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  1. S

    Treading very carefully... does rape have a part in Fallout?

    If that's supposed to be an Aliens reference, it's "rat-fuck son of a bitch". (Or did you bowdlerize it here, even though it's a thread about rape...)
  2. S

    Anybody interested in selling Fallout 1 big box version?

    If I had one, I would for sure. I don't understand the whole retro or collector mentalities. But I don't, so ignore this comment.
  3. S

    Fallout 2, my starter character

    Oh, I know. What does Outdoorsman even do in FO1?
  4. S

    Fallout 2, my starter character

    My basic character, kinda boring: S: 6 P: 7 E: 4 C: 7 I: 7 A: 8 L: 1 Yeah, bad luck. I know. And subpar endurance. Tagged: Small Guns, Outdoorsman (Fallout 2)/Speech (Fallout 1), Steal Traits: Finesse, Chem Resistant. I'm sure I'm making a lot of noob mistakes. Whatever.
  5. S

    Location Idea for future games- 224 year old general store

    This is a wonderful idea. Fits well with the nostalgia bit of Fallout. OT: Did anyone notice all the non-sequitur comments (on the supposedly-liberal Huffington Post, no less) about how this is somehow Obama's fault? I don't mean to start any political quarrels, people are just being stupid.
  6. S

    'My Little Fallout'

    People were asking about Vault 42. Apparently, the Fallout Bible says it was the one with extra-dim lightbulbs. Damn, I was expecting ponies.
  7. S

    PV13 Restoration Fallout Online Mod/Game MODDERS NEEDED

    I could potentially help with the writing, being quite good at it. Just stroking me ego though, doubt you'll really need me.
  8. S

    Any way to get into Vault City vault after blowing up Gecko?

    Lol, the dev team doesn't think of everything. So the game assumes that you couldn't possibly enter the vault without being a citizen or fighting, and doesn't code the citizenship seperately for the doc.
  9. S

    My wallet decided it wants all the versions of Fallout 1 ...

    I got it at Target, actually, just last year. But given the stores' similarity, it's not out of the question that Wal-Mart had it too. As for the disappearing, I can't seem to find it at Target either, so... probably.
  10. S

    Any way to get into Vault City vault after blowing up Gecko?

    You can still get most of the loot. I meant that to see the excellent doctor there you'll have to be a citizen.
  11. S

    Any way to get into Vault City vault after blowing up Gecko?

    If you get in peacefully as a citizen, there's a great free doctor. But since that's not the topic, you can still get a lot of ammo, some metal armor, the red memory module, books, medical supplies, basic weapons, general sellable loot... Yeah, going in is a good idea.
  12. S

    Are these different types of Russian or just different fonts

    Not to mention the fact that the left is "Fallout (TM)", and the right is a bunch of random accented vowels that I can't bother copypasting because English keyboards suck in that department...
  13. S

    Are these different types of Russian or just different fonts

    Using Google Translate (I know, great translation source): 1st button: L: "Establish" R: "Installation" 2nd button: L: "Play" R: "Game" 3rd button: L: "Readme [Untranslated] File" R: "Information" 4th button: L: "Establish DirectX [Untranslated]" R: "DirectX [Untranslated]"...
  14. S

    My wallet decided it wants all the versions of Fallout 1 ...

    I've only got the "Fallout Classic Collection" box D: But then, no one else here seems to, so I'm special. Yay. It's just 1, 2, and Tactics in a collection, and the OP seems to have two variations on the same thing. Seeing the PEGI label, though, I'm assuming those must be the European...
  15. S

    Any way to get into Vault City vault after blowing up Gecko?

    Nope. If you blow up the power plant, Lynette will hate you forever. So no to her. And there's no way besides the PP or Test. Sorry, you're screwed.
  16. S

    Recreating Fallout 3

    I realize I'm a year late with this, but I asked someone to do just that, and got a very helpful response: Here Fallout 1: One grid side is about 12 mi/19 km. Fallout 2: One grid side is 26-30 mi/~50 km. Give thanks to Formerk for me.
  17. S

    Just finished Fallout 1, it was amazing, but...

    I see that the problem a lot of people have with FO2 is the comedic nature of it. Jesus Christ people, "It sucks because it's funny, and that doesn't fit my narrow-minded image of what Fallout should be".
  18. S

    Should NMA post a Kickstarter to buy F1/F2 source code?

    As awesome as it would be, Bethesda is way too greedy to give up something like the FO1/2 source, even if we payed them. Unless we're talking a few mil, which I doubt we could get via Kickstarter. But there may be hope: does Bethesda own the VB code, or, since it was never released, is it...
  19. S

    What's your OS when playing Fallout?

    Windows 7. I am not an old person (older Windows), a hipster (Apple) or a computer geek (Linux).
  20. S

    Jinxed trait! Play a character with it if you haven't yet.

    Eh, that trait (obtained from the dog :/) was never useful to me. I broke my precious sniper rifle fighting through the Shark Club, and was too far in to reload, so I had to troll around New Reno for ages to find some gangsters with one. Eventually I managed to corner the pooch and murder...