Monster of the East
Hi, I'ts my first post. The question was propably already asked.
Why can't you actually join any group? Yes, you get a high rep with a group, you can wear their clothes, but you are never really a part of them, even in the end fight.
Why can't I be a Legionnaire Recruit, do some basic training, officially get their clothes and a Machete for a start, and after many quests and fighting, be a legit Decanus or even Centurion in the end fight?
Same goes for NCR. Start as a official Recruit at Camp McCarren or so, and in the end be a Colonel.
Or the Rangers. First join the NCR, and when you are good enough you are officially invited to join the Rangers.
Even when you are idolized by the Legion, or NCR, or the Rangers, wear their armor and fight and win for them, YOU ARE NEVER REALLY A PART OF THEM. You are always this semi-independent traveler who just happens to fight for one side, without actually belonging to them.
Why is that? I want to be a legit, accepted and feared Centurion for heaven's sake!
Why can't you actually join any group? Yes, you get a high rep with a group, you can wear their clothes, but you are never really a part of them, even in the end fight.
Why can't I be a Legionnaire Recruit, do some basic training, officially get their clothes and a Machete for a start, and after many quests and fighting, be a legit Decanus or even Centurion in the end fight?
Same goes for NCR. Start as a official Recruit at Camp McCarren or so, and in the end be a Colonel.
Or the Rangers. First join the NCR, and when you are good enough you are officially invited to join the Rangers.
Even when you are idolized by the Legion, or NCR, or the Rangers, wear their armor and fight and win for them, YOU ARE NEVER REALLY A PART OF THEM. You are always this semi-independent traveler who just happens to fight for one side, without actually belonging to them.
Why is that? I want to be a legit, accepted and feared Centurion for heaven's sake!