Search results

  1. G

    Todd doesn't get it

    Shit!!! That's it! It confirms it. Damn!! Ok, the combat system is not the only important thing in fallout game, but it will spoil it so much if there'll be shitty morrowindish fps crap or even worse, active pause. Oh I hate it so much. And what's the point in keeping SPECIAL then. It's only...
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    Pete Explains

    How about hiring Troika to make the game. I'm sure you have funds to employ them. :lol: But anyway, if there really aren't any devs at all, there's no excuse for not properly answering on questions about such basic ''fallout things'' as TB combat and camera wiewpoint(iso, fp, tp). These are...
  3. G

    No TB or?

    Hmmm... Maybe my comprehension of english text is poor, but the way I translate it looks like this: ''we are aware that the TES and Fallout series are totally different kinds of games'' [we understand that TES is realtime, Fallout is turnbased] ''This wasn't a hint about any possible features...
  4. G

    Fallout 3 turnbased?

    So they are aware. We're saved!. Then I guess there's no problem. Let's close this discussion. Let's go in the streets. Let's twist and shout! Hurraaah!!! Why do I get some strange feeling about this though :?:
  5. G

    A Preview of Things To Come?

    Wow, holy shitballs!!! This is screen captured from ingame engine. Ok, nevemind the armor and the castle, but look at the horse and the immpression on the dude's face. Oh wait, does it changes or he'll be wearing that funny grinn whole game never changing it?!
  6. G

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. COOP in danger!!!

    Have to agree with Baboon. The main reason why me and lots of other people are looking forward to this game is the SP. I don't play online games at all thus I don't care much about any online features, but even if I did I would go and play some CS, Quake or whatever. THIS game's only...
  7. G

    Medal of honor: Pathetic assault.

    Hats of to OF of course, but I was quite hooked to CoD because of it's cinematic immersiveness and impressive battle scenes. You really felt like common cannon-fodder thrown into maddness of war. MoH games are more doom/wolfenstain type shooters where you're lone wolf superhero struggling...
  8. G

    New Elder Scrolls/Bethesda forum

    Heh, this is funny stuff. Usually they put a demand in sticky ''rules'' thread for users to search forum before making new threads. Bethesda have decided to go implement just the opposite type of (dis)order in their boards. Is this somehow related to the fact that they're making F3 now?
  9. G

    Luke Haase...Interplay desperately working on report.

    Wow, I didn't know that? Thought thet IP still have it and it's placed in some sort of archive to be never rised as a working project again. So, whats the point for Bethesda to own it if they don't have any intentions to use it the way they use unfinished projects when they buy the rights on...
  10. G

    Leonard interview@DAC

    For Roshambo to leave you alone?! Hmm, have you noticed any pigs flying around your house recently? :twisted:
  11. G

    Leonard interview@DAC

    Better do not. Too much positiveness will make Beth loose their watchfullness. As some say, hope is a last resort for fools. I don't want to be one. Let's espect worse, then maybe we'll be pleasently surprised afterwards. Just a thought. And sorry, for mistyping. Yes it's Troika, Troiiika...
  12. G

    Leonard interview@DAC

    I can't get over the fact that they tried and bought the license in first place. It was so unnecessary. No one gets any benefit from this, nor Beth, nor Troyka, nor us, nor even uncle Bob. Noone. Why should they? If they would've been so respondent, they would never even try to steel away F3...
  13. G

    Leonard interview@DAC

    Yes, that's right, Troyka had exactly the amount they had( hmm..genious conclusion, isn't it), but the point is, if Bethesda hadn't interfere, Troyka would own F3 licence now, because Interplay would've sell it anyway if there hadn't been a higher bidder. And we would be much happier now...
  14. G

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    Thought to say hallo from Latvia where I'm from. There are quite a bunch of unwashed fallout lovers here. I've been lurking in and out here as well as on duckandcover and rpgcodex to see what's new upfront for a year or so and finally decided to register here which I didn't erlier due to a lack...
  15. G

    My Friend Hates Fallout

    Oh well, that is a typical example of fallout gamer's common ethics. As I remember myself I always played a char with agility on 10 and endurance on 2(gifted) apart from the time when I played as ''oooh, buttonz'' type dimmwit. So I usually run away from all the ants and stuff. And Klint...
  16. G

    Favorite weapon(s)

    F1: Alien Blaster of course, but I have to say that it almost becomes boring when you have it. In general, all of the energy weapons rules in F1 as opposite to F2. F2: Bozar, baby, Bozar. FOT: Oh, there are so many fancy firearms there. I try to use them all for a while.
  17. G

    Leonard interview@DAC

    Darn money making/loving no good Bethesda. :evil: This whole thing of Beth taking F3 away reminds me of an imaginary situation. Now imagine: There is a near to bankrupt stage movie company which happen to own the license on Indiana Jones 4 movie. They have already talked to Stephen...
  18. G

    IGN put their hands on Stalker

    And it's not.
  19. G

    is there (hope) a turn-based 3rd person 1st person game?

    Here's some upcoming JA type squad based strategy on 3d engine. In screens it almost looks more like fps or tps, but it's not. Edited: Ah yes, I know, should've posted this in squad based tactical game's thred. My mistake.
  20. G

    IGN put their hands on Stalker

    Sorry, here is an english version, but it haven't been updated frequently. This is some english speaking fansite. No, it's not post apocalyptic, but I thought that while speaking of Stalker we shouldn't forget this, much less known, but promissing project.