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  1. Relentless666

    New Vegas: The Movie

    Stiff strippers and kindergarten drawings? No, thanks.
  2. Relentless666

    Companions: Thoughts about them?

    I've decided to focus on Science, Speech and Lockpicking, plus I'm too lazy to shoot at things. I've had enough shooting with FO3. So I have ED-E and Boone to cover my back. The first one spots them, the second one blows their heads off with a sniper rifle. I just sit back and occasionally shoot...
  3. Relentless666

    25 best Fallout New Vegas mods

    There is no God, is there? This looks like something Tank Girl would fuck.
  4. Relentless666

    How many Fallout 3 modders are on this forum?

    I know my way around 3ds Maxq though I mostly do some 2d stuff. I've done some minor visual tweaks to improve my game, but I've not released anything so far. Currently working on: -Improved securitron screens. Victor looked a lot better in that first teaser trailer of the game. -Cleaner...
  5. Relentless666

    The verdict on Caesar's Legion (minor early-game spoilers)?

    I think the Legion is a bit too Roman and it ends up looking out of place. I've not played on the Legion's side though, so I'm probably missing some things. In any case, it's just a bit too much. The faction needs a more Post-apocalyptic feel. More guns, less skirts.
  6. Relentless666

    What kind of mods would interest you?

    I agree about an improved crafting system. We need custom armor that can only be obtained via crafting. Also, the ability to break down armor and combine different armors and items to get new ones.
  7. Relentless666

    25 best Fallout New Vegas mods

    Wait, thats just cheating!
  8. Relentless666

    More Fallout Then Fallout (MOD)

    I was thinking about power armor in general, mainly Brotherhood armor. The T-45d and T-51b have so much dirt and grime, they look like they were dug 2000 years ago. Power armor should be a lot more durable and clean. That's just my opinion though. I like what you did with the APA. It looks a...
  9. Relentless666

    More Fallout Then Fallout (MOD)

    The thing is... the old games had these big heavy power armors. Not only were they relatively grime/dirt/rust free, but their size alone was menacing. Power armor in 3d should look like the marine armor did in Starcraft 2. I'm not talking textures here, just size. Sadly, the new games have to...
  10. Relentless666

    Direction of New Vegas' DLC

    I've seen some graffiti in the texture files regarding Sierra Madre. I'm guessing we'd go there in one of the DLCs.
  11. Relentless666

    Why can't you actually JOIN a group (Legion, NCR, etc)?

    Maybe they left this feature for the DLC? I doubt it, but it is possible.
  12. Relentless666

    Any mentions of Harold?

    I like thinking Harold somehow got out of the tree and is now free of Bob. :D But I haven't heard anything Harold-related in NV.
  13. Relentless666

    Fallout 2161's website has gone live

    I really hope this mod would happen. I doubt it, because huge projects like these very rarely get finished, but still... It's a cool idea and I'm really curious if you can pull it off.
  14. Relentless666

    Things you *aren't* pleased to see

    Just visited the airport and.... Airplanes don't have any doors. How do pilots get in them? Do they just teleport inside? It's bugging me.
  15. Relentless666

    Post images of your character

    Well... Here is my guy. Ready to show his completely harmless Novac motel room who's boss! :lol:
  16. Relentless666

    Fallout: New Vegas mods and fixes

    I'm using the third person cam mod and it's awesome. You have to experience it. Feels like a whole different game. Though maybe that's just me - I've always hated the shoulder cam. The MTUI is great too. (though I changed the window background to pure black) Also, I've made my own little...
  17. Relentless666

    Direction of New Vegas' DLC

    I'm pretty sure they'd make an Area 51 DLC. I'm not too excited about it, but it would sell. Personally though, I wouldn't mind visiting San Diego/Tijuana. San Tijuego! :lol: Other than that, I hope we get more quests regarding people and places already in the game. For example, smaller...
  18. Relentless666

    Things you *aren't* pleased to see

    That's exactly how I feel. So Ive turned off my radio. Every time I enter a house, the first thing I do is turn off their radio. It's odd, but it seems almost everyone seems to have a radio. And it's playing even when they sleep. :D
  19. Relentless666

    Things you *aren't* pleased to see

    A few random things: - The Pipboy is still a messy piece of crap. - Ceasar's Legion is a bit too silly. - No vehicles. Seriously, I'm getting sick of walking everywhere. - No place to store my junk. - Caravan. Seems like a great idea, but it's really poorly executed.
  20. Relentless666

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    11/10 - For making Picard look even extra awesome.