Search results

  1. S

    Scariest Fallout critter

    Earlier, I said wanamingos. I apologize. Now that I think about, centaurs are by far the most horrible. Every time I see them I think of: TRAUMA TRIGGER: [spoiler:85d9f51103]The Human Centipede *shudder*[/spoiler:85d9f51103] [spoiler:85d9f51103]Of course, I made a joke out of it, and I now...
  2. S

    Bringing up map when traveling the world map

    Really? In Fallout 1, unmodded, I got stopped automatically every so often after I left the Glow, since I was glowing radioactive (not enough RadX).
  3. S

    Improvements on combat/companions/skills in the next game

    Nope. In Fallout 2 Myron will pussy out at the drop of a hat. The pariah dog (which is really more of a deadweight than a companion, but technically is one) actively runs away, and NEVER attacks. Just to let you know.
  4. S

    Your Favourite Fallout game?

    Fallout 2: While not the first Fallout I played, I was totally impressed with this one. Its engine sported significant improvements over FO1, and the sheer number of weapons, NPCs, locations, etc. combined with the freedom that these gave. Obviously, it's not without its flaws (too many goddamn...
  5. S

    New Arroyo mod thread

    It should at least be fixed so that Arroyo gets restored (people, bridge, etc.) after beating the Enclave, if nothing else.
  6. S

    Evil mod for Fallout 2

    It wouldn't be any more evil than the normal, I think. But it would be a good option-walk up to some really. Stupid. Mutant. and trick him into thinking it's some kind of medicine.
  7. S

    New animations 2

    I hope I don't sound too insensitive... If you want a completely peaceful game, Fallout is probably the wrong place.
  8. S

    New animations 2

    I translated his rant above into coherent English, just in case you're interested: To my good man tester123: Apparently you have trouble understanding. This is a proposed mod with the intent of adding spiders. It will not require "anarchofobes" to install it and play with it. We are not...
  9. S

    Wish List for Next fallout game

    No, just let us kill the annoying brats, like in FO1 and FO2.
  10. S

    I want to hear ideas for new factions/organizations

    I like the above two ideas for the Shi and WBC clone. I also liked the ark ones, and the Basques-in-Nevada concept. They would be led, of course, by Uruzuastegui. Best Basque name ever.
  11. S

    Real Life SPECIAL

    S- 7 (I've got hamfists, but they hit hard) P- 7 (I can sense a lot of things better than most people) E- 3 (I think a few dozen meters of running would literally kill me) C- 6 (I'm about average in looks, decent at speaking) I- 9 (I don't mean to brag... but I've got an excellent memory and...
  12. S

    New animations 2

    1. What is your native language? 2. No one is making your Arachnophobic friend(s) install a spider mod for Fallout. Installing a mod to add spiders is much different from installing one to remove them.
  13. S

    A mod that make armors visually visible on party members

    There does exist an NPC armor mod. Killap's RP has it built in by default, in fact. All it involves is making a buttload more sprites. Aside from sheer hard work, there's not a lot of additional labor involved.
  14. S

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    What about the marriageable men for our female characters? Also, concerning that "Rainbow Confederation", the unused dialog file has some stupid interesting bits: 1. "You're one of us", or "Your kind are welcome here". I assume this would be if the player had Miria (if female) or Davin (if...
  15. S

    Level of civilization/tribals in Fallout 4

    Re: Where do you want Fallout 4 to go? Like Fallout 2. Where there's a healthy mix of barren survivalism, more-civilized communities, and true civilizations in their own right. i.e. Arroyo/Modoc, Gecko/Den, NCR/Vault City
  16. S

    Scariest Fallout critter

    The Wanamingos. They're so eerily enigmatic. We don't know what they were "made" from, where (canonically) they came from, or many other details, and they're rather formidable in their own right.
  17. S

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    Would something be brought into consideration, please? The re-addition of what might be the most controversial FO2 cut content: The Rainbow Confederation random encounter.
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    Power Armor in Wasteland

    Yeah, it's not specific to Fallout. Pretty much any science-fiction media is going to have some sort of power armor.
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    Armor should get damaged with use

    I like this idea. However, from a technical standpoint, I'm not even sure if it's possible. I would think that if it WAS possible, armor durability would have to be stored like ammunition in guns.
  20. S

    How do YOU create a character?

    I always decrement my luck and endurance (probably not as smart as I think) and give those points to "diplomatic" areas like CH and IN, as well as brute-force combat like ST and AG. I ALWAYS tag a weapon ability (can't always count on diplomacy), a "diplomatic" or "sabotage" one like Speech...