house or whatever and when you return to town use your collection of spare parts to repair your gear and head back out. that's how I do it and it's working great.
Vats is incredibly powerful at close range, and useless at mid to long range. Even with 100 skill and commando/gunslinger, your % to hit is pathetic.

As it stands, you're better off just sneaking and manually aiming for heads (if your weapon is repaired enough).