S.T.A.L.K.E.R. COOP in danger!!!

you could of course start off by putting it in the correct forum, the gaming forum would be a nice place to put it for instance.

as most petitions yours is pretty badly written tbh. if you really want to make a difference, you might want to take a bit more care when writing it . (yes, i know it wasnt you who wrote it, Warhunter)

anyhow disregard me, i'm in a foul mood today
Who the hell cares about the coop in STALKER anyway? IMO, it's a purebreed single player game, and coop would only ruin it (as if it didn't look choppy enough already).
No, seriously, coop forces the developers to alter game mechanics, and I don't see how it's necessary, with other games of this genre, like System shock and Deus Ex not having coop by default, and still being great. IMO, coop is something you'd play with friends, which is why PC games rarely have it, as you're (almost) always playing with strangers online.
A good coop is worth all the trouble . . I´d play MP far more if games would have decent coop-modes . . deathmatch´s boring!

Stalker is the kind of game that would be a blast with a great coop-mode . . anyway, I´ll pick it up for its SP alone.
Warhunter said:
The Coop mode for Stalker is in danger.
...and this is a bad thing?
Have you considered that many gamers do not like co-op mode?
As Baboon says, altering the game mechanics to pander to a subset of gamers at the expense of others is stupid. Yes the game could have co-op, but what is the point in having a mediocre game with co-op? Surely the playabilty of the main game should be paramount, rather than a niche feature.
Having a co-op mode would dissuade me (somewhat) from buying the game. It's just not what I'm looking for. I play games because I don't particularly like playing with people. If I wanted to play games with people I'd play real ones, not electronic ones.

Meh. Personal opinion I s'pose, but mebbe someone should start a "Keep co-op out of STALKER" petition to counteract yours. :D
At any rate, it's pretty doubtful that the petition will make any difference. Unfortunately, even companies that pride themselves on listening to the fans rarely let what they hear influence their game.
Have to agree with Baboon. The main reason why me and lots of other people are looking forward to this game is the SP. I don't play online games at all thus I don't care much about any online features, but even if I did I would go and play some CS, Quake or whatever.
THIS game's only significant feature (fancy looks don't count) is the possible breakthrough in the single player FPS/rpg mode.
I gotta say coop is really great in my book, i usually avoid playing multiplayer these days besides with my friends, seeing as most people online are apparently retarded 13 year old thugs.

And how come no one has commented on the infinite usefullness of online petitions?
oops, sorry about that, your post was kinda long, can't say i read it all, and besides, i find your avatar to be really distracting.
Macaco said:
oops, sorry about that, your post was kinda long, can't say i read it all, and besides, i find your avatar to be really distracting.

heh, like your av isn't distracting :wink:
Macaco, your avatar makes me think you're some kind of off the wall jester here to shower us with merriment!

I don't really like co-op, it's more of a console thing. Instead, it'd be nice if they made some kind of freeform persistent server MP thing, sort of like in the Freelancer game.