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  1. S

    Restoration Mod issues

    Yeah, there are no gun/knife frames for the tribal...
  2. S

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Why? If the Chosen One manages to best a group of Enclave soldiers, (s)he fully deserves as much energy ammo as (s)he can carry. I have some suggestions, too 1. Change Goris' intelligence. Instead of being 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, make it like 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9. Why the increase? Because he's...
  3. S

    The Crashing Presidential Key...

    Oh, well... yes, I did blow him up. Does this always happen? Because it doesn't happen on most NPCs (that's how I capped Bishop). But, while it may be unrelated... Where the HELL do I get that many super stims, lol?
  4. S

    New creatures

    I'd like to see one in Arizona/the general southwest. With mutant javelinas, something like "razortusk pigs".
  5. S

    The Crashing Presidential Key...

    In Navarro, I can kill Richardson and take the presidential key or whatever, but if I try to save or go to a different area, the game crashes and doesn't give an error message. It doesn't happen at any other area in the Enclave... help...
  6. S

    Plasma or Laser

    That, and it feels more like the cheesy 50s sci-fi on which the games were (or at least intended to be) based. It's a sign of a great game when they turn technical limitations into part of the game's aesthetic.
  7. S

    Post war Canada

    They have fur? I thought only the freaky-ass ones from Tactics did.
  8. S

    Fallout: Chicago (Includes Thorough Setting and Map)

    I... I really hate to two-month necro, but this looks really interesting... Chicago would be a good Fallout setting. There's something that irks me about your map, though. Aside from O'Hare, there's not much on it outside of downtown. No tribals, no crazed suburbanites, nothing.
  9. S

    Post war Canada

    No, regular deathclaws are just mutated chameleons. The intelligent deathclaws in Fallout 2, however, were genetically engineered by the Enclave.
  10. S

    Elders Scrolls Online announced.... so no Fallout Online?

    But the $300 Ultra Deluxe Pack can only be bought on the Bethesda website, and includes an in-game Cazadore mount, Radiation Mask, faux-gold Vault Boy statuette, concept art booklet, 10-page comic, $10 of money shop credit, and a fourth tag skill!
  11. S

    Your Favourite Fallout game?

    I sure hope you didn't seriously miss the sarcasm.
  12. S

    Your Favourite Fallout game?

    Not to mention how memorable the characters are. I mean, who's ever going to forget Armpit, Ruby, and Attis? No one! But no one is ever going to remember who Cassidy, Goris, Sulik, or Myron are. In fact, who the hell are they?
  13. S

    Your Favourite Fallout game?

    I know, right? And it's got so much action, compared with how slow and turn-based Fallout 1 and 2 are. Not to mention the wonderful 3d, and almost all the characters have dialogue! /sarcasm
  14. S

    who do you see ruling the US/Canada in the next 50-100 years

    The NCR. They've got a stable, US-like government, decent technology, a large population, plenty of resources, and most of their enemies are pretty weak.
  15. S

    Approximate Scale of Map Squares in Fallout 1/2?

    It would be fun if I was physically fit enough :P But no, I'm just interested, really. It could also be good for the handful of TC mods out there, to know the default scale for their map.
  16. S

    Approximate Scale of Map Squares in Fallout 1/2?

    1. Thanks! The miracles of Photoshop and Google maps... 2. No, it's definitely not 50 miles/tile. In either game.
  17. S

    FO3 or FO: NV?

    FONV for sure. NV has a larger game world, more-advanced crafting, better (though not perfect) balance, a more-memorable and less-cliched story and cast, and a much better "Fallout" feel to it. FO3 has a small game world, "crafting" that was programmed by apes, horrible imbalance, a...
  18. S

    Approximate Scale of Map Squares in Fallout 1/2?

    I'd like to find out. Was an exact scale ever given? Can it be calculated based on walking times, or with a map of the area? It'd be useful and interesting to know.
  19. S

    Your Favourite Fallout game?

    Fallout 2. Second would be a tie between FNV and F1. It has an incredibly large world, a robust engine, and a lot of memorable moments, none of which can be matched by the other games.
  20. S

    depressing moments in Fallout games?

    I always did that for Goris ;_; Deathclaws forever.