First time out of the vault
If you were to give yourself SPECIAL points based on who you are now. What would give yourself? And be as accurate as you can.

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong place.
Strength - 4
Perception - 7
Endurance - 6
Charisma - 5
Intelligence - 6
Agility - 6
Luck - 7

Traits: Small Frame, Fast Metabolism

Tags: Guns, First Aid, Repair

I find it very hard to accurately rate myself like this. I am fairly average all around. I am pretty perceptive, so I rated it a little higher. I have always done well in school, and consider myself above average intelligence. I have been told that I am pretty strong considering how small I am. I have pretty good endurance and agility as well since I am so light, however due to my Fibro, I receive a -1 to my Strength, Agility, and Endurance leaving me with the score you see above. I survived what should have been a fatal car crash (and numerous other accidents), with no injuries to speak of, so I believe I am lucky if such a thing exists. The Army taught me how to repair vehicles, and equipment, fire various types of weapons, perform first aid, and numerous other things. I also look like Jack Skeleton and have a super fast metabolism.

Also, I think this thread has been done before.

So I tweaked it a little bit. I didn't account for my good looks on the charisma, so I adjusted it. I find it amazing that we have several Stephen Hawking's posting on these forums. NMA truly is a gifted place. :look:
Ben said:
S- 6
P- 4
E- 9
C- 1
I- 9
A- 8
L- 5

I have some frontal lobe damage


You appear to possess the intelligence, endurance, and agility of a superhero. Still in the military?
TorontRayne said:
Ben said:
S- 6
P- 4
E- 9
C- 1
I- 9
A- 8
L- 5

I have some frontal lobe damage


Also, you appear to possess the intelligence, endurance, and agility of a superhero. Still in the military?

Yeah, ruck marching qualifies that endurance stat. About to go do it in Georgia for a few months.
Ben said:
TorontRayne said:
Ben said:
S- 6
P- 4
E- 9
C- 1
I- 9
A- 8
L- 5

I have some frontal lobe damage


Also, you appear to possess the intelligence, endurance, and agility of a superhero. Still in the military?

Yeah, ruck marching qualifies that endurance stat. About to go do it in Georgia for a few months.

If you are that smart you should either be an officer, or in another line of work! :wink:
TorontRayne said:
Ben said:
TorontRayne said:
Ben said:
S- 6
P- 4
E- 9
C- 1
I- 9
A- 8
L- 5

I have some frontal lobe damage


Also, you appear to possess the intelligence, endurance, and agility of a superhero. Still in the military?

Yeah, ruck marching qualifies that endurance stat. About to go do it in Georgia for a few months.

If you are that smart you should either be an officer, or in another line of work! :wink:

Way ahead of you on that butterbar thing...
S: 5 (I was a 6 -> a bit stronger than an average human and a little bigger but then I cut apart my flexor tendon on my left arm and lost some strength due to lesser power in the left arm)
P: 4 (little bit of dioptry)
E: 5 (I get over diseases or poisonings fast, although I dont have much energy reserve)
C: 5 (I'm not pretty nor charismatic, although I have the "take it easy but dont fuck with me" vibe going on and it attracts some people)
I: 6 (a bit smarter than an average human, although not a brainiac)
A: 5 (was 3, tho with 3 year constant taekwon-do practice in the past I had improved myself for the future)
L: 5 (win some, loose some)

I consider myself to be almost golden middle, a pea in the pea basket.
S: 4 (a bit weeker)
P: 7 (more perceptive)
E: 5 (average)
C: 5 (average)
I: 6 (a bit smarter)
A: 5 (average)
L: 4 (I'm, as you can see, unlucky)
S- 7 (I've got hamfists, but they hit hard)
P- 7 (I can sense a lot of things better than most people)
E- 3 (I think a few dozen meters of running would literally kill me)
C- 6 (I'm about average in looks, decent at speaking)
I- 9 (I don't mean to brag... but I've got an excellent memory and above-average logic/reasoning abilities)
A- 4 (I'm clumsy and inflexible, but I'm pretty dexterous)
L- 4 (Almost nothing works for me as well as it does for most people)


Chem Resistant (It takes a long time and large amount of any drug to start affecting me)

Tag Skills:

Melee Weapons (I'm good at bludgeoning, stabbing, and cutting. I've never picked up a gun in my life), Steal (Better hide your stuff well if I'm around), Science (pretty much the epitome of an intelligence-based skill, one which I'm good at.)
This thread already exists here at NMA...good luck finding it.

S = 3
P = 4
E = 2
C = 3
I = 2
A = 3
L = 1

I was born two months premature. When I was one, I was dropped on the porch. When I was two, I had pneumonia. When I was three, I got the chicken pox. When I was four, I fell down the stairs and broke six ribs. When I was five, my uncle was decapitated by a watermelon. When I was six, my parents hit me in the head with a shovel. When I was seven, I lost my right index finger to my pet rat. When I was eight, my dog Spike got hit by a tractor. When I was nine, my mother lost her arm to a rabid brahmin. When I was ten, my sister was torn to bits by a pack of dogs. When I was eleven, my grandfather killed himself because I was ugly. When I was twelve, my grandmother killed herself because I was ugly. When I was thirteen, my father poked out his eyes with a pitchfork in a drunken stupor. When I was fourteen, my brother lost his hand to a wallaby. When I was fifteen, my aunt choked to death on a chicken bone. When I was sixteen, I lost my cousin to a badger. When I was seventeen, I cut off my left big toe with a hoe. When I was eighteen, my father lost his right leg to the same tractor that killed my dog. When I was nineteen... :roll:
.Pixote. said:
This thread already exists here at NMA...good luck finding it.

S = 3
P = 4
E = 2
C = 3
I = 2
A = 3
L = 1

I was born two months premature. When I was one, I was dropped on the porch. When I was two, I had pneumonia. When I was three, I got the chicken pox. When I was four, I fell down the stairs and broke six ribs. When I was five, my uncle was decapitated by a watermelon. When I was six, my parents hit me in the head with a shovel. When I was seven, I lost my right index finger to my pet rat. When I was eight, my dog Spike got hit by a tractor. When I was nine, my mother lost her arm to a rabid brahmin. When I was ten, my sister was torn to bits by a pack of dogs. When I was eleven, my grandfather killed himself because I was ugly. When I was twelve, my grandmother killed herself because I was ugly. When I was thirteen, my father poked out his eyes with a pitchfork in a drunken stupor. When I was fourteen, my brother lost his hand to a wallaby. When I was fifteen, my aunt choked to death on a chicken bone. When I was sixteen, I lost my cousin to a badger. When I was seventeen, I cut off my left big toe with a hoe. When I was eighteen, my father lost his right leg to the same tractor that killed my dog. When I was nineteen... :roll:

I get it. Probably because of my high perception ... :wink:
Lol. I meant based on who you are now, not who you want to be.
5 being average. 10 being the best around.


Traits: bloody mess, heavy handed

Tags: Unarmed, Guns, First Aid
ST - 02
PE - 01
EN - 02
CH - 03
IN - 07
AG - 01
LK - 05

Equipment bonus:
+5 Perception from prescription glasses
+3 Charisma from hair pomade 8-)