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  1. Relentless666

    A group of Legionaries run up to you...

    Futue te ipsum! I am the goddamn Caesar! Prepare yourselves for some serious ass whipping!
  2. Relentless666

    Afterfall: Insanity financial woes, trailer, $1 pre-order

    Is this a real game or are they just scamming people with a fake trailer and keeping the money for themselves?
  3. Relentless666

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

    So it's a teaser that basically consists of a dungeon and a dragon? How original. Show me at least a screenshot, otherwise I don't care.
  4. Relentless666

    2241 - 2281 : The Choosen One

    I'd say the closest we've gotten to the Chosen One's name is the pre-made Fallout 2 characters. Since canonically he is male, one can speculate his name is either Narg or Mingan. But that's just speculation.
  5. Relentless666

    Let's be thankful!

    Nah, worked fine. Maybe because I'm playing on a PC or maybe I was just lucky. I don't recall, I didn't play that much.
  6. Relentless666

    Post images of your character

    Is it just me or would "Axe to the Balls" make a great AC/DC song title?
  7. Relentless666

    Let's be thankful!

    I'm thankful it has a "Quit game" button. I'm also thankful it made NV possible. But most of all, I'm thankful it got me into Fallout.
  8. Relentless666

    Do you think it's perfectly okay to dismiss Fallout 3...

    So, does this analogy turn S.T.A.L.K.E.R. into the "Chronicles of Narnia"?
  9. Relentless666

    Real-life Buildings/Locations in NV...

    KHAAAAN! Anyway, here's a couple of pictures of Buffalo Bill's Casino located in Primm. Apart from the roller coaster, It doesn't look too much like Bison Steve's, but still...
  10. Relentless666

    Do you think it's perfectly okay to dismiss Fallout 3...

    Go ahead, skip it. You won't miss a thing. The story and setting are insultingly shallow. The wrigting is bad, the voicework is lazy, the game is nothing more than ok action and metro tunnels. And your choices don't really have an impact on the world. So just jump to New Vegas. NV is the real...
  11. Relentless666

    First details on Dead Money, New Vegas' first DLC

    So, it's not going to be a high-class Ocean's 11 style of casino heist. I guess I can live with that. I'm still curious where they are going to put this Sierra Madre complex. Apart from that, this screenshot looks pretty silly. Glowing neon eyes, brown pijamas and a bear-trap for a hand...
  12. Relentless666

    My issues with New Vegas

    Hell, The Gamebryo engine's been barely updated since Morrowind. I highly doubt they can do anything better with it.
  13. Relentless666

    Fallout: New Vegas DLC announced - Dead Money

    Dead money? Sounds more like a waste of money. I just don't see how they'd pull a heist with this engine. And the summary itself sounds sort of lame and unimaginative. But I'm a PC gamer, why should I care? :)
  14. Relentless666

    Legion/BoS war (Expect spoilers)

    Man, these last two games make me forget how awesome the Power Armor is supposed to be.
  15. Relentless666

    Legion/BoS war (Expect spoilers)

    I'd say the Legion would avoid direct combat with the BoS. It's more likely they'd resort to guerrilla warfare. Also, even though the Legion doesn't have guns, they sure don't have a problem with using mines. And even Power Armor's not immune to some well-placed explosives.
  16. Relentless666

    Non Combat Resolution Prevalence?

    Well, as someone who's not into first person shooters, I found a way to play this game with very little combat. With good science, speech and medicine I'd say one can do at least 70% of the quests without getting into fights. And with the right companions and the right difficulty, you can breeze...
  17. Relentless666

    Scripted effect help

    Wasn't there a mod that does something like this for Fallout 3? I'd look it up on the Nexus.
  18. Relentless666

    If you were making Fallout 4

    NV is a great game, but on a crappy engine. I'd start by tossing the GameBryo through the nearest window, then find a good one, that's not too heavy on modern machines. Honestly, New Vegas would have worked better even on something as old as the GTA:San Andreas engine!
  19. Relentless666

    Fallout: Miami Trailer

    Not bad, not bad at all. I'd say you need some kind of skyline behind those hotels (Maybe just a 2d image would work?). And some maybe more junk on the ground. Still, it's cool and actually makes me think Fallout: Miami could work.
  20. Relentless666

    Post images of your character

    Hahahah, that's awesome.