'My Little Fallout'

TheBlackDeathOfWasteland said:
Fucking bronies everywhere! More and more weird ass fetishes found every day.... :shock:
*flank fetishes

...Oh, wait I misread what you meant. You meant weird-ass fetishes, not weird ass-fetishes. :lol:

verevoof said:
If you're not going to resize huge images, put them in spoiler tags or something.
Oops, didn't think about that for people who run at a lower res. Done.
People were asking about Vault 42. Apparently, the Fallout Bible says it was the one with extra-dim lightbulbs. Damn, I was expecting ponies.
SealyStar said:
People were asking about Vault 42. Apparently, the Fallout Bible says it was the one with extra-dim lightbulbs. Damn, I was expecting ponies.
And, of course, the Vault that was built in honor of the answer to life the universe and everything.

What is up with the internet and this show? It's okay but it's annoying how everywhere I turn too I see those ponies

Here is something that gives it a nice round-up :D. Personally, I prefer Doland over ponies :P. Especially after those derphoofs slaughtered me in Diablo 3-s inferno ponyland :lol:

The way they just refuse to atleast keep the most basic plots in summary is kind of brain jarring... I checked the wiki on a whim, and they just simplafied everything - instead of Haveing the Resource war they just called the Great war a decades long technological race. The whole point of the Great war was for it to be SHORT >_<

But anyway... meh. I seen worse Fallout fiction.

Like Fallout 3

Khuzor said:
The way they just refuse to atleast keep the most basic plots in summary is kind of brain jarring... I checked the wiki on a whim, and they just simplafied everything - instead of Haveing the Resource war they just called the Great war a decades long technological race. The whole point of the Great war was for it to be SHORT >_<

But anyway... meh. I seen worse Fallout fiction.

Like Fallout 3


Well some liberties have been taken to adapt the two series for crossover, (without going into too much detail here...) the biggest change being the emphasis on characters and what happened to them 200 years earlier, specifically the ones featured in the show, and as that story takes shape it is kind of explained why the war goes on for so long. There are plenty of interesting tidbits added in and references for long time Fallout fans.

Like it was mentioned on the first page, don't knock it unless you've tried it. The story is surprisingly engaging once you get past the massive chapter sizes and the characters are memorable and fit well into both universes.

(also, if you're feeling particularly curious there's a side story written by someone else, but approved by the original author that just recently cleared 1,000,000 words and still going strong)
I'm new to the FoU due to FoE. I had once seen Fo3 in some stores, and thought about getting it, and didn't want to get 3 without playing 1 or 2. Not finding it, I forgot about it. I may not have played much Fallout, but I want to play as much of it as possible... all do to a little girls show.:lol:

I need a FAR better computer to play the games. I am using one that is a bit old, and falling apart. As soon as I am able, I'll play them all.:smile:

(also, if you're feeling particularly curious there's a side story written by someone else, but approved by the original author that just recently cleared 1,000,000 words and still going strong)

Are you talking about Project Horizons? If so, then it is still going strong now. I'd love to see how many words are in it as of chapter 64. And if I remember correctly, it hit the one mil mark in chapter 32... or so.
4Chan hates it probably more than many other websites. /mlp/ not included.

Also, horses are extinct in fallout. All the bronies can go home.

In Fallout, yes.
In Fallout Equestria, no.
In Fallout only posts, sure and no way. I'll go there if I want, but I'm not going to go on about mlp or FoE... Unless someone else does first.
In Fallout Equestria posts, no. This was set up to talk about FoE. If you hate it, then you go. Simple enough of a concept?

I wonder if you even read the story. It's darker than Fo1,2,3,T, and NV. It has grayer lines of good and evil, and right and wrong. Really give it a read. It's free.
Of course FoE is dark! The fallout games would instantly become darker if you replaced all the characters with... pony characters. Exploding ponies and burning ponies, shooting ponies in the groin with a plasma rifle... Junky pony prostitutes. I don't know, man.

EDIT: I thought I won't mention it, but, Night_Shade, you should really throw that "in real world there are no unicorns but in my magicmagic! world there are unicorns so deal with it!" attitude in a deep dark pit. I understand you like your ponies, great, just don't be an ass. Get it? :V You like ponies - don't be an ass
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I wasn't really trying to be a total ass or anything. A guy said "Also, horses are extinct in fallout. All bronies can go home." So I made a reply to that comment. I pointed out that while he was right, he didn't think to take into consideration "in fanfic, anything goes." And that crossovers are going to take that a bit farther.
Seeing as how people have a "My little pony has no conflicts" look to almost anything involving the franchise, I did think it was worth pointing out that the book is in fact dark. Now you're saying that the fact there are non-human characters populating the world makes it darker... That is something that still boggles me. Don't get me wrong, I kinda know where you're coming from. There's a mindset that non-human life is better and deserves more... as can be seen in drives to raise money for orphaned kids turns less money than that for animal shelters. But cartoon worlds are MADE to be able to show more edgy things, and still be less effective than that of non-cartoons. And yet I still hear people crying how dark and morbid the funny-as-hell-story "Cupcakes" is. So while I see your point there, it's a mystery as to why it is. With that said, it's not darker for the fact it's using ponies from a colorful kids story, but in the dilemmas and chooses made with in it.
i.e. "Is it right or wrong to kill a child raider for raping? Is it better to give him/her a chance to change, or to stop it as soon as possible?" I never even heard of any such thing in the FoU even being hinted at.
And if it looked as it I was saying anything like what you seemed to be saying I was saying...:? (I think you tried to say I was saying "Well not in FoU, but FoE," or "Well that's true, but I like it better for it to not be true," something like that... I think:confused:) It was due to Akratus' statement 'horses are extinct. Once again, I was pointing out that his logic/thought brakes down in the world of fanfics and crossovers.

And finally:
"I understand you like your ponies, great, just don't be an ass. Get it? :V You like ponies - don't be an ass." First: not MY ponies. Second: I live by the motto "do onto one, as you wish others to do onto you", he was an ass at the end, so I figured that's how he wanted to be treated. Still, I tried to tone it down, because I don't like others being an ass to me. The last bit of what I said "I wonder if you even read the story" was a jab at him implying that fanfics (or maybe just bronies) have not place in fallout (most bronies I've talk to, love the FoU), and how he comes to a thread of something doesn't like, and implying bronies are inflicting him with stuff he doesn't like. (If you don't like something, and there is a small corner for those who do like (to talk about it among themselves), and you go there there to say "go away"... it is you invading their space.)

So even though I think such scum of the universe don't deserve any nice treatments, I let him have it. Because that's what I would want. (now that my credo is broken to explain myself) I wonder if you can defend his actions and words (or if he can himself, of course). Do YOU really think it was even close to being polite for him to tell some people to leave, while he didn't do the same? If you do, then it sounds like you're being an ass.
To end on a positive note, (aside from calling me an ass, you seem like a nice guy, so) have a nice day.:smile:
Drop the attitude. Calling people "scum of the universe" because they pointed out a simple fact and don't like the same things you do is uncalled for.

Everyone calm down before it escalates. If you like or don't like this My Little Pony, that is fine.
Okay now I'm getting lost. I'm going to try and brake things down, and let me know when I'm getting an attitude or being an ass.

I look for and find a forum for bronies to talk about things relating to MLP. To make it all better (and more fitting), it's over a crossover fanfic of MLP and Fallout. No replies in it for a year and a halve. So I thought I might start up some nice conversation with some friendly people, over a mutually like thing. If I was the first and last to post on this thread after so long, then oh well. I tried. Here is my first post:

I'm new to the FoU due to FoE. I had once seen Fo3 in some stores, and thought about getting it, and didn't want to get 3 without playing 1 or 2. Not finding it, I forgot about it. I may not have played much Fallout, but I want to play as much of it as possible... all do to a little girls show.:lol:

I need a FAR better computer to play the games. I am using one that is a bit old, and falling apart. As soon as I am able, I'll play them all.:smile:


Originally Posted by CalculatedChaos
(also, if you're feeling particularly curious there's a side story written by someone else, but approved by the original author that just recently cleared 1,000,000 words and still going strong)

Are you talking about Project Horizons? If so, then it is still going strong now. I'd love to see how many words are in it as of chapter 64. And if I remember correctly, it hit the one mil mark in chapter 32... or so.

In short: I say what brought me to liking the fallout universe, and point out the irony that what finally did it was a kids show. Make a jab at my computer not being up to par. And finally, (hoping but not holding my breath) replied to an old comment about one of the fanfic's spinoffs, to maybe get some clarification.

Then Akratus made a reply to an older comment:
Originally Posted by Sduibek

Originally Posted by Sabirah

Originally Posted by alec
This is strangely arousing.


What is up with the internet and this show? It's okay but it's annoying how everywhere I turn too I see those ponies

Blame 4chan.

4Chan hates it probably more than many other websites. /mlp/ not included.

Also, horses are extinct in fallout. All the bronies can go home.

He makes a correction (not sure if it really is, but that's all I have to go on, so it's a correction) to something said in the statement. Then seems to miss the point of fanfiction, and this thread in general. Up till this point I was fine with it. But after going to a thread (with a topic he didn't like), he tells any one who might be interested to basically fuck off.

Trying to get the point across 'if you don't like it, don't bash those that do', I replied:

Originally Posted by Akratus
4Chan hates it probably more than many other websites. /mlp/ not included.

Also, horses are extinct in fallout. All the bronies can go home.

In Fallout, yes.
In Fallout Equestria, no.
In Fallout only posts, sure and no way. I'll go there if I want, but I'm not going to go on about mlp or FoE... Unless someone else does first.
In Fallout Equestria posts, no. This was set up to talk about FoE. If you hate it, then you go. Simple enough of a concept?

I wonder if you even read the story. It's darker than Fo1,2,3,T, and NV. It has grayer lines of good and evil, and right and wrong. Really give it a read. It's free.

Simply: This thread is over a fanfic, not the games. The story isn't child friendly like the show. If you care enough to post here, why not read the book. Free, so little to no lost for you to read it.

Then Gaspard replied:

Of course FoE is dark! The fallout games would instantly become darker if you replaced all the characters with... pony characters. Exploding ponies and burning ponies, shooting ponies in the groin with a plasma rifle... Junky pony prostitutes. I don't know, man.

EDIT: I thought I won't mention it, but, Night_Shade, you should really throw that "in real world there are no unicorns but in my magicmagic! world there are unicorns so deal with it!" attitude in a deep dark pit. I understand you like your ponies, great, just don't be an ass. Get it? :V You like ponies - don't be an <i style="background-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">assClick here to see the hidden message (It might contain spoilers)<input type="button" value="Show" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; width: 45px;">


It seemed that my point of it being darker was greatly miss understood. One little reply can help clarify. Simple enough. Then he says (while I was trying to be more civil) that I was being a greater ass for defending bronies. (no name calling, no telling others to leave, just defending)

So I worked on fixing any confusion:

I wasn't really trying to be a total ass or anything. A guy said "Also, horses are extinct in fallout. All bronies can go home." So I made a reply to that comment. I pointed out that while he was right, he didn't think to take into consideration "in fanfic, anything goes." And that crossovers are going to take that a bit farther.
Seeing as how people have a "My little pony has no conflicts" look to almost anything involving the franchise, I did think it was worth pointing out that the book is in fact dark. Now you're saying that the fact there are non-human characters populating the world makes it darker... That is something that still boggles me. Don't get me wrong, I kinda know where you're coming from. There's a mindset that non-human life is better and deserves more... as can be seen in drives to raise money for orphaned kids turns less money than that for animal shelters. But cartoon worlds are MADE to be able to show more edgy things, and still be less effective than that of non-cartoons. And yet I still hear people crying how dark and morbid the funny-as-hell-story "Cupcakes" is. So while I see your point there, it's a mystery as to why it is. With that said, it's not darker for the fact it's using ponies from a colorful kids story, but in the dilemmas and chooses made with in it.
i.e. "Is it right or wrong to kill a child raider for raping? Is it better to give him/her a chance to change, or to stop it as soon as possible?" I never even heard of any such thing in the FoU even being hinted at.
And if it looked as it I was saying anything like what you seemed to be saying I was saying...:???: (I think you tried to say I was saying "Well not in FoU, but FoE," or "Well that's true, but I like it better for it to not be true," something like that... I think:confused:) It was due to Akratus' statement 'horses are extinct. Once again, I was pointing out that his logic/thought brakes down in the world of fanfics and crossovers.

And finally:
"I understand you like your ponies, great, just don't be an ass. Get it? :V You like ponies - don't be an ass." First: not MY ponies. Second: I live by the motto "do onto one, as you wish others to do onto you", he was an ass at the end, so I figured that's how he wanted to be treated. Still, I tried to tone it down, because I don't like others being an ass to me. The last bit of what I said "I wonder if you even read the story" was a jab at him implying that fanfics (or maybe just bronies) have not place in fallout (most bronies I've talk to, love the FoU), and how he comes to a thread of something doesn't like, and implying bronies are inflicting him with stuff he doesn't like. (If you don't like something, and there is a small corner for those who do like (to talk about it among themselves), and you go there there to say "go away"... it is you invading their space.)

So even though I think such scum of the universe don't deserve any nice treatments, I let him have it. Because that's what I would want. (now that my credo is broken to explain myself) I wonder if you can defend his actions and words (or if he can himself, of course). Do YOU really think it was even close to being polite for him to tell some people to leave, while he didn't do the same? If you do, then it sounds like you're being an ass.
To end on a positive note, (aside from calling me an ass, you seem like a nice guy, so) have a nice day.:smile:

Simply: The story's not dark for it's use of animals, but for the situations and dilemmas they get into. An example of a darker dilemma seen in the fanfiction not seen in the games is, "Do you kill all raiders, because they are raiders, or spare some for they might change their ways?" You imply I'm saying I like the book more than the game, for it has fantasy elements, and not the game for it's lack of fantasy elements. False, I was just pointing out Akratus' fault in looking at the fanfic as the game. If I was trying to be an ass, or a jerk, or simply push my likes, that last comment would have been more like, "Why don't you fuck off? Scum like you make the world look like a flying ball of shit. Be better, do better. Like the nice ponies." And not, "If you hate the product so much you hate those who like it, then go away. Let those who like it, like it in this little corner of the world wide web." You seem like a nice guy, so I'll end this post positively. Have a nice day.

Then you twist what I said to be, "People are scum of the universe if they don't like what I like or point out facts." I tried to make it clear, but it seems to be shown among the blind. I was calling people who hate a show, and thus the fans of the show, and spew hate scum of the universe. If some one doesn't like it, okay. Don't like it. If you go to a place where those who do like it, talk to them. Ask why they like it, or say why you don't. All that is fine to me. Telling people to leave a thread made for them, isn't.
Also, I'm lost as to the thing about facts. Can you be more clear on that? I'm not all that smart, but I love to learn, so saying something like 'calling people scum for point out facts' doesn't sit right with me. I don't even know where that came from.:shock:

And sorry for a second long post. You and Gaspard had a lot to talk about, and I needed to explain myself better in each.:oops:</i>
All bronies must fucking hang.

View attachment 221

See verevoof, this is the kind of thing I was talking about. This guy might not care that it is possible the writers of Happy Tree Friends likes My Little Pony (or just the things the bronies have made), and still he uses Flippy killing everyone. If the rummors are true (and a new tv show for HTF is being worked on), then I wonder this guy would be happier not have it, or just letting the bronies be. (I think the latter's true. He hates all fans, even if those fans make his kind of entertainment.)

btw, I love the picture:lol:, it seems like if one of the cast would do this, it would be Flippy.
You could just let people who don't like MLP be. Stop wasting your time on an audience that doesn't like what you like. You could be using such time elsewhere talking to people who share your likes. You're not going to convert anyone here.
You could just let people who don't like MLP be. Stop wasting your time on an audience that doesn't like what you like. You could be using such time elsewhere talking to people who share your likes. You're not going to convert anyone here.

:facepalm:What? Are you just not reading what I post?:confused:
Once again:
1. I don't care that they don't like MLP, I do care that they are bashing the fans where they made a place to talk about a MLP fanfic called Fallout Equestria.
2. I don't care if fans leave the fandom, or if people join it.
3. I am posting here for the exact reason you seem to be telling me not to. All of what you have said just now.
4. Why aren't you saying anything to those hating on a thread, when they don't like the topic to begin with? Would you say the same to some one saying FoT is for fags, and that all people on the forum posts dedicated to FoT should die... on FoT threads. I'm being more civil than those two. It almost seems like you are looking at a trashcan fire and a house fire and saying "Wow, some one needs to stop that trashcan fire before some one gets hurt."

I just thought of another way to put this:
When the haters stop coming here (to hate and not talk, talking is better if you didn't know) or some fans come to chat, then I'll stop my trashcan fires, and let you walk past burning houses. Fair?:deal:

I just noticed, you said "Calling people 'scum of the universe' because they pointed out a simple fact" and I asked what fact. You still haven't told me. I'd also like to point out, that I have now said that I am not hating those who don't like the show, the fanfic or anything like that, but people who belittle others due to a lack of interest in one or more of those things (including this newest one) 8 times now (6 before this post, meaning two times in this post alone), and that is why I think you're not reading what I've said.
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